Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD38.5 .Y44 2013eb Technology integration to business : focusing on RFID, interoperability, and sustainability for manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management /
Technology integration to business focusing on RFID, interoperability, and sustainability for manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management /
HD38.5 .Y83 2007 Competitive supply chains : a value-based management perspective / 2
HD38.5 .Y83 2016eb Competitive supply chains : a value-based management perspective / 2
HD38.5 .Z453 2003 Zhongguo wu liu fa zhan bao gao (2002) / 1
HD38.5 .Z454 2002 Zhongguo wu liu nian jian, 2002 = China logistics yearbook, 2002 / 1
HD38.5 .Z456 2002 Zhongguo wu liu qi ye ming lu / 1
HD38.5 .Z755 2017eb Managing Commodity Price Risk : a Supply Chain Perspective, Second Edition. 1
HD38.5 .Z95 2006 Lean distribution : applying lean manufacturing to distribution, logistics, and supply chain / 2
HD38.5 ǂb .P594 2014eb  
HD38.5eb Supply chains and the enterprise / 1
HD38.5 ebook Gestión logística internacional /
Logística : para el desarrollo competitivo /
Gestión logística integral : las mejores prácticas en la cadena de abastecimientos /
Cadena de suministro y logística /
Cadena de suministro 4.0 : beneficios y retos de las tecnologías disruptivas /
Logística empresarial : control y planificación /
Manual práctico para gestión logística /
Costos logísticos.
Industria y logística 4.0
Principios y máximas de la cadena de abastecimiento /
Logística y costos.
Cómo mejorar la lógistica de su empresa mediantes la simulación.
Casos resueltos de diseño y gestión de la cadena de suministros /
Índice de desempeño logístico, industria 4.0 y madurez de las redes globales de valor : un análisis multicriterio en el contexto colombiano /
Comunicación y TICs : su efecto en la distribución comercial /
Guía para la gestión de la cadena de suministros /
Diccionario de logística /
Logística inversa en la gestión de la cadena de suministro
Logística comercial internacional /
Técnicas logísticas para innovar, planificar y gestionar.
Calidad total y logística /
La cadena de suministro /
La mente y el corazón del logista.
Cómo hacer de la cadena de suministro un centro de valor.
Logística funcional del comercio internacional /
Macrologística internacional /
Micrologística : cómo optimizar los procesos logísticos internos /
Gestión logística integral : las mejores prácticas en la cadena de abastecimiento /
Gestión de la cadena de abastecimiento : eslabones, herramientas y tendencias /
Manual básico de logística integral.
Costeo de la logística integral : generación de valor en la cadena de suministro /
Transporte y distribución física internacional
Gestión de inventarios, gestión del conocimiento, gestión de mantenimiento
Logística matemática : la clave del éxito en la cadena de suministro /
Técnicas para la gestión financiera en logística
Técnicas operativas en almacén.
Técnicas de cálculo con vehículos y unidades de transporte.
Manual de estrategia de operaciones : co��mo alcanzar la excelencia y crear valor en las operaciones /
Gestio��n documental del transporte por carretera : 55 modelos para gestionar desde la oferta hasta la entrega de la mercanci��a /
Indicadores de la gestión logística /
Logística inversa y ambiental : "retos y oportunidades" en las organizaciones modernas /
Logística XY Plus : gestión y sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro /
COMO GESTIONAR LA CADENA DE SUMINISTRO fundamentos, practica y aplicaciones en la vida real.
HD38.7 Analytics : the agile way /
Where's the Money in Big Data
The complete business analysis fundamentals course.
The handbook of market intelligence : understand, compete and grow in global markets /
Business Intelligence with Looker Cookbook Create BI Solutions and Data Applications to Explore and Share Insights in Real Time /
Business intelligence cookbook : a project lifecycle approach using Oracle technology /
Monetizing your data : a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions /
Applied Microsoft business intelligence /
Visual business analytics : effektiver Zugang zu Daten und Informationen /
Real world applications panel : enterprise and industry /
Real-time strategy and business intelligence : digitizing practices and systems /
Corporate intelligence and espionage : a blueprint for executive decision making /
Business analytics : an introduction /
Computational and strategic business modelling : IC-BIM 2021, Athens, Greece /
SQL fundamentals for business intelligence /
The analytics revolution : how to improve your business by making analytics operational in the big data era /
Learn Power BI : a Comprehensive, Step-By-step Guide for Beginners to Learn Real-world Business Intelligence.
Business Intelligence Applied : Implementing an Effective Information and Communications Technology Infrastructure /
Practical business intelligence : learn to get the most out of your business data to optimize your business /
Beginning Microsoft Power BI : a practical guide to self-service data analytics /
Applied Microsoft Business Intelligence.
Prescriptive analytics : the final frontier for evidence-based management and optimal decision making /
Pervasive intelligence now : enabling game-changing outcomes in the age of exponential data /
Delivering business intelligence with Microsoft SQL server 2016 /
Forging bonds in a global workforce /
Big data, big analytics : emerging business intelligence and analytic trends for today's businesses /
Business intelligence : 7th International Conference, CBI 2022, Khouribga, Morocco, May 26-28, 2022, Proceedings /
Enterprise business intelligence and data warehousing : program management essentials /
Business and competitive analysis : effective application of new and classic methods /
Computational business analytics /
Leveraging business analysis for project success /
Power BI masterclass /
Global business intelligence /
Competitive Intelligence : Gathering, Analysing and Putting it to Work.
AI Meets BI : Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence /
SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence : 24-hour trainer /
Data analytics in marketing, entrepreneurship, and innovation /
Smart business intelligence solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 /
Using open source platforms for business intelligence : avoid pitfalls and maximize ROI /
Business intelligence guidebook : from data integration to analytics /
Getting a Big Data Job For Dummies.
Business espionage : risks, threats, and countermeasures /
Business analytics for managers : taking business intelligence beyond reporting /
AI-powered business intelligence : improving forecasts and decision making with machine learning /
Microsoft business intelligence for dummies /
Competitive intelligence for dummies /
Introduction to business analytics using simulation
Getting analytics right : answering business questions with more data in less time /
Social data analytics : collaboration for the enterprise /
A comprehensive guide to information security management and audit /
A practitioner's guide to business analytics : using data analysis tools to improve your organization's decision making and strategy /
Introduction to business analytics using simulation /
Using open source platforms for business intelligence avoid pitfalls and maximize ROI /
Statistics for food scientists : making sense of the numbers /
Real-time business intelligence and analytics : International Workshops, BIRTE 2015, Kohala Coast, HI, USA, August 31, 2015, BIRTE 2016, New Delhi, India, September 5, 2016, BIRTE 2017, Munich, Germany, August 28, 2017, Revised Selected Papers /
Big Data and Business Analytics.
AI Meets BI Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence /
Business Intelligence : 8th International Conference, CBI 2023, Istanbul, Turkey, July 19-21, 2023, Proceedings /
Effective strategy execution : business intelligence using Microsoft Power BI /
Prescriptive analytics : mastering the spreadsheet of everything /
Business Intelligence for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises : an Agile Roadmap Toward Business Sustainability.
Business analytics with management science models and methods /
Big data management and analytics 9th European Summer School, eBISS 2019, Berlin, Germany, June 30 - July 5, 2019, Revised Selected Papers /
With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility
We never expected that : a comparative study of failures in national and business intelligence /
Medley Global Advisors : could the information service survive without its founder? /
Advanced applied SQL for business intelligence and analytics /
Business intelligence : 6th International Conference, CBI 2021, Beni Mellal, Morocco, May 27-29, 2021, Proceedings /
Competing on Analytics
IBM zSystems functional matrix /
Innovative approaches in agent-based modelling and business intelligence /
Visualizing data with Microsoft Power View /
SAP business intelligence quick start guide : actionable business insights from the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform /
Industrial espionage and technology transfer : Britain and France in the 18th century /
Strategic intelligence : conceptual tools for leading change /
Agile Business Intelligence : Theorie und Praxis /
Datenqualität erfolgreich steuern : praxislösungen für business-intelligence-projekte /
Beginning Microsoft Power BI A Practical Guide to Self-Service Data Analytics /
Business intelligence career master plan launch and advance your BI career with proven techniques and actionable insights /
Power BI Masterclass,
Building a fast universal data access platform /
Power BI masterclass 2023.
How to have better strategy conversations about monetizing data /
HD38.7 .A24 2017 Oracle Business Intelligence and Essbase solutions guide / 2
HD38.7 .A35 2012eb Building business intelligence using SAS : content development examples / 1
HD38.7 .A3898 2023 AI-driven intelligent models for business excellence / 1
HD38.7 .A42 2000 Corporate radar : tracking the forces that are shaping your business / 1
HD38.7 .A42 2000eb Corporate radar : tracking the forces that are shaping your business / 1
HD38.7 .A449 2014eb Excel dashboards & reports for dummies / 2
HD38.7 .A55 2023 Data curious : applying agile analytics for better business decisions / 2
HD38.7 .A653 2013 IBM Cognos 10 Business Intelligence. 1