Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1699.S6 South Africa's water predicament : freshwater's unceasing decline /
THERE IS WATER a traveller's view of the xhariepean community in transition.
HD1699.S6 U57 2019 Understanding Water Security at Local Government Level in South Africa / 1
HD1699.S62 E864 2021 eThekwini's green and ecological infrastructure policy landscape : towards a deeper uinderstanding / 1
HD1699.S8 V47 2015eb Water, civilisation and power in Sudan : the political economy of military-Islamist state building / 1
HD1699.T34 K553 2019 Water brings no harm : management knowledge and the struggle for the waters of Kilimanjaro / 1
HD1699.T82 National water security case study of an arid country : Tunisia. 1
HD1699.T87 The Omo-Turkana Basin : cooperation for sustainable water management / 1
HD1699.Y42 T34 2001 Water stress: some symptoms and causes a case study of Ta'iz, Yemen / 1
HD1699.Z32 The Aral Sea Basin Water for Sustainable Development in Central Asia. 1
HD1699.Z32 Z36 2017eb The Zambezi River Basin : pathways for sustainable development / 2
HD1699.Z33 The contested floodplain : institutional change of the commons in the Kafue Flats, Zambia / 1
HD1699.Z33 A46 2021 The political economy of hydropower dependant nations : a case study of Zambia / 1
HD1699.Z33 L54 2013 Light and power for a multiracial nation : the Kariba Dam scheme in the Central African Federation /
Light and power for a multiracial nation the Kariba Dam scheme in the Central African Federation /
HD1700.A1 Decision making in water resources policy and management : an Australian perspective / 1
HD1700.A1 .G563 2014eb Global water : issues and insights / 3
HD1700.A1 P54 2006eb Australia's water resources from use to management / 1
HD1700.A1 W38 2018 Water policy, imagination and innovation : interdisciplinary approaches / 1
HD1700.R46 B78 2019eb Water and rural communities : local politics, meaning and place / 1
HD1700.V5 P68 1989 Watering the garden state : water, land, and community in Victoria, 1834-1988 / 1
HD1701.A1 The risk of water conflicts in aotearoa-new zealand : emergence and intensification / 1