Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD2429.M4S53 2004 Democratization Without Representation The Politics of Small Industry in Mexico. 2
HD2429.N2 A76 1968 Sociaal-economische besturing van Nederland / 1
HD2429.N2 J6 1946 De organen der sociaal-economische ordening. 1
HD2429.R8 D88 2013 Building business in post-communist Russia, eastern Europe, and Eurasia : collective goods, selective incentives, and predatory states / 1
HD2429.R8 D88 2013eb Building business in post-communist Russia, eastern Europe, and Eurasia : collective goods, selective incentives, and predatory states / 3
HD2429.S8 E4 1969 Intresseorganisationerna i dagens Sverige. 1
HD2429.S9 G7 Die Wirtschaftsverbände in der Demokratie : vom Wachstum der Wirtschaftsorganisationen im schweizerischen Staat. 1
HD2579 .W45 1978 Il mistero di Hacilienne / 1
HD2702 Changing contours of Indian agriculture : investment, income and non-farm employment / 1
HD2706 .L45 Power ethics : an analysis of the activities of the public utilities in the United States, based on a study of the U. S. Federal trade commission records / 1
HD2707.A3 N35 1966 Kaisei shōhō no kaisetsu / 1
HD2709-2930.7 Women in Leadership : Contextual Dynamics and Boundaries, Second Edition.
International Business in the Information and Digital Age.
The Handbook of Management and Organization Inquiry.
HD2709 .A5 Annual report / 1
HD2709 .C3 Cartel. 1
HD2709 .D85 New business incorporations.
News from Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., Business Economics Division.
Business economics.
HD2709 .I53 Industrial and corporate change. 1
HD2709 .M47 Mergers & acquisitions. 1
HD2709 .N322 Case study in an NPA series on business performance abroad. 1
HD2709 .N322 no. 8 TWA's services to Ethiopia. 1
HD2709 .N322 no. 9 The General Electric Company in Brazil / 1