Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1751 .A91854 no.138 Suppl Food consumption, prices, expenditures. 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 235 SF196.U5 Cattle raising in the United States / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 236 Public investments and population changes in three rural Washington state towns / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 238 Hedging potential in grain storage and livestock feeding / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no.240 An economic analysis of cling peach production with emphasis on harvest mechanization / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 241 Farm corporations; a financial analysis / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 242 HJ5805 Increasing impact of Federal estate and gift taxes on the farm sector : present law and proposed changes / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no.245 Price-quantity relationships for selected retail cuts of pork / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 246 HV696.F6 Families in the expanded food and nutrition education program : comparison of food stamp and food distribution program participants and non-participants / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 247 Major uses of land in the United States ; summary for 1969 / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 248 Market structure, institutions, and performance in the fluid milk industry / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 249 Farmland tenure patterns in the United States / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 250 Farming in the city's shadow : urbanization of land and changes in farm output in standard metropolitan statistical areas, 1960-70 / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 251 Income of farm wageworker households in 1971 / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no.253 U.S. peach industry : part 2 - an interregional competitive model for canned peaches / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 255 SF196.U5 Southwest cattle ranches: organization, costs, and returns, 1964-72 / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 256 KF6760.5 State programs for the differential assessment of farm and open space land / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no.258 Supply control savings for hog slaughtering-processing plants / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no.260 Economic impact of controlling surface water runoff from U.S. dairy farms / 1
HD1751 .A91854 no. 262 TC423 Evolution of the small watershed program : changes in Public law 566 watershed protection and flood prevention program, 1954-72 / 1