Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1761 .U38 1989 Losing ground : agricultural policy and the decline of the American farm / 2
HD1761 .U46 2010 Understanding U.S. farm exits, farm survival, and the role of commodity payments / 1
HD1761 .U46 2010eb Understanding U.S. farm exits, farm survival, and the role of commodity payments / 1
HD1761 .U55 1981 A time to choose : summary report on the structure of agriculture. 1
HD1761 .U554 2001i Department of Agriculture, Commodity Credit Corporation dairy price support, dairy recourse loan, livestock assistance, American Indian livestock feed, and pasture recovery programs. 1
HD1761 .U56 Preliminary projections of economic activity in the agricultural, forestry and related economic sectors of the United States and its water resource regions, 1980, 2000, and 2020 / 1
HD1761 .U87 2013 US programs affecting food and agricultural marketing / 1
HD1761 .V63 1981 The myth of the family farm : agribusiness dominance of U.S. agriculture / 1
HD1761 .V64 2019 Myth of the family farm agribusiness dominance of u.s. agriculture / 1
HD1761 .W38 1967 Agricultural policy : a review of programs and needs / 1
HD1761 .W422 1983 Trading the future : farm exports and the concentration of economic power in our food economy / 1
HD1761 .W427 2014 Plowed Under : Food Policy Protests and Performance in New Deal America.
Plowed under : food policy protests and performance in new deal America /
HD1761 .W435 Economics of American agriculture / 1
HD1761 .W435 1974 Economics of American agriculture / 1
HD1761 .W44 The farmer in the second World War / 1
HD1761 .W45 Agriculture and the business cycle since 1920 : a study in the post-war disparity of prices / 1
HD1761 .W484 2021 American Agriculture From Farm Families to Agribusiness. 1
HD1761 .W67 World agricultural trade : the potential for growth : proceedings of a symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, May 18-19, 1978 / 1
HD1761 .W74 1995 Reforming agricultural commodity policy / 1
HD 1761 .W75 1952 For how long- does the farmer feed them all / 1