Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1421 .A35 Landwirtschaft = Agriculture / 1
HD1421 .F365 FAO statistical pocketbook : world food and agriculture. 1
HD1421 .F6347 World crop statistics: area, production and yield, 1948-64. 1
HD1421 .R46 1966 Report on the 1960 world census of agriculture. 1
HD1421 .U522 Crops and markets. 1
HD1425 Applied statistics for agriculture, veterinary, fishery, dairy and allied fields / 1
HD1425 .A15 2013 2000 world census of agriculture : methodological review (1996-2005) 1
HD1425 .F548 1995 Nonlinear dynamics in economics : a theoretical and statistical approach to agricultural markets / 1
HD1425 .P3 Statistical technique in agricultural research : a simple exposition of practice and procedure in biometry / 1
HD1425 .P4 Statistical methods applied to agricultural economics / 1
HD1425 .U49 1959a United States census of agriculture : 1959 and related surveys / 1
HD1425 ebook Estadística para las ciencias agropecuarias / 1
HD1428 Fundamental and applied scientific research in the development of agriculture in the Far East (AFE-2022) : agricultural cyber-physical systems.
Food for all : international organizations and the transformation of agriculture /
Fundamental and applied scientific research in the development of agriculture in the Far East (AFE-2021) : agricultural innovation systems.
HD1428 .A38 2006 Agricultural standards : the shape of the global food and fiber system / 1
HD1428 .A44 2021 Fundamental and applied scientific research in the development of agriculture in the Far East (AFE-2021) : agricultural innovation systems. 1
HD1428 .A47 1980 U.S. agri-business and the energy-rich nations : partners for agricultural development in the 80's : selected papers and materials / 1
HD1428 .I547 2009 Global report / 1
HD1428 .I547 2009a Synthesis report : a synthesis of the global and sub-global IAASTD reports / 1
HD1428 .I547 2009c East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) report / 1
HD1428 .I547 2009e North America and Europe (NAE) report / 1