Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1699.C53 R47 1993 L'Homme et l'eau dans le bassin du lac Tchad = Man and water in the Lake Chad basin : Séminaire du Réseau Méga-Tchad, J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 13-14 mai 1993 / 1
HD1699.E25 W5 Drawers of water : domestic water use in East Africa / 1
HD1699.E3 Conventional water resources and agriculture in Egypt /
Unconventional water resources and agriculture in Egypt /
The MENA powers and the Nile Basin Initiative /
HD1699.E3 B37 2014 Cultivating the Nile : the everyday politics of water in Egypt / 1
HD1699.E3 G68 2016 Social capital and local water management in Egypt / 1
HD1699.E3 G68 2016eb Social capital and local water management in Egypt / 1
HD1699.E3 G683 2016 Social Capital and Local Water Management in Egypt. 1
HD1699.E3 M43 1984 Irrigation and society in rural Egypt / 1
HD1699.E32 D35 2021 Sustainable water solutions in the western desert, Egypt : Dakhla Oasis / 1
HD1699.E8 W38 2010 Water resources management in Ethiopia : implications for the Nile Basin / 1
HD1699.G42 A284 1997 The economics of water and waste in three African capitals / 1
HD1699.G52 V6578 2016eb The Volta River Basin : water for food, economic growth and environment / 1
HD1699.I5 I53 2019 Indus River Basin water security and sustainability / 1
HD1699.I5 M5 The Indus Rivers : a study of the effects of partition. 1
HD1699.J6 F474 2023eb In search of the River Jordan : a story of Palestine, Israel and the struggle for water / 1
HD1699.J6 S18 The Jordan River dispute /
The Jordan river dispute /
HD1699.J6 S78 Jordan River partition / 1
HD1699.K4 C65 2006  
HD1699.K4 -- C65 2006eb Climate Variability and Water Resources Degradation in Kenya : Improving Water Resources Development and Management. 1
HD1699.L5 The fluvial imagination : on Lesotho's water-export economy /
Interest groups, water politics and governance : the case of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project /