Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD30.19 .T69 2008eb Reason's neglect : rationality and organizing / 1
HD30.19 .W55 2014 Understanding management : the social science foundations /
Understanding management : social science foundations /
HD30.19 .W57 2006 Wisdom, knowledge, and management : a critique and analysis of Churchman's systems approach / 1
HD30.19 .W57 2006eb Wisdom, knowledge, and management a critique and analysis of Churchman's systems approach / 1
HD30.19 .W66 2017 Teeming : how superorganisms work to build : infinite wealth in a finite world, (and your company can too) / 1
HD30.19 ǂb .D83 1998eb  
HD30.19 ebook Conceptos en la Generación de Valor Social en Los Negocios Análisis de Sus Características y Tendencias Científicas.
Apuntes teóricos para la realidad empresarial /
Ciencias sociales y administración : en defensa de una antropología general /
Filosofía y economía.
Critical management studies : hacia unas organizaciones más éticas y sostenibles /
El management no es como lo pintan : esbozo de hipótesis sobre algunas condiciones que posibilitaron la emergencia del modo de ser management /
HD30.2 Industrial automation technologies /
Knowledge management in organisations : 18th International Conference, KMO 2024, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 29 - August 1, 2024, Proceedings /
An education in service management : a guide to building a successful service management career and delivering organisational success /
Knowledge management and knowledge sharing : business strategies and an emerging theoretical field /
ITIL Foundation exam study guide /
New challenges for knowledge : digital dynamics to access and sharing /
Knowledge alchemy : models and agency in global knowledge governance /
Digitalization in companies : from theoretical approaches to practical /
Managing knowledge integration across boundaries /
Enacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 2 /
Engaged Knowledge Management : Engagement with New Realities.
A translation theory of knowledge transfer : learning across organizational borders /
Information systems for crisis response and management in Mediterranean Countries : third International Conference, ISCRAM-med 2016, Madrid, Spain, October 26-28, 2016, Proceedings /
Shaping the digital enterprise : trends and use cases in digital innovation and transformation /
IT crisisology casebook : smart digitalization for sustainable development /
Digital era and fuzzy applications in management and economy /
Digital transformation in industry : sustainability in uncertain dynamics /
DATA ETHICS practical strategies for implementing ethical information management and governance.
Enterprise operations management handbook /
Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für Personalentwicklung und Mitbestimmung : Unternehmensstrategien der IT-Branche und ihre Bedeutung für Weiterbildung /
Programming Creativity : Semantics and Organisation of Creativity Within IT Enterprises /
MANAGING INTELLIGENCE a guide for law enforcement professionals.
Gestión del conocimiento, capital intelectual e indicadores aplicados
Digital framework for Industry 4.0 managing strategy /
Document management with CreateData /
Mastering the Seven Dimensions of the Business/Technology Alignment
Organisational semiotics for business informatics
Unleashing the power of IT : bringing people, business, and technology together /
Mit Evernote Selbstorganisation und Informationsmanagement optimieren /
Wissenskommunikations-Management : Eine Studie zur Neugestaltung des Wissensmanagements aus medien- und kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive.
Geopolitics of the knowledge-based economy /
Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals : the Story of the Numbers.
Transferwissenschaften : Mode oder Mehrwert? /
Managing digital enterprise : ten essential topics /
Managing information technology /
The essentials of knowledge management
Big data using SMART big data, analytics and metrics to make better decisions and improve performance /
The para method : simplify, organize, and master your digital life /
The visual organization : data visualization, big data, and the quest for better decisions /
Emergency Response Decision Support System
Prioritising Business Processes : Design and Evaluation of the Prioritisation and Categorisation Method (PCM) /
Information Systems and Neuroscience : Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2017 /
Innovations in knowledge management : the impact of social media, semantic web and cloud computing /
Building a comprehensive IT security program : practical guidelines and best practices /
Corporate knowledge discovery and organizational learning : the role, importance, and application of semantic business process management /
Smart collaborative identifier network : a promising design of future internet /
Paradigms of knowledge management : with systems modelling case studies /
Demystifying digital transformation : non-technical toolsets for business professionals thriving in the digital age /
Business Information Systems Workshops BIS 2016 International Workshops, Leipzig, Germany, July 6-8, 2016, Revised Papers /
Hands-on security in DevOps : ensure continuous security, deployment, and delivery with DevSecOps /
Knowledge management e valore aziendale /
Knowledge management : value creation through organizational learning /
Information Technology and the World of Work /
The Lean IT Field Guide /
S-BPM in the production industry : a stakeholder approach /
GLOBAL DIGITAL DATA GOVERNANCE polycentric perspectives.
Modeling, evaluating, and predicting IT human resources performance /
IT for business (IT4B) : from genesis to revolution : a business and IT approach to digital transformation /
Strategic information technology : best practices to drive digital transformation /
Business models for the social mobile cloud transform your business using social media, mobile Internet, and cloud computing /
Digitization, trust and SMEs /
Blockchains : strategic implications for contracting, trust, and organizational design /
Knowledge actors and transnational governance : the private-public policy nexus in the global agora /
Kundennutzen durch digitale Transformation.
The future of knowledge management : reflections from the 10th anniversary of the International Association of Knowledge Management (IAKM) /
Implementing world class IT strategy : how IT can drive organizational innovation /
Knowledge management, leadership, and innovation in digital transformation : navigating the future of organizations /
Enterprise content and search management for building digital platforms /
Crowdsourcing in management research : a new tool for scientific inquiry /
Food, health and the knowledge economy the state and intellectual property in India and Brazil /
Collaboration, learning and innovation across outsourced services value networks : software services outsourcing in China /
Personal knowledge capital the inner and outer path of knowledge creation in a web world /
Big data, data mining and machine learning : value creation for business leaders and practitioners /
Data Analytics : Effective Methods for Presenting Results.
Revisiting Complexity in the Digital Age /
Staying in the know : in an era of information overload, getting the right information remains a challenge for time-pressed executives. Is it time to overhaul your personal knowledge infrastructure? /
Revamping your business through digital transformation : to gain the most business benefits from today's digital technology, it pays to question key managerial assumptions /
Full stack web performance /
CIOs and the future of IT : it's time for CIOs to take charge of both back-office and business technology, leading with a customer-driven mindset /
Teaching old dogs new tricks : infrastructure as a product /
Product management and DevOps, together at last and kicking butt /
Cloud native storage behind the biggest 1-day shopping event in the world /
Kick-starting a culture of observability and data-driven DevOps /
Knowledge management in high risk industries coping with skills drain /
Knowledge and project management : a shared approach to improve performance /
Group decision and negotiation : theory, empirical evidence, and application : 16th International Conference, GDN 2016, Bellingham, WA, USA, June 20-24, 2016, revised selected papers /
Advances in human factors, business management and leadership proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, and Human Factors in Management and Leadership, July 16-20, 2020, USA /
Fallibility at work : rethinking excellence and error in organizations /
Knowledge Solutions : Tools, Methods, and Approaches to Drive Organizational Performance /
Understanding and managing IT outsourcing : a partnership approach /
The benefits and security risks of web-based applications for business trend report /
Knowledge management and Industry 4.0 new paradigms for value creation /
Geopolitics of the Knowledge-Based Economy /
Why CISOs fail /
Agile Processes, in Software Engineering, and Extreme Programming : 17th International Conference, XP 2016, Edinburgh, UK, May 24-27, 2016, Proceedings /
Predictive analytics with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning : build and deploy actionable solutions in minutes /
Managing your outsourced IT services provider : how to unleash the full potential of your global workforce /
The art of business value /
Knowledge management and sustainable value creation : needs as a strategic focus for organizations /
Tech leadership Tuesday with Michael Lopp.
The politics of knowledge in inclusive development and innovation /
Oracle case management solutions
Be the business : CIOs in the new era of IT /
Knowledge management in practice /
Innovation networks : managing the networked organization /
Knowledge management : systems and processes /
Routledge handbook of the economics of knowledge /
Building network capabilities in turbulent competitive environments : practices of global firms from Korea and Japan /
Enterprise, business-process and information systems modeling : 18th International Conference, BPMDS 2017, 22nd International Conference, EMMSAD 2017, Held at CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-13, 2017, Proceedings /
Gestión de servicios de tecnología de la información en un entorno de educación /
Retaining expert knowledge : what to keep in an age of information overload /
Managing IT performance to create business value /
Easier, simpler, faster : systems strategy for lean IT /
Outsourcing and offshoring business services /
Group Decision and Negotiation. A Socio-Technical Perspective : 17th International Conference, GDN 2017, Stuttgart, Germany, August 14-18, 2017, Proceedings /
10 questions before you set up your data science team.
Key element guide ITIL service operation.
Key element guide ITIL continual service improvement.
Key element guide ITIL service strategy.
Key element guide ITIL service design.
Key element guide ITIL service transition.
Model monitoring pipelines /
The data imperative : how digitalization is reshaping management, organizing, and work /
Keeping Found Things Found : the Study and Practice of Personal Information Management.
Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, and Strategies.
Case study : how Thoughtworks and Open GI used four key metrics to succeed with their digital transformation.
FAR FROM THE FACTORY : lean for the information age.
The ICT malaise : a diagnosis and cure for the dysfunctional information and communication technologies service-delivery workflow /
Cross-functional knowledge management : the international landscape /
Truth from the Trenches : a Practical Guide to the Art of It Management /
Emotional and cognitive overload : the dark side of information technology /
Strategic IT : best practices for managers and executives /
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management : a Special Issue of the journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce.
Digital Transformation and Enterprise Information Systems /
Knowledge management /
Digital transformation handbook /
DIGITAL BUSINESS STRATEGY content, context and cases.
Information Risk Management A practitioner's guide
Investing in Strategic Leadership /
Handbook of enterprise systems architecture in practice /
Managing information technology outsourcing /
Right-time experiences : driving revenue with mobile and big data /
Digital Dialogues and Community 2.0 : After Avatars, Trolls and Puppets.
Cyber threat! : how to manage the growing risk of cyber attacks /
Confessions of a successful CIO : how the best CIOs tackle their toughest business challenges /
Predictive analytics with Microsoft Azure machine learning : build and deploy actionable solutions in minutes /
People-centric security : transforming your enterprise security culture /
Collaborative business design: the fundamentals : improving and innovating the design of IT-driven business services /
A Holistic Approach to Lessons Learned : How Organizations Can Benefit from Their Own Knowledge /
Meeting the challenges of data quality management
The benefits and security risks of web-based applications for business : trend report /
Staying the course as a CIO : how to overcome the trials and challenges of IT leadership /
Transfer and management of knowledge /
The impact of organisational culture on knowledge management /
Leading the epic revolution : how CIOs drive innovation and create value across the enterprise /
Pragmatic application of service management : the five anchor approach /
Data crush : how the information tidal wave is driving new business opportunities /
Cybersecurity program development for business : the essential planning guide /
IT service management : support for your ITSM foundation exam /
Building digital culture : a practical guide to successful digital transformation /
CompTIA IT fundamentals : study guide /
Oracle case management solutions /
Knowledge sharing and virtual communities from the International Conference on Knowledge Management 2009.
Overcoming knowledge sharing barriers through communities of practice : empirical evidence from a big automotive supplier /
Managing Knowledge For Global And Collaborative Innovations.
M & A information technology best practices /
Digital transformation and knowledge management /
Straight to the top : CIO leadership in a mobile, social, and cloud-based world /
The intelligent organisation : driving systemic change with information /
Fusion strategy : how real-time data and AI will power the industrial future /
Business transformation : a roadmap for maximizing organizational insights /
Knowledge management strategy and technology /
Architecting the cloud : design decisions for cloud computing service models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) /
Information systems : development, applications, education : 10th SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium 2017, Gdansk, Poland, September 22, 2017, Proceedings /
Advances in interdisciplinary research in engineering and business management /
Management of science-intensive organizations catalyzing urban resilience /
Predictive intelligence for data-driven managers : process model, assessment-tool, IT-blueprint, competence model and case studies /
Designing AI systems with human-machine teams : the greatest potential from artificial intelligence will come from tapping into the opportunities for mutual learning between people and machines /
Introduction to internet of things in management science and operations research implemented studies /
Innovation through information systems.
Transforming organizations in disruptive environments a primer on design and innovation /
Fallibility at Work
Advances in human factors, business management and leadership proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, and Human Factors in Management and Leadership, July 25-29, 2021, USA /
The Security Hippie.
Perspectives on paradata : research and practice of documenting process knowledge /
Connecting organizational silos : taking knowledge flow management to the next level with social media /
Data governance : from the fundamentals to real cases /
Knowledge management and artificial intelligence for growth : cases from emerging and developed economies /
Knowledge management, arts, and humanities : interdisciplinary approaches and the benefits of collaboration /
Business Information Systems Workshops : BIS 2017 International Workshops, Poznań, Poland, June 28-30, 2017, Revised Papers /
Alternative Assets And Strategic Allocation : Rethinking The Institutional Approach.
Infrastructure & Ops Hour.
Leading digital : turning technology into business transformation /
Wei fu wu yu shi jian qu dong jia gou = Building event-driven microservices /
Open Digital Innovation : a Contest Driven Approach /
The adventures of an it leader : updated edition /
Business intelligence and the cloud : strategic implementation guide /
Information systems for knowledge management
Advances in information systems set.
Knowledge and discourse matters : relocating knowledge management's sphere of interest onto language /
Monetising data? : How to uplift your business /
SIAM/MSI - An Introduction to Service Integration and Management/ Multi-Sourcing Integration for IT Service Management /
Ten Steps to ITSM Success - A Practitioner's Guide to Enterprise IT Transformation /
Governance of Enterprise IT based on COBIT 5 - A Management Guide /
One line deploy to AWS ECS Fargate for .NET Blazor app /
Actitudes y conocimientos de entornos digitales : cuestionario ACMI para contextos socioeducativos.
Intercultural Knowledge Sharing in MNCs : a Glocal and Inclusive Approach in the Digital Age /
The Phoenix project : a novel about IT, DevOps, and helping your business win /
Practical IT service management : a concise guide for busy executives /
Online Intermediaries for Co-Creation an Explorative Study in Healthcare /
Wireless Mobility in Organizations : Utilizing Social, Individual, and Organizational Intelligence /
Inventing the Cloud Century : How Cloudiness Keeps Changing Our Life, Economy and Technology /
Risks, Relationships and Success Factors in IT Outsourcing A Study in Large Companies /
The Art of Structuring Bridging the Gap Between Information Systems Research and Practice /
CompTIA IT fundamentals+ (ITF+) : study guide exam FC0-U61 /
Praxiswissen COBIT : Grundlagen und praktische Anwendung in der Unternehmens-IT /
Organizational design for knowledge management /
Data science and engineering at enterprise scale : notebook-driven results and analysis /
Communication and information technology in society.
The art of IT management : practical tools, techniques and people skills /
IT modernization using Catalogic ECX copy data management and IBM Spectrum Storage /
Exploring blockchain applications : management perspectives /
Testing practitioner handbook : gain insights into the latest technology and business trends within testing domains /
Harvesting and managing knowledge in construction : from theoretical foundations to business applications /
Business process modeling : software engineering, analysis and applications /
Technology strategy patterns : architecture as strategy /
Guidelines for keeping pace with innovation and tech adoption : how to respond when competition, your customers, and automation come knocking /
Puppet 4.10 beginner's guide : go from newbie to pro with Puppet 4.10 /
Edge resiliency : managing volatility through DNS /
How to be a good tech lead /
Collaborative business design : improving and innovating the design of IT-driven business services /
Knowledge based value creation dynamics in 21st century organisations.
Hands-on Azure for developers : implement rich Azure PaaS ecosystems using containers, serverless services, and storage solutions /
Chaos engineering observability : bringing chaos experiments into system observability /
Turning silicon into gold : the strategies, failures, and evolution of the tech industry /
Performance-driven IT: how metrics can transform IT services and operations.
How to monetize your data /
Mastering Azure analytics : architecting in the Cloud with Azure Data Lake, HDInsight, and Spark /
Is reporting dead? : the evolution of a classic information delivery strategy /
Five myths about digital transformation /
IT-Servicekatalog : Services in der IT professional designen und erfolgreich implementieren /
Puppet 5 essentials : a fast-paced guide to automating your infrastructure /
Digital @ scale : how you can lead your business to the future with digital@scale /
The CIO playbook : strategies and best practices for IT leaders to deliver value /
Spurring innovation through global knowledge management at Procter & Gamble /
EThekwini MetroConnect : broadband for the community /
San Francisco International Airport and Quantum Secure's SAFE for aviation system : making the business case for corporate security security /
Hardy Process Solutions : lots of data, but little insight /
How to Lead in Data Science /
A data-driven company : 21 claves para crear valor a través de los datos y la inteligencia artificial /
We can't talk about that at work! : how to talk about race, religion, politics, and other polarizing topics /
Leading in analytics : the seven critical tasks for executives to master in the age of big data /
5 Key Areas for Tech Leaders to Watch in 2020 /
Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics : Stability, Continuity, Innovation /
The lean IT field guide : a roadmap for your transformation /
Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-Based Approach.
Shu zi zhuan xing : qi ye po ju de 34 ge jin nang = Digital transformation game plan /
The questions leaders should ask in the new erea of digital transformation /
The 10X generation : not another digital transformation /
Towards Intellectual Property Rights Management : Back-office and Front-office Perspectives /
2017 ops salary survey : tools, trends, titles : what pays (and what doesn't) for IT operations and DevOps professionals /
Acacia : finding a cure for information silos disorder /
Decoding the IT value problem, + website : an executive guide for achieving optimal ROI on critical IT investments /
Unlocking happiness at work : how a data-driven happiness strategy fuels purpose, passion and performance /
Translating diverse environmental data into reliable information : how to coordinate evidence from different sources /
Problem Management : an implementation guide for the real world.
Knowledge Management : an Evolutionary View.
Infrastructure and ops hour with Sam Newman.
General Operations 101 /
Information systems for knowledge management /
CompTIA DataX study guide
Modelling business information : entity relationship and class modelling for business analysts /
What is DevOps? /
Tim O'Reilly and Cory Doctorow on "enshittification" and the future of AI : how do we avoid the race to the bottom with AI?.
CTO hour with Peter Bell : so you want to be a CTO?
Tech leadership Tuesday with Lena Reinhard.
Meet the Expert : Scott Anthony on Pandemic Lessons Learned in Singapore /
The economics of data, analytics, and digital transformation /
The Technology Fallacy /
A seat at the table /
Information Asset Management Why You Must Manage Your Data, Information and Knowledge the Way You Manage Your Money.
(Il)logical knowledge management : a guide to knowledge management in the 21st century /
A practitioner's guide to data governance : a case-based approach /
Data analytics in web information systems /
New Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Knowledge Management in Organisations.
Practical Knowledge and Information Management.
Information and Knowledge Engineering.
ADempiere 3. 6 Cookbook.
Asset Protection.
The organization of knowledge : caught between global structures and local meaning /
Methods of IT Project Management : Third Edition.
Delivering ITSM for business maturity : a practical framework /
Self-learning and adaptive algorithms for business applications : a guide to adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems for fuzzy clustering under uncertainty conditions /
Le digital interne en entreprise : Faites (enfin) entrer vos collaborateurs dans l'ère numérique.
Knowledge Management Philosophy : Communication As a Strategic Asset in Knowledge Management.
IT leadership manual : roadmap to becoming a trusted business partner /
Executive's guide to IT governance : improving systems processes with service management, COBIT, and ITIL /
Management in India Grow from an Accidental to a successful manager in the IT & knowledge industry.
Organising knowledge : taxonomies, knowledge and organisational effectiveness /
Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities : Global Perspectives.
Making knowledge management clickable knowledge management systems strategy, design, and implementation /
Business models for the social mobile cloud : transform your business using social media, mobile Internet, and cloud computing /
Managing knowledge, absorptive capacity and innovation
Projekt Phoenix.
Secure knowledge management in the artificial intelligence era 9th International Conference, SKM 2021, San Antonio, TX, USA, October 8-9, 2021, Proceedings /
Global sourcing of digital services : micro and macro perspectives : 11th Global Sourcing Workshop 2017, La Thuile, Italy, February 22-25, 2017, Revised selected papers /
Digital business strategy : content, context, and cases /
Why can't we have more than one digital strategy? /
The Digital Superpowers You Need to Thrive /
Organizaciones azules: líderes de la era digital. Cómo son y cómo actúan /
Scaling SRE organizations : the journey from 1 to many teams /
Your team as a distributed system /
How Stripe invests in technical infrastructure /
This should be faster : what's going on? /
Leading knowledge management in knowledge intensive organisations.
Ten steps to maturity in knowledge management : lessons in economy /
Política, gestión y evaluación de la investigación y la vinculación en América Latina y el Caribe /
The Routledge companion to technology management /
Design and development of knowledge management for manufacturing : framework, solution and strategy /
Network, smart and open : three keywords for information systems innovation /
Frugal CISO : Using Innovation and Smart Approaches to Maximize Your Security Posture.
Art of IT Management : practical tools and techniques /
IT-Servicekatalog : Services in der IT professionell designen und erfolgreich implementieren /
The CIO playbook strategies and best practices for IT leaders to deliver value /
IT leadership manual roadmap to becoming a trusted business partner /
Knowledge and the economy /
Information technology auditing and application controls for small and mid-sized businesses : revenue, expenditure, inventory, payroll, and more /
Connecting organizational silos taking knowledge flow management to the next level with social media /
Strategic IT governance 2.0 : how CIOs succeed at digital innovation /
Beyond business analytics : the foundations of behavioral perspective theory /
Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für Personalentwicklung und Mitbestimmung : Unternehmensstrategien der IT-Branche und ihre Bedeutung für Weiterbildung /
The information diet : a case for conscious consumption /
IBM Content Manager OnDemand guide /
Revive : how to transform traditional businesss into digital leaders /
Jumpstart Tableau : a step-by-step guide to better data visualization /
Knowledge management and innovation : interaction, collaboration, openness /
The value of operations security /
Predictive analytics for dummies /
The social business imperative : adapting your business model to the always-connected customer /
SIAM/MSI : an introduction to service integration and management/ multi-sourcing integration for IT service management /
Exploring digital resilience : challenges for people and organizations /
Data strategy : from definition to execution /
The CEO of technology : lead, reimagine, and reinvent to drive growth and create value in unprecedented times /
DevOps for models : how to manage millions of models in production, and at the edge /
Knowledge Management in Digital Change : New Findings and Practical Cases /
The Palgrave handbook of knowledge management /
Digital transformation : information systems governance /
The big shift in IT leadership : how great CIOs leverage the power of technology for strategic business growth in the customer-centric economy /
Digital organizations manufacturing : scripts, performativity and semiopolitics /
ITSM QuickStart guide : the simplified beginner's guide to IT service management.
CompTIA IT fundamentals study guide /
Knowledge, organization, and management : building on the work of Max Boisot /
Puppet 4 essentials : acquire the skills to manage your IT infrastructure effectively with Puppet /
The trust problem that slows digital transformation /
The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations : social and big data computing for knowledge management /
The road to a modern IT factory : industrialization -- automation -- optimization /
Emergent knowledge strategies : strategic thinking in knowledge management /
The Phoenix Project, 5th Anniversary Edition : a Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win.
Business process management cases : digital innovation and business transformation in practice /
Taking the reins as CIO : a blueprint for leadership transitions /
Knowledge management in high risk industries : coping with skills drain /
User Centric E-Government : Challenges and Opportunities /
Slow tech and ICT a responsible, sustainable and ethical approach /
Capability Management Guide : Method Support for Enterprise Architectures Management /
Concepts and advances in information knowledge management : studies from developing and emerging economies /
Breaking data science open : how open data science is eating the world /
Ansible fundamentals /
Speed as competitive advantage /
Learn how to use Alteryx and Tableau to quickly blend data and gain insights through visualization /
Thinking architecturally : lead technical change within your engineering team /
Knowledge management in organisations : 16th International Conference, KMO 2022, Hagen, Germany, July 11-14, 2022, proceedings /
Building a modern security program : adapting security for DevOps and cloud /
Transformación digital para directivos /
HBR guide to AI basics for managers /
Capitalismo y modelos de negocio en la revolucion digital y transformacion del mercado de trabajo
NFTs, the Metaverse, and everything Web 3.0 /
A seat at the table : IT leadership in the age of agility /
Group decision and negotiation in an uncertain world : 18th International Conference, GDN 2018, Nanjing, China, June 9-13, 2018, Proceedings /
Transforming field and service operations : methodologies for successful technology-driven business transformation /
Chaos engineering : building confidence in system behavior through experiments /
Digital services and platforms : considerations for sourcing : 12th Global Sourcing Workshop 2018, La Thuile, Italy, February 21-24, 2018, Revised selected papers /
Predictive maintenance : a world of zero unplanned downtime /
CompTIA IT fundamentals+ FC0-U61 cert guide /
Practical Ansible solutions /
ChatOps : managing operations from Group Chat /
Implementing Azure, putting modern DevOps to use : transform your software deployment process with Microsoft Azure /
Ansible certification Red Hat EX407 /
Information Risk Management : a Practitioner's Guide /
Beyond visualization : productivity, complexity, and information overload /
Shared cognition in organizations the management of knowledge /
Optimising business performance with standard software systems : How to reorganise workflows by chance of implementing new ERP-Systems (SAP©, BAAN, Peoplesoft©, Navision© ...) or new releases /
The knowledge translation toolkit : bridging the know-do gap, a resource for researchers /
Think like a CTO /
Knowledge, industry and environment : institutions and innovation in territorial perspective /
Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation.
Artificial intelligence for business analytics : algorithms, platforms and application scenarios /
ITIL® and the information lifecycle : integrating agile, DevOps and ITSM /
JupyterCon New York 2018 /
Knowledge management in organizations : 9th International Conference, KMO 2014, Santiago, Chile, September 2-5, 2014, Proceedings /
IT-Unternehmensarchitektur : Von der Geschäftsstrategie zur optimalen IT-Unterstützung.
Projektcontrolling in der IT : Steuerung von Projekten und Projektportfolios.
Grokking continuous delivery /
Business innovation and ICT strategies /
Knowledge management for development : domains, strategies and technologies for developing countries /
Nachhaltiges IT-Management : Unternehmensweite Maßnahmen strategisch planen und erfolgreich umsetzen /
Soft skills für IT-Führungskräfte und Projektleiter : Softwareentwickler führen und coachen, hochleistungsteams aufbauen /
IT service management /
IT-Service-Management mit FitSM : ein praxisorientiertes und leichtgewichtiges Framework für die IT /
IT-Unternehmensarchitektur : Von der Geschäftsstrategie zur optimalen IT-Unterstützung /
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling : 8th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference, PoEM 2015, Valencia, Spain, November 10-12, 2015, proceedings /
Strengthening Information and Control Systems the Synergy Between Information Technology and Accounting Models /
India and the knowledge economy : performance, perils, and prospects /
Wissensmanagement mit Social Media : Grundlagen und Anwendungen.
IT controlling : from IT cost and activity allocation to smart controlling /
Knowledge in servitization management : a comparative view /
Data analytics and digital transformation
Achieving success and innovation in global sourcing : perspectives and practices : 9th Global Sourcing Workshop 2015, La Thuile, Italy, February 18-21, 2015, Revised selected papers /
Virtual business models : entrepreneurial risks and rewards /
Coping with continuous change in the business environment : Knowledge management and knowledge management technology /
Connecting networked devices : prototyping and scaling IoT in the enterprise /
Knowledge preservation through community of practice : theoretical issues and empirical evidence /
ERP e strumenti di Business Intelligence : supporto gestionale e impatto organizzativo.
IT security risk management in the context of cloud computing : towards an understanding of the key role of providers' IT security risk perceptions /
Knowledge management in organizations : 10th International Conference, KMO 2015, Maribor, Slovenia, August 24-28, 2015, Proceedings /
Information and communication technologies of Ecuador (TIC.EC) /
New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies.
New knowledge in information systems and technologies.
Knowledge-Based Dynamic Capabilities : The Road Ahead in Gaining Organizational Competitiveness /
Information systems for industry 4.0 : proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Portuguese Association for Information Systems /
Organisational agility : exploring the impact of identity on knowledge management /
Il ruolo manageriale nell'era digitale : cambiamenti in atto nelle organizzazioni e scenari futuri del ruolo manageriale /
Lean knowledge management : how NASA implemented a practical KM program /
Why digital ability trumps IQ /
DevOps automation with Terraform and VMware : evolving IT operations using open source automation /
The essentials of knowledge management /
Transforming it culture : how to use social intelligence, human factors, and collaboration to create an IT department that outperforms /
Organizaciones azules: líderes de la era digital. Cómo son y cómo actúan /
Advanced modeling of management processes in information technology /
IT quality management /
Super-flexibility for knowledge enterprises : a toolkit for dynamic adaptation /
Predictive Analytics with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning : Build and Deploy Actionable Solutions in Minutes.
History and theory of knowledge production : an introductory outline /
Workshop in a box : communication skills for IT professionals /
Designing delivery : rethinking IT in the digital service economy /
The care and feeding of data scientists : how to build, manage, and retain a data science team /
DevOps and business : aligning business and IT goals for operational efficiency /
Why digital transformations fail : the surprising disciplines of how to take off and stay ahead /
Gute Entscheidungen in IT-Projekten : Unbewusste Einflüsse erkennen, Hintergründe verstehen, Prozesse verbessern /
Learning chaos engineering : discovering and overcoming system weaknesses through experimentation /
Streaming data : concepts that drive innovative analytics /
Advances in human factors, business management and leadership : proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, and the AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Management and Leadership, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA /
Enterprise Governance of Information Technology Achieving Alignment and Value in Digital Organizations /
Concepts and advances in information knowledge management studies from developing and emerging economies /
Essays in Technology Management and Policy : Selected Papers of David J. Teece.
Information as a driver of sustainable finance : the European regulatory framework /
Change manager : careers in IT service management /
Knowledge management : an interdisciplinary approach for business decisions /
Chances and challenges of digital management : proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference (ISPC 2022) /
CompTIA Project+ study guide : exam PK0-005 /
Management system for strategic innovation : building dynamic capabilities view of the firm /
Team Topologies Organisation von Business- und IT-Teams für einen schnellen Arbeitsfluss : Inklusive Interaktionen in verteilten Teams - Workbook : Team-Topologies-Patterns für eine produktivere Zusammenarbeit /
The profound influence of small choices in digital collaboration /
A practical guide to service management : insights from industry experts for uncovering, implementing, and improving service management practices /
The CISO perspective : understand the importance of the CISO in the cyber threat landscape /
Kaosu enjiniaringu : kaifukuryoku no aru shisutemu no jissen /
Metrics-based IT service management
HUMANISING IT human-centred design for it service management.
Collaborative networks reference modeling /
Public service information technology : the definitive manager's guide to harnessing technology for cost-effective operations and services /
Digital transformation game plan : 34 tenets for Masterfully merging technology and business /
Crafting and shaping knowledge worker services in the information economy
Quantitative data analysis a companion for accounting and information systems research /
Knowledge management in organisations : 17th International Conference, KMO 2023, Bangkok, Thailand, July 24-27, 2023, Proceedings /
Successes and failures of knowledge management /
Negotiating control : organizations and mobile communication /
Implementing enterprise observability for success : strategically plan and implement observability using real-life examples /
Inżynieria chaosu : odporność systemów w praktyce /
Blue organizations : leaders of the digital age : what they look like and how they act /
AI dla ludzi i firmy : potencjał sztucznej inteligencji w biznesie /
Emerging trends in information systems : recent innovations, results and experiences /
Business modeling and software design : 5th International Symposium, BMSD 2015, Milan, Italy, July 6-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers /
The value imperative : harvesting value from your IT initiatives /
Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling 17th International Conference, BPMDS 2016, 21st International Conference, EMMSAD 2016, Held at CAiSE 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13-14,2016, Proceedings /
SAP Landscape Management 3.0 and IBM Power Systems servers /
Configuration management : expert guidance for IT service managers and practitioners /
INFORMATION RISK MANAGEMENT a practitioner's guide.
What is data engineering? : a role for data science enablers /
Collaborating in DevOps culture : better software through better relationships /
Digital Dialogues and Community 2.0 After Avatars, Trolls and Puppets.
Digital management in Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic times : proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference (ISPC 2021) /
Key digital trends shaping the future of information and management science : proceedings of 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science (ISMS) 2022.
Knowledge management and engineering with decisional DNA
A primer on process mining practical skills with Python and Graphviz /
Secure knowledge management in artificial intelligence era 8th International Conference, SKM 2019, Goa, India, December 21-22, 2019, proceedings /
Turning silicon into gold the strategies, failures, and evolution of the tech industry /
Wissensmanagement, Kompetenzmanagement und Modelltheorie : Ein Integrationsansatz zum erfolgreichen Transfer von Expertise in betrieblichen Ablufen.
Taking the reins as CIO a blueprint for leadership transitions /
Governing sourcing relationships : a collection of studies at the country, sector and firm level : 8th Global Sourcing Workshop 2014, Val d'Isere, France, March 23-26, 2014, Revised selected papers /
Organising knowledge taxonomies, knowledge and organisational effectiveness /
The challenges of knowledge sharing in practice a social approach /
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops : CAiSE 2016 International Workshops, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13-17, 2016, Proceedings /
Strategic issues in information technology international implications for decision makers /
Managing knowledge in organizations a critical pragmatic perspective /
Organizational innovation and change : managing information and technology /
Developments in information and knowledge management systems for business applications : Volume 7 /
Developments in information and knowledge management systems for business applications.
Praxisorientiertes IT-Risikomanagement : Konzeption, Implementierung und Überprüfung /
Db2 skeleton cloning : protecting your production environment /
Big data : using smart big data, analytics and metrics to make better decisions and improve performance /
Leading to become obsolete : Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin is transforming a manufacturing giant into a platform for entrepreneurship, and his employees into self-governing entrepreneurs /
Meet the expert : Liz Fong-Jones on cultivating production excellence /
IT strategy : making IT fit for the digital transformation /
Shared services and outsourcing : a contemporary outlook : 10th Global Sourcing Workshop 2016, Val d'Isère, France, February 16-19, 2016, Revised selected papers /
Weniger schlecht über IT schreiben : Die Schreibwerkstatt für IT-Erklärer /
Competitive quality and innovations /
The business-minded CISCO : run your security program efficiently /
Recent technological advances in engineering and management : proceedings of Recent Technological Advances in Engineering and Management /
Gestión Del Conocimiento en Educación Superior
Why CISOs fail : the missing link in security management - and how to fix it /
The accidental CIO : a lean and agile playbook for IT leaders /
Manager un projet informatique /
RUN GROW TRANSFORM integrating business and lean it.
HD30.2 . 1999eb Knowledge for development : world development report : 1998/99 / 1
HD30.2 .A15 2005eb 25th anniversary special issue : 1981-2005 / 1
HD30.2 .A28 2004eb Actor-network theory and information systems / 1
HD30.2 .A33 1999 The world as information : overload and personal design / 1
HD30.2 .A345 2006 Advancing knowledge and the knowledge economy / 2
HD30.2 .A3482 2013eb ITIL Lifecycle Essentials : Your Essential Guide for the ITIL Foundation Exam and Beyond. 1
HD30.2 .A35 2003 Digital bridges : Developing countries in the knowledge economy / 1
HD30.2 .A35 2003eb Digital bridges : developing countries in the knowledge economy / 1
HD30.2 .A35 2013 The case for the Chief Data Officer : recasting the C-suite to leverage your most valuable asset /
The case for the Chief Data Officer recasting the C-suite to leverage your most valuable asset /
HD30.2 .A36 2001 Learning through knowledge management / 1
HD30.2 .A36 2002 Learning through knowledge management / 3
HD30.2 .A37 2005eb Absorption and application of management knowledge / 1