Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1531.C7 Territorialidad y resistencias campesinas el conflicto de Los Leones.
Conceptualización Del Campesinado en Colombia : Documento Técnico para Su Definición, Caracterización y Medición /
HD1531.C7 A94 2020 Vida campesina en el Magdalena Grande. 1
HD1531.C7 C4214 2019 Luttes paysannes en Colombie 1970-2016 Conflit agraire et perspectives de paix / 1
HD1531.C7 ebook Guerra contra el campesinado (1958-2019) dinámicas de la violencia y trayectorias de lucha.
Materiales pedagógicos e investigativos : dinámicas y conflictos territoriales en los Montes de María /
Juan de la Cruz Varela : sociedad y política en la región de Sumapaz, 1902-1984 /
HD1531.C8 P88 2002 The company they kept : migrants and the politics of gender in Caribbean Costa Rica, 1870-1960 / 2
HD1531.C8 R66 1994 Conciliacion o conflicto? : luchas campesinas y democracia en Costa Rica / 1
HD1531.C9 B35 2003 La protesta rural en Cuba : resistencia cotidiana, bandolerismo y revolución 1878-1902 / 1
HD1531.C9 P47 1989 Lords of the mountain : social banditry and peasant protest in Cuba, 1878-1918 / 1
HD1531.C9 S93 2015 Rebel lands of Cuba : the campesino struggles of Oriente and Escambray, 1934-1974 / 2
HD1531.D58 T76 1988 Peasants and capital : Dominica in the world economy / 1
HD1531.D6 Peasants in distress : poverty and unemployment in the Dominican Republic / 1
HD1531.D6 T87 2003 Foundations of despotism : peasants, the Trujillo regime, and modernity in Dominican history / 1
HD1531.D6 V36 1990 Peasants in distress : poverty and unemployment in the Dominican Republic / 1
HD1531.D6 V36 1991  
HD1531.E2 S29 2022 The small matter of suing Chevron / 1
HD1531.G9 On our own terms : development and indigeneity in Cold War Guatemala / 1
HD1531.G9 F67 2001 The time of freedom : campesino workers in Guatemala's October Revolution / 1
HD1531.G9 F67 2001eb The time of freedom : campesino workers in Guatemala's October Revolution / 1
HD1531.G9 G73 2019 Dealing with peace : the Guatemalan campesino movement and the post-conflict neoliberal state / 1
HD1531.H2 S55 2001 When the hands are many : community organization and social change in rural Haiti / 1