Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HD2153 .R47 2018 | Restructuring global and regional agricultures : transformations in Australasian agri-food economies and spaces / | 1 |
HD2157 .B5 1823a | Report on agriculture and trade in N. S. W. | 1 |
HD2157 .F56 | Landed enterprise and penal society : a history of farming and grazing in New South Wales before 1821 / | 1 |
HD2177 .M4 | On the margins of the good earth : the South Australian wheat frontier, 1869-1884 / | 1 |
HD2195.5 | Agricultural economics and food policy in New Zealand : an uneasy but successful collaboration between government and farmers / | 1 |
HD2195.5.Z8 N37 1987x | National policies and agricultural trade : country study, New Zealand. | 1 |
HD2195.6 .A67 2016 | Agriculture and rural connections in the Pacific, 1500-1900 / | 1 |
HD2196.5 .S55 2010 | From land to mouth : the agricultural "economy" of the Wola of the New Guinea highlands / | 1 |
HD2196.5 .S55 2010eb | From land to mouth : the agricultural "economy" of the Wola of the New Guinea highlands / | 3 |
HD2321 |
Typology of industrialization processes in the nineteenth century / The industrial revolution : the state, knowledge and global trade / Historical patterns of industrialization / The industrial revolution in world history / Typology of industrialization processes in the nineteenth century Family and business during the Industrial Revolution / INTERNATIONAL CAPITALISM AND INDUSTRIAL RESTRUCTURING a critical analysis. Tomorrow's people and new technology : changing how we live our lives / Les révolutions industrielles, ou, La naissance du monde moderne : la métamorphose par le progrès / |
11 |
HD2321-4730.9 |
Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry. Mergers, Markets and Public Policy Technology Infrastructure and Competitive Position / The Evolution of Industrial Districts Changing Governance, Innovation and Internationalisation of Local Capitalism in Italy / Privatization and State-Owned Enterprises : Lessons from the United States, Great Britain and Canada / International Networks of Banks and Industry The Contribution of the Postal and Delivery Sector : Between E-Commerce and E-Substitution / Resource-Based and Evolutionary Theories of the Firm: Towards a Synthesis / Postal and Delivery Services : Delivering on Competition / Incentive Regulation for Public Utilities / Future Directions in Postal Reform Competitive Transformation of the Postal and Delivery Sector / Commercialization of Postal and Delivery Services: National and International Perspectives / Price Level Regulation for Diversified Public Utilities: An Assessment Regulation and the Nature of Postal and Delivery Services / Markets, Pricing, and Deregulation of Utilities / Regulation and Macroeconomic Performance / Electricity Pricing in Transition / Expanding Competition in Regulated Industries / The Economics of Localized Technological Change and Industrial Dynamics / The Economics of Small Firms : a European Challenge / Scientists as Entrepreneurs Organizational Performance in Scientist-Started New Ventures / The Causal Structure of Long-Term Supply Relationships : an Empirical Test of a Generalized Transaction Cost Theory / The Competitive Advantage of Industrial Districts : Theoretical and Empirical Analysis / The State and the International Oil Market : Competition and the Changing Ownership of Crude Oil Assets / Economic Evolution, Learning, and Complexity / Telecommunications Demand in Theory and Practice / American Manufacturing in a Global Market / Deregulation and Diversification of Utilities / The Changing Postal and Delivery Sector : Towards A Renaissance / Innovation, Creativity and Law / The Economics of the Antitrust Process / Pricing in Competitive Electricity Markets / Innovation, Employment, and Firm Performance in the German Service Sector / Spot Pricing of Electricity / Regulation and Economic Analysis : a Critique over Two Centuries / Health Care Policy and Regulation / Incentive Regulation and the Regulation of Incentives / The Structure of European industry Service Opportunities for Electric Utilities: Creating Differentiated Products Competition, Efficiency, and Welfare : Essays in Honor of Manfred Neumann / Competition, Innovation and the Microsoft Monopoly: Antitrust in the Digital Marketplace : Proceedings of a conference held by the Progress & Freedom Foundation in Washigton, DC February 5, 1998 / The Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 : Proscriptions and Prescriptions for a More Competitive Economy / Public Decision-Making Processes and Asymmetry of Information / Opening Networks to Competition : the Regulation and Pricing of Access / Market Evolution : Competition and Cooperation / Competition Authorities in South Eastern Europe Building Institutions in Emerging Markets / Government's Role in Innovation / Cooperative Research and Development: The Industry-University-Government Relationship The Regulation of Motor Vehicle and Traffic Safety / Empirical Studies in Industrial Organization : Essays in Honor of Leonard W. Weiss / International Joint Ventures: Economic and Organizational Perspectives / A Critical Evaluation of the Chicago School of Antitrust Analysis / Corporate Finance, Innovation, and Strategic Competition / Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications / The Soft Budget Constraint - The Emergence, Persistence and Logic of an Institution / Emerging Competition in Postal and Delivery Services / Regulatory Risk: Economic Principles and Applications to Natural Gas Pipelines and Other Industries / Public and Private Control in Mass Product Industry: The Cement Industry Cases / Public Utility Regulation : the Economic and Social Control of Industry / Industrial Retardation in the Netherlands 1830-1850 / The Political Economy of Innovation / Frontiers of Broadband, Electronic and Mobile Commerce / Firm Objectives, Controls and Organization : the Use of Information and the Transfer of Knowledge within the Firm / Arms Markets and Armament Policy : the Changing Structure of Naval Industries in Western Europe / International Comparisons in Implementing Pollution Laws / Industrial Policies After 2000 / Intellectual Property Rights : National Systems and Harmonisation in Europe / Electricity Transmission Pricing and Technology Perspectives in Industrial Organization / Competition and Regulation in Telecommunications : Examining Germany and America / The Technological Specialization of Advanced Countries : a Report to the EEC on International Science and Technology Activities / The Crisis in Telecommunications Carrier Liability : Historical Regulatory Flaws and Recommended Reform / The Virtual Utility Accounting, Technology & Competitive Aspects of the Emerging Industry / Regulatory Finance : Financial Foundations of Rate of Return Regulation / Strategic Delegation in Firms and in the Trade Union Managing Change in the Postal and Delivery Industries / Industry Structure and Pricing : the New Rivalry in Infrastructure / Economic Innovations in Public Utility Regulation / Regulation Under Increasing Competition / Competition in Europe : Essays in Honour of Henk W. de Jong / The Economics of Energy Security / New Information Technology and Industrial Change: The Italian Case / Dynamic International Oil Markets : Oil Market Developments and Structure 1860-1990 / Biz Jets : Technology and Market Structure in the Corporate Jet Aircraft Industry / Regulating Power : the Economics of Electricity in the Information Age / Pricing and Regulatory Innovations Under Increasing Competition / Current Directions in Postal Reform / Competition and the Regulation of Utilities / The Economics of Postal Service : a Research Study supported by WIK / |
91 |
HD2321 .A84 2017 | The industrial revolution : the state, knowledge and global trade / | 1 |
HD2321 .B474 2016 | Moderne unternehmensgeschichte : eine themen- undtheorieorientierte einfuhrung. | 1 |
HD2321 .B55 | Modern industry / | 1 |
HD2321 .B64 | The industrial revolution / | 1 |
HD2321 .C4 |
People and industries / People and industries. |
2 |
HD2321 .D53 1992 | Global shift : the internationalization of economic activity / | 1 |
HD2321 .D53 1998 | Global shift : transforming the world economy / | 1 |
HD2321 .D53 2011 | Global shift : mapping the changing contours of the world economy / | 1 |
HD2321 .D53 2015eb | Global shift : mapping the changing contours of the world economy / | 1 |