Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1694.C2 H8 Water development and water planning in the Southwestern United States / 1
HD1694.C2 H83 1992 The great thirst : Californians and water, 1770s-1990s / 2
HD1694.C2 H83 2001 The great thirst : Californians and water, a history / 2
HD1694.C2 H863 2020 The Great Thirst / 1
HD1694.C2 M33 1997 Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin study : report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission / 1
HD1694.C2 M66 1946i History of legislation and policy formation of the Central Valley Project 1
HD1694.C2 R34 2021 California versus BlueTriton : the fight for water use / 1
HD1694.C2 S63 California's man-made rivers : history and plans for water transfer / 1
HD1694.C2 S7 1958 Economic considerations in the formulation and repayment of California water plan projects : a report : SRI project no. I-2300 / 1
HD1694.C2 S77 2016 Drought, water law, and the origins of California's Central Valley project / 1
HD1694.C2 U5598 1987 To authorize the construction of the Mid-Valley Unit of the Central Valley Project : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, on H.R. 572 ... hearing held in Madera, CA, May 15, 1987. 1
HD1694.C2 W46 1976 Who'll get the water? : California and U.S. at odds on distribution : a series of articles reprinted from the Los Angeles Times. 1
HD1694.C3 A3 Management of the California State Water Project. 1
HD1694.C3 A535 Management of the California State water project. 1
HD1694.C6 A5 1956 Colorado's water resources / 1
HD1694.C6 A515 1968 Water conservation agencies of the State of Colorado. 1
HD1694.C6 A73 Available financial assistance / 1
HD1694.C6 B73 The history of the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project / 1
HD1694.C6 C599 1988 Colorado water / 2
HD1694.C6 C599 1992 Colorado water / 1