Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD31 .W64 1980 Industrial organization : theory and practice / 1
HD31 .W657 2011 Masters of management : how the business gurus and their ideas have changed the world--for better and for worse / 2
HD31 .W66 1975 Emerging concepts in management : process, behavioral, quantitative, and systems / 1
HD31 .Z49 Dimensions of organizations : environment, context, structure, process, and performance / 2
HD31 .Z5 Principles of industrial management case book / 1
HD31 .Z88 2000 Creating a culture of competence / 2
HD31 .Z9 New perspectives on organization theory : an empirical reconsideration of the Marxian and classical analyses / 1
HD31 Z947 2007eb Creación y consolidación de empresas teoría, práctica y aplicación / 1
HD31 ǂb A662 2014eb Il metodo del caso ega master. 1
HD31 ǂb A662 2014eb Il metodo del caso ega master. 1
HD31eb Estudio sobre empresas públicas 1
HD31 ebook La gestión empresarial : equilibrando objetivos y valores /
Planificación Mega herramientas prácticas para el éxito organizacional /
Teoría general de la administración /
¡Dirige! : manual de conceptos prácticos y necesarios para la gestión empresarial /
Sistemas de información en la empresa /
Innovando por naturales : el pase lo dice todo /
Anatomía de la creatividad /
Administración para ingenieros /
Gestión financiera /
(No)crisis : la comunicación de crisis en un mundo conectado /
El consejero independiente : una figura clave en el buen gobierno de las empresas /
La empresa de negocios y la alta dirección : procedimientos políticos de gobierno /
El poder de lo simple : guía práctica para el éxito empresarial /
La dirección de las organizaciones : de la teoría a la práctica /
Elementos del desarrollo organizacional como fundamento para la competitividad del siglo XXI /
Regiones inteligentes : la tecnología, la innovación y la efectividad operativa /
Gestión estratégica organizacional /
Modelos financieros con Excel : herramientas para mejorar la toma de decisiones empresariales /
Para mejorar la capacidad operativa /
Estrategias empresariales /
Management tips : los mejores consejos inspirados por las mentes más brillantes /
Principios y sistemas de la complejidad en la realidad organizacional.
Sistemas de información en la empresa /
Técnicas para innovar y gestionar proyectos en logística
Técnicas para ahorrar costos en operativas especiales.
Técnicas de planificación industrial y gestión de existencias.
Diseñe y administre su empresa orientada a los TLC /
Economía de la industria del entretenimiento : una guía para el análisis financiero.
HD31.2 Fundamentals of business architecture modeling /
Industry 4.0 for SMEs challenges, opportunities and requirements /
Competitive business management : a global perspective /
Failure management : malfunctions of technologies, organizations, and society /
Managing in organisations : a practical guide /
The Manager's Answer Book /
Reshaping the business world post-COVID-19 : management strategies for sustainable behavior change /
Bad apples or bad leaders? : before they can address workplace deviance, leaders need to recognize the role they may be playing /
Strategic management : a research methods handbook /
Lou's headache : Lou's electrical repairs /
Dry Goods /
BP in Russia (B) /
Flat management structure at Valve Corporation /
Leading empathy /
Directivos son fronteras : las diferencias culturales en los negocios internacionales /
Effective management teams and organizational behavior : a research-based model for team development /
The future-ready leader : accelerated learning for business success /
MBA : theory and application of business and management principles /
Pareto Principle /
Management and performance in mission driven organizations /
Digital transformation : what is the company of today? /
The Future of Management Volume One: Entrepreneurship, Change, and Flexibility.
A Symphony of Choices : How Mentorship Taught a Manager Decision-Making, Project Management and Workplace Engagement -- and Saved a Concert Season.
The outstanding middle manager : how to be a healthy, happy, high-performing mid-level manager /
Emerging business trends and management practices : lessons from the pandemic /
The organization of the expert society /
Organizational metaphors faith as key to functional organizations /
Principles and practices of management and organizational behavior /
The Teachings of management perceptions in a society of organizations /
Business Administration An Introduction for Managers and Business Professionals.
Business continuity management significant insights from practice /
Process industries.
Understanding Ethnic Privilege and Power at Work, Organizations and Management /
Connection culture : the competitive advantage of shared identity, empathy, and understanding at work /
FieldFresh Foods : could baby corn be the platform to link Indian farmers to the world? /
Wynn Resorts : bringing together the pieces to build a multibillion-dollar company /
The logic of professionalism : work and management in professional service organizations /
Under new management : how leading organizations are upending business as usual /
The leader lab : core skills to become a great manager faster /
Operational empowerment : collaborate, innovate, and engage to beat the competition /
Learning how to delegate as a leader /
The secrets behind great one-on-one meetings /
The new manager mindset : become a trusted, respected, and reputable leader /
Introducing management in a global context /
A new playbook for diversified companies : here's how strong performers are defying expectations about the demise of the multi-business enterprise /
The intelligent enterprise in the era of big data /
The Boeing Corporation 2007 : consolidating success or burying the competition? /
BP in Russia (A) /
Zhejiang Semir Garment Co., Ltd. /
Optimizing project work, management, and delivery /
Resetting management : thrive with agility in the age of uncertainty /
Own your words to gain authority : managers undermine their credibility when they speak for others too frequently /
HBRS 10 must reads 2020 /
The Drucker Lectures Essential Lessons on Management, Society and Economy /
Sustainable enterprise performance : a comprehensive evaluation method /
Management of Extreme Situations : From Polar Expeditions to Exploration-Oriented Organizations.
Governing business systems : theories and challenges for systems thinking in practice /
Data envelopment analysis in the financial services industry : a guide for practitioners and analysts working in operations research using DEA /
Cyber Risk Management : Prioritize Threats, Identify Vulnerabilities and Apply Controls /
New work, transformational and virtual leadership : lessons from COVID-19 and other crises /
USING SAP S/4HANA an introduction for business users.
Flexible strategies in VUCA markets /
Integrating Business Management Processes Volume 1: Management and Core Processes /
Integrating business management processes.
The Complexity Turn : Cultural, Management, and Marketing Applications.
Indigenous Indian management conceptualization, practical applications and pedagogical initiatives /
Challenges and trends in organizational management and industry /
Technological challenges : the human side of the digital age /
Cliché and organization : thinking with deleuze and film /
Advances in management research : innovation and technology /
The respectful manager : the guide to successful management /
Creating an effective management system : integrating policy deployment, TWI, and Kata /
System, actor, and process : keywords in organization studies /
Pocket guide for hospitality managers
The Oxford handbook of management /
Business in uncertainty : evolution, transformation and adaptation across disciplines and typologies /
Management and visualisation : seeing beyond the strategic /
The Routledge companion to management and workplace spirituality /
Wisdom, analytics and wicked problems : an integral decision making for the data age /
Process Industries 1 Sustainability, Managerial and Scientific Fundamentals.
The Future of Management Volume Two: Industry 4.0 and Digitalization.
How did I not see this coming? : a new manager's guide to avoiding total disaster /
People management : getting started /
How to manage : the definitive guide to effective management /
How Could This Happen? : Managing Errors in Organizations /
The lean innovation cycle : a multi-disciplinary framework for designing value with lean and human-centered design /
Productivity and efficiency analysis : an economic approach to measuring and explaining managerial performance /
Understanding organizations-finally! : structuring in sevens /
The 80 minute MBA : everything you'll never learn at business school /
Inter-firm networks : coordination through board and department interlocks /
Efficient organization : a governance approach /
The Palgrave handbook of managing continuous business transformation /
The Drucker lectures : essential lessons on management, society, and economy /
Management tips /
The new manager's survival guide : everything you need to know to succeed in the corporate world /
Programmazione e Controllo : Estratto da Sistemi di pianificazione e controllo.
The management thought of Louis R. Pondy : reclaiming the enthinkment path /
Burnt Out to Lit Up How to Reignite the Joy of Leading People.
Socio-Economic Approach to Management Treatise Theory and Practices.
Business standard compliance and requirements validation using goal models /
Industry competitiveness digitalization, management, and integration.
Business continuity management : significant insights from practice /
Action at a Distance : Studies in the Practicalities of Executive Management /
The absurd workplace : how absurdity is normalized in contemporary society and the workplace /
Production planning and control : a comprehensive approach /
Tactical management in complexity managerial and informational aspects /
The quest for professionalism : the case of management and entrepreneurship /
Behavioral controlling : anniversary volume in honor of Jürgen Weber /
The manager's handbook : five simple steps to build a team, stay focused, make better decisions, and crush your competition /
Standards for enterprise management control /
HBR's 10 Must Reads for Business Students /
Agile Management : the Fast and Flexible Approach to Continuous Improvement and Innovation in Organizations.
Management and leadership in the 4th industrial revolution : capabilities to achieve superior performance /
Rocket : eight lessons to secure infinite growth /
The Inclusive, Empathetic, and Relational Supervisor : Managing Diverse Employees through Interpersonal Relationships /
Managing complexity in social systems : leverage points for policy and strategy /
The complete company policies : documents and guidance /
Socio-economic approach to management : science-based consulting for sustainability /
The Silicon Valley model : management for entrepreneurship /
The Human Constraint How Business Leaders Can Embed Continuous Innovation, Conflict Resolution, and Problem Solving into Daily Practice.
Management engineering in emerging economies /
Management by permission : managing people in the 21st century /
Organizations and Industry 4.0 : management solutions beyond technology /
Organizational Ikigai : theoretical foundations for the transformation to a purpose-driven organization /
Management challenges in different types of African firms : processes, practices and performance /
Creating the vital organization : balancing short -term profits with long-term success /
Collaborative advantage : how open organizations thrive in volatility /
Organization and management an international approach /
Revolution of innovation management.
Second-in-command (2iC), first in excellence : An Organization's Secret to Achieving Phenomenal Success.
Lateral management a new approach to strategic transformation in the digital era /
Holistic flexibility for systems thinking and practice /
Building resilience in global business during crisis : perspectives from emerging markets /
Developmental integration and industrialisation in Southern Africa /
Edgar H. Schein : the artistry of a reflexive organizational scholar-practitioner /
PANDEMIC TO ENDEMIC propositions for the future.
Managing in complexity : how our fears of uncertainty can hurt us and what to do about it /
Be [2.0] : turning your business into an enduring great company /
Harvard Business Review's 10 must reads for new managers /
For Robert Cooper : collected work /
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT a roadmap for successful organizational transformation.
Managing the business : how successful managers align management systems with business strategy /
Welcome to management : how to grow from top performer to excellent leader /
Paradigm shift in business : critical appraisal of agile management practices /
Many worlds, one life a remarkable journey from farmhouse to the global stage /
Sustainable businesses in developing economies : socio-economic and governance perspectives /
DO IT RIGHT, DO IT NOW! people - the essential ingredient for success.
The power of being divisive : understanding negative social evaluations /
Pravin Gordhan : master juggler /
Motorola's Droid 2 : the product manager's dilemma /
Hobby Lobby and the Affordable Care Act /
Innovation performance in the 21st Century designing business related to cultural, digital and environmental challenges /
Industry competitiveness : digitalization, management, and integration.
The performative enterprise ideas and case studies on moving beyond the quality paradigm /
Successful management strategies and tools industry insights, case studies and best practices /
Integrating performance and risk in a management control system a framework to understand aspects and directions of integration /
Be a Great Manager - Now! : the 2-in-1 Manager: Speed Read - Instant Tips ; Big Picture - Lasting Results /
Controlling Concept, The.
Shu ju qu dong li : qi ye shu ju fen xi shi zhan = Creating a data-driven organization /
Managing disruptions in business causes, conflicts, and control /
Ma theory and the creative management of innovation /
Redefining management : smart power perspectives /
MANAGEMENT IN ACTION an hr perspective.
Smart organizations in the public sector : sustainable local development in the European Union /
HBR's 10 must reads 2016 : the definitive management ideas of the year from Harvard Business Review.
Creating a data-driven organization /
Management mastery and practice series : everything you ever wanted to know about managing people but were afraid to ask /
Bedtime stories for managers : farewell to lofty leadership, welcome engaging management /
Results : getting beyond politics to get important work done /
Rethinking hierarchy : we need to reconceive managerial authority for today's business environment, not eliminate it /
How to build a high-trust workplace : the more your employees trust you, the more engaged they'll be /
Personal Values and Managerial Behaviour : A Comparative Analysis from Central Europe /
Embracing complexity : strategic perspectives for an age of turbulence /
Adieu désordre, bonjour productivite! : ranger, trier, structurer /
MBA In A Week : All The Insights Of A Master Of Business Administration Degree In Seven Simple Steps.
Manage your workforce ecosystem, not just your employees /
Second-in-command (2iC), first in excellence : an organization's secret to achieving phenomenal success /
Five ways leaders can turn pushback into progress /
Developing management proficiency : a self-directed learning approach /
Unlocking business agility with evidence-based management : satisfy customers and improve organizational effectiveness /
Becoming a sustainable organization : a project and portfolio management approach /
A symphony of choices : how mentorship taught a manager decision-making, project management and workplace engagement -- and saved a concert season /
Innovation management and the law : an institutional approach /
Afro-Global Management Innovation Practices Re-Imagining Work and Workplaces.
HD31.2 .A33 2021 Managing expectations and stakeholders : Harsh Ahuja's family dilemma / 1
HD31.2 .A54 2015eb Creating a data-driven organization / 1
HD31.2 .B35 2017 The forward-looking manager in a VUCA world / 1
HD31.2 .B357 2018 Evidence-based management : how to use evidence to make better organizational decisions / 1
HD31.2 B377 2016 Business Engineering and Service Design, Second Edition, Volume I. 1
HD31.2 .B38 2022 Practical management for the digital age : an introduction for engineers, scientists, and related disciplines / 2
HD31.2 .B38 2022eb Practical management for the digital age : an introduction for engineers, scientists, and related disciplines / 1