HD1761 .H56 1999eb
Agricultural crisis in America : a reference handbook / |
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HD1761 .H57 2010
Applied risk management in agriculture / |
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HD1761 .H6
Economic policy for the farm sector / |
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HD1761 .H836 1964a
Problems of progress in the agricultural economy / |
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HD1761 .H87 2015
The British gentry, the Southern planter, and the Northern family farmer : agriculture and sectional antagonism in North America / |
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HD1761 .I53
Increasing understanding of public problems and policies. |
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HD1761 .I56 2012eb
The intended and unintended effects of U.S. agricultural and biotechnology policies / |
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HD1761 .I58 1977eb
HD1761 .I73
How agriculture operates : in production, in marketing. |
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HD1761 .I74
Problems and policies of American agriculture. : [Papers] |
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HD1761 .I75
Farm policy review conference papers. |
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HD1761 .I75 no. 5
Seminar on Consumer Preferences and Market Development for Farm Products : [papers] / |
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HD1761 .I75 no.6
How agriculture operates : in production, in marketing. |
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HD1761 .I75 no. 7
Price and income policies : first annual Farm Policy Review Conference, November 29-December 1, 1960 / |
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HD1761 .I75 no.10
New areas of land-grant extension education : a report and interpretation by extension administrators and specialists from the University of Arkansas, Cornell University, Iowa State University, the Pennsylvania State University with the Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, and Education Research Associates, Boulder, Colorado. |
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HD1761 .I75 no.11
Cold war, world poverty, and land-grant colleges. |
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HD1761 .I75 no.15
The future for beef. |
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HD1761 .I87 1985
Issues in 1985 agricultural legislation : 1985, 99th Congress, 1st session. |
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HD1761 .J6
Agriculture and the tariff / |
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HD1761 .J63 1985
Agricultural policy and trade : adjusting domestic programs in an international framework : a task force report to the Trilateral Commission / |
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