Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD30.4 .W545 2015 Soft systems thinking, methodology and the management of change / 1
HD30.4 .W55 2010 Essentials of business research : a guide to doing your research project / 1
HD30.4 .W55 2015eb Agile performance improvement : the new synergy of agile and human performance technology / 3
HD30.4 .W58 2015eb Managing for success : spotting danger signals - and Fixing problems before they happen / 1
HD30.4 .Z54 2000 Business research methods / 2
HD30.4 .Z54 2003 Business research methods / 1
HD30.4 eBook Los estudios organizacionales ('organization studies') : fundamentos, evolución y estado actual del campo / 1
HD30.4 ebook Platón, Qué Debo Hacer en Mi Empresa
Generación de conocimiento en los grupos élite de investigación en administración en Colombia /
Revisión del estado del arte en gerencia y management : un análisis de pertinencia de la denomicación y contenidos de programas académicos de especialización /
Apuntes para desarrollar una investigación en el campo de la administración y el análisis organizacional
Habilidades directivas /
HD30.40 F8712 2011 The future of learning insights and innovations from executive development / 1
HD30.412 .C75 1996 A critical guide to management training videos and selected multimedia, 1996 / 1
HD30.413 CAE study guide 2015 : preparation reference for the Certified Association Executive exam /
Basiswissen geschäftsprozessmanagement : Aus--und Weiterbildung zum OMG certified expert in business process management 2 (OCEB 2)--fundamental level /
CAE certified association executive study guide 2015 : preparation reference for the Certified Association Executive exam /
Learning tactics inventory.
Arbeitsbuch Controlling : Aufgaben und Testfragen mit Lösungen zur Klausurvorbereitung /
HD30.413 .E95 1982 Experiences in management and organizational behavior / 1
HD30.413 .H34 2008eb Developing great managers : 20 "power hour" conversations that build skills fast / 1
HD30.413 .R34 1990eb 50 activities for developing management skills. 1
HD30.413 .R35 1995eb Hidden dynamics : how emotions affect business performance & how you can harness their power for positive results / 1
HD30.413 .Z87 1990 The validity of the GMAT for the preduction of success in doctoral study in business and management / 1
HD30.413 ebook Ejercicios de economía industrial / 1
HD30.42.A35 A23 2016 African-centred management education : a new paradigm for an emerging continent / 1
HD30.42.A35 T46 2016 Africa : the management education challenge / 1
HD30.42.A78 C63 2018 Coaching and Mentoring in the Asia Pacific / 1