Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HD1987 .D48 1974 | The Dutch rural economy in the Golden Age, 1500-1700. | 1 |
HD1987 .P645 1949 | Heren en Boeren . Een studie over de commissiën van landbouw (1805-1851) | 1 |
HD1987 .R65 | Dutch organized agriculture in international politics, 1945-1960. | 1 |
HD1992 |
Tsardom of sufficiency, empire of norms : statistics, land allotments, and agrarian reform in Russia, 1700-1921 / On Russian soil : myth and materiality / |
2 |
HD1992 .A6 | Men versus systems : agriculture in the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia / | 1 |
HD1992 .A694 | Krestʹ︠i︡anskoe khoz︠i︡aĭstvo Evropeĭskoĭ Rossii, 1881-1904 / | 1 |
HD1992 .A695 | Rossiĭska︠i︡a derevn︠i︡a v gody pervoĭ mirovoĭ voĭny : 1914-fevralʹ 1917 g. / | 1 |
HD1992 .B72 | Die Landwirtschaft in der Sowjetunion / | 1 |
HD1992. C6 1962c | Soviet agricultural and peasant affairs / | 1 |
HD1992 .C6 1965aa | Soviet and East European agriculture / | 1 |
HD1992 .C87 1982 | Current trends in the Soviet and East European food economy / | 1 |
HD1992 .D27 2017 | Hammer, sickle, and soil : the Soviet drive to collectivize agriculture / | 1 |
HD1992 .E385 | Ėkonomika selʹskogo khoz︠i︡aĭstva / | 1 |
HD1992 .E44 2006 DVD | Elegy of the land Élégie paysanne / | 1 |
HD1992 .G425 2009 |
Modernism and public reform in late imperial Russia rural professionals and self-organization, 1905-30 / Modernism and public reform in late imperial Russia : rural professionals and self-organization, 1905-30 / |
2 |
HD1992 .H45 2004 | Inventing a Soviet countryside : state power and the transformation of rural Russia, 1917-1929 / | 1 |
HD1992 .H68 1892i | The economics of the Russian village | 1 |
HD1992 .I65 1964 | Soviet agriculture : the permanent crisis / | 1 |
HD1992 .I83 1986 | Istori︠i︡a sovetskogo krestʹ︠i︡anstva / | 1 |
HD1992 .J3 | The socialized agriculture of the USSR : plans and performance. | 1 |