Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD42 .W56 1983 Winning through accommodation : the mediator's handbook : the use of new, alternative methods of dispute resolution in the last decades of the 20th century / 1
HD42 .W573 1993 Resolving conflicts on the job / 1
HD42 .W573 1993eb Resolving conflicts on the job / 1
HD42 .W573 2007eb Resolving conflicts on the job / 2
HD42 .W578 2003eb The conflict and communication activity book : 30 high-impact training exercises for adult learners / 2
HD42 .Y38 1985 The politics of management / 1
HD42 .Z37 2023 Rethinking conflict resolution and management / 1
HD42 .Z43 2005 Dong fang ren xing ge di tu / 1
HD42 ebook Herramientas para el cambio desde la gestión del conflicto : anuario del Centro de Meditación, Negociación y Arbitraje de la Universidad de Chile.
Qué hacer cuando arde la red : gestión de crisis de comunicación online /
El uso on-line de la mediación, servicio de solución de conflictos : un instrumento para las situaciones de crisis /
Resolución de conflictos en la empresa /
HD45 Enterprise and the scope of the firm : the role of vertical integration /
Empty innovation : causes and consequences of society's obsession with entrepreneurship and growth /
The new technology elite : how great companies optimize both technology consumption and production /
Digital towns : accelerating and measuring the digital transformation of rural societies and economies /
Industrial technological development : a network approach /
Creativity for innovation management /
Management of Technology.
Driving Data Projects : A comprehensive guide /
Management control and creativity : challenges of managing innovation processes /
Tech startup toolkit : how to launch strong and exit big /
Success in innovation : improving the odds by understanding the factors for unsuccess /
Managing innovation : integrating technological, market and organizational change /
Disruptive activity in a regulated industry : the case of telecommunications /
Innovation engine : driving execution for breakthrough results /
The agile architecture revolution : how cloud computing, REST-based SOA, and mobile computing are changing enterprise IT /
Crowdstorm : the future of innovation, ideas, and problem solving /
Strategies for AI and cognitive tools : How can cognitive technologies aid business leader? Learn what AI can, and can't, do.
Managing along the digital continuum : advances in technology are affecting every aspect of business, and leaders need to keep this evolution in mind when developing their company's strategies.
Digitising enterprise in an information age /
Building the agile business through digital transformation /
Mastering innovation's toughest trade-offs : leaders must answer eight key questions to address the hidden tensions underlying innovation strategies /
Mastering digital business : how powerful combinations of disruptive technologies are enabling the next wave of digital transformation.
Commercializing innovation : turning technology breakthroughs into products /
How to create innovation : the ultimate guide to proven strategies and business models for drive innovation and digital transformation /
Innovating from within : intrapreneurship and innovation within the organization /
Disruptive technologies, innovation and development in Africa
New business models for the reuse of secondary resources from WEEEs : the FENIX Project /
Digitalization in industry : between domination and emancipation /
Responsible innovation : business opportunities and strategies for implementation /
The future of work : how artificial intelligence can augment human capabilities /
Leading and managing innovation : what every executive team must know about project, program, and portfolio management /
Creating a culture of innovation : design an optimal environment to create and execute new ideas /
Leveraging digital innovation : lessons for implementation /
Digitale Transformation Fallbeispiele und Branchenanalysen.
Corporate Data Quality Voraussetzung erfolgreicher Geschäftsmodelle.
101 design methods : a structured approach for driving innovation in your organization /
The innovation mode how to transform your organization into an innovation powerhouse /
Personas Innovadoras, Organizaciones Vivas : La Importancia Del Talento en la Innovación.
A Modern Playbook on Digital Transformation
Reinventing innovation : designing the dual organization /
The data strategy blueprint : architecting a data strategy that propels business growth.
The self-driving company a conceptual model for organizations of the future /
Innovation in clusters : understanding universities, special economic zones, and modeling /
The process of business model innovation : an empirical exploration /
Beyond AI : ChatGPT, Web3, and the business landscape of tomorrow /
Research and development management : technology journey through analysis, forecasting and decision making /
ENOVALE how to unlock sustained innovation project success.
The AI-enabled enterprise /
The Google model managing continuous innovation in a rapidly changing world /
Sequencing Apple's DNA.
Specialization in online innovation communities : understand and manage specialized members /
Nuevas tendencias en gestión e innovación empresarial : adaptación a los nuevos escenarios globales y domésticos /
Radical innovation needs old-school VC /
The impact of societal and social innovation : a case-based approach /
Disruption in the infrastructure sector challenges and opportunities for developers, investors and asset managers /
Relentless innovation : what works, what doesn't--and what that means for your business /
Innovation and entrepreneurship /
Lead and disrupt : how to solve the innovator's dilemma /
The creative gap : managing ideas for profit /
The Routledge handbook of global and digital governance crossroads : stakeholder engagement and democratization /
Technology and Business Strategy : Getting the Most Out of Technological Assets.
The year in tech, 2022 : the insights you need from Harvard Business Review.
Leading innovation /
Digital customer success : why the next frontier of CS is digital and how you can leverage it to drive durable growth /
Innovation governance : how top management organizes and mobilizes for innovation /
The innovator's field guide : market tested methods and frameworks to help you meet your innovation challenges /
Handbook of innovation economics /
Jugaad innovation : think frugal, be flexible, generate breakthrough growth /
Enterprise innovation : from creativity to engineering /
How useful is the theory of disruptive innovation? : few academic management theories have had as much influence in the business world as Clayton M. Christensen's theory of disruptive innovation. But how well does the theory describe what actually happens in business? /
Keep calm and manage disruption : just whisper the word "disruption" if you want to scare the life out of many business leaders. But contrary to some claims, disruption can be averted, and many businesses find ways of managing through it. /
Viaje al futuro de la empresa Cómo competir en la era del liderazgo moonshot y las organizaciones exponenciales /
Make your organization a center of innovation : tools and concepts to solve problems and generate ideas /
Innovation and production ecosystems /
EDGE : value-driven digital transformation /
Agile leadership toolkit : learning to thrive with self-managing teams /
How to read and respond to weak digital signals : in the digital age, when competitive landscapes can be transformed overnight, the need to spot and react to changes early has never been greater /
Evolving digital leadership : how to be a digital leader in tomorrow's disruptive world /
How the wrong KPIs doom digital transformation /
The human side of digital business transformation /
When gradual change beats radical transformation : industrial companies may not be the face of digital disruption, but their evolutionary approaches to successful digital initiatives hold lessons for other sectors /
Unifying business, data, and code /
The trouble with your innovation contests : not all innovation contests should be winner-takes-all or judged by senior executives : new research shows how to structure contests to meet specific goals /
Financial technology (FinTech), entrepreneurship, and business development : proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2021) /
Innovation in the new century /
Experimentation works : the surprising power of business experiments /
Machine learning for managers
Systemic Innovation Entrepreneurial Strategies and Market Dynamics.
Creative rationality and innovation /
Digital transformations in the challenge of activity and work understanding and supporting technological changes /
Planning and roadmapping technological innovations : cases and tools /
Innovation and entrepreneurship : theory, policy and practice /
HBR's 10 must reads on leading digital transformation.
Digital business leadership : digital transformation, business model innovation, agile organization, change management /
Joining decisions in open collaborative innovation communities : a discrete choice study /
Understanding novelty in organizations : a research path across agency and consequences /
Innovation in the Asia Pacific : from manufacturing to the knowledge economy /
Business architecture strategy and platform-based ecosystems
Conquering digital overload : leadership strategies that build engaging work cultures /
Co-innovation dynamics : the management of client-supplier interactions for open innovation /
How innovation really works /
Digitalization approaches, case Studies, and tools for strategy, transformation and implementation /
NAVIGATING INNOVATION how to identify, prioritize and capture opportunities for strategic success.
Transforming through processes : leading voices on BPM, people and technology /
Management innovation : antecedents, complementarities and performance consequences /
Growth through innovation : managing the technology-driven enterprise /
Realizing business model innovation : a strategic approach for business unit managers /
Creating business agility : how convergence of cloud, social, mobile, video, and big data enables competitive advantage /
Innovation capability maturity model /
Responsible innovation /
Innovation engine driving execution for breakthrough results /
Cross-border innovation in a changing world : players, places, and policies /
The post-digital enterprise : going beyond the hype /
Innovation in ASEAN : change and development /
Collaboration with potential users for discontinuous innovation : experimental research on user creativity /
Lead like Walt : discover Walt Disney's magical approach to building successful organizations /
The Power of Little Ideas
Open innovation results : going beyond the hype and getting down to business /
The digital mindset : what it really takes to thrive in the age of data, algorithms, and AI /
Top down innovation /
Performing Technocapitalism : The Politics and Affects of Postcolonial Technology Entrepreneurship in Kenya /
AI-oriented competency framework for talent management in the digital economy : models, technologies, applications, and implementation /
The business of new process diffusion : management of the early float glass start-ups /
The Innovation Systems Cycle : Simplifying and Incorporating the Guidelines of the ISO 56002 Standard and Best Practices.
Strategic digital transformation : a results-driven approach /
Emerging trends in disruptive technology management for sustainable development /
Divinization and technology : the political anthropology of subversion /
The dynamics of local innovation systems : structures, networks and processes /
Economics of an innovation system : inside and outside the black box /
Leading and managing innovation what every executive team must know about project, program, and portfolio management /
Sustainable Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Digital Practices in Industry 5. 0
The innovation factory /
Harnessing digital disruption : how companies win with design thinking, Agile, and Lean Startup /
The Routledge companion to innovation management /
Assessing innovation : metrics, rubrics, and standards /
Fostering a culture of innovation : Leading a company through change brings its own challenges, and requires executives to create an environment that allows innovation to flourish without impediment.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Transformation in Business Navigating the New Frontiers Beyond Boundaries (DTBNNF 2024).
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Emerging Challenges Smart Business and Digital Economy 2023 (ICECH 2023) .
Innovation lessons from China : foreign businesspeople complain that China doesn't play fair. But anybody involved in international business as a place to sell but also a place to learn /
Rethinking the manager's role : technology will not render managers obsolete--but they will need to be more skilled than ever before /
Tackling the world's challenges with technology : the power and responsibility that companies have to help build a thriving, resilient world has never been greater /
Finding a lower-risk path to high-impact innovations : the pursuit of major innovations is often seen as a risky endeavor. However, there is a lower-risk way to commercialize certain types of high-impact innovations, by viewing initial applications as "lily pads" that a company can reach before leaping to the next market /
Building a culture focused on execution : What are the best ways to make sure that projects and new ideas move forward smoothly and smartly? : tap employees for their best ideas, encourage them to share their concerns, and use strategy loops to incorporate new information and translate it into effective action.
12 essential innovation insights : for decades, researchers have published their findings about innovation in MIT Sloan Management Review : here are a dozen of the best insights /
Digitally curious : your guide to navigating the future of AI and all things tech /
From idea to innovation : a handbook for inventors, decision makers and organizations /
Mapping innovation : a playbook for navigating a disruptive age /
Total innovative management excellence (TIME) : the future of innovation /
New frontiers in open innovation /
New business creation : systems for institutionalized radical innovation management /
INDUSTRY DYNAMICS AND INDUSTRY 4.0 drones for remote sensing applications.
Innovation /
Link technology to your long-terms business goals : how to use technology to mobilize your people, strategy and operations /
Managing innovation in organisations : fostering an entrepreneurial approach /
Mass customization : opportunities, methods, and challenges for manufacturers /
Simulating knowledge dynamics in innovation networks /
Business advancement through technology.
Impact of artificial intelligence, and the fourth Industrial Revolution on business success : proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2021) /
Sustainable finance, digitalization and the role of technology proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2021) /
Immersive technologies to accelerate innovation : how virtual and augmented reality enables the co-creation of concepts /
Customer co-design : a study in the mass customization industry /
Technology, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship in industry 4.0
Viaje al futuro de la empresa Cómo competir en la era del liderazgo moonshot y las organizaciones exponenciales /
Sustainable business management and digital transformation : challenges and opportunities in the post-COVID era /
Management of the fuzzy front end of innovation /
Technology management for sustainable production and logistics /
Responsible innovation 2 : concepts, approaches, and applications /
Innovación : 100 consejos para inspirala y gestionarla /
The innovation race : how to change a culture to change the game /
Innovation of businesses, and digitalization during Covid-19 pandemic : proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT 2021) /
Mapping innovation : the discipline of building opportunity across value chains /
Open innovation in R & D departments : an analysis of employees' intention to exchange knowledge in OI-projects /
Flexibility, innovation, and sustainable business
How innovation really works : using the trillion-dollar R & D fix to drive growth /
Digital transformation for sustainability ICT-supported environmental socio-economic development /
Rethinking innovation and design for emerging markets : inside the Renault Kwid project /
Open innovation business modeling : gamification and design thinking applications /
Low-tech innovation : competitiveness of the German manufacturing sector /
Managing innovation in highly restrictive environments : lessons from Latin America and emerging markets /
Recent essentials in innovation management and research : networking, innovation systems, instruments, ecology in international perspective /
Innovazione e sviluppo tecnologico : L'impatto sulle attività generatrici di valore /
Management of software engineering innovation in Japan / Yasuo Kadono.
Digital transformation in Norwegian Enterprises /
How AI is transforming the organization /
Dynamic lines of collaboration disruption handling & control /
Innovation performance accounting financing decisions and risk assessment of innovation processes /
Sustainable Innovation Trends in Marketing and Management /
Harnessing the potential of digital post-millennials in the future workplace
Innovation in an advanced consumer society : value-driven service innovation /
Balancing exploitation and exploration : organizational antecedents and performance effects of innovation strategies /
Beyond disruption : innovate and achieve growth without displacing industries, companies, or jobs /
The Google model : managing continuous innovation in a rapidly changing world /
The Year in Tech, 2024 /
Fearless innovation : going beyond the buzzword to continuously drive growth, improve the bottom line, and enact change /
Industrial digital transformation : accelerate digital transformation with business optimization, AI, and Industry 4.0 /
Rewired : the McKinsey guide to outcompeting in the age of digital and AI /
The digital transformation roadmap : rebuild your organization for continuous change /
Strategy in the digital age : mastering digital transformation /
Innovation management : systemic framework and China's exploration /
Behavioral competencies for innovation using emotional intelligence to foster innovation /
Technological innovation : strategy and management /
Building an innovation powerhouse : maximising people potential to grow your business /
The power of convergence : linking business strategies and technology decisions to create sustainable success /
Advancing concepts and models for measuring innovation : proceedings of a workshop /
Digital technologies for smart business, economics and education : towards a promising future /
Applications of artificial intelligence in business and finance : modern trends /
Human-centered digitalization and services /
Design of Innovation Processes : Flow from Idea to Market Launch with Higher Speed and Value, Time after Time /
Digital transformation for business and society : contemporary issues and applications in Asia /
Responsible innovation management
Working environment and digital transformation : challenges for the public sector /
Generative AI in the real world.
Industry 4.0 value roadmap : integrating technology and market dynamics for strategy, innovation and operations /
Why digital transformation needs a heart : if used unwisely, digital forces could transform businesses in ways that will have negative long-term implications for both companies and workers /
Digital customer success why the next frontier of CS is digital and how you can leverage it to drive durable growth /
Foresight and STI governance
Business innovation for the post-pandemic Era in Vietnam /
Emerging technologies in business : innovation strategies for competitive advantage /
Kōsō-Ryoku for innovation and management in the age of para-existence /
Innovation in the digital economy : new approaches to management for Industry 5.0 /
Innovative Business Development Implementing Transformation from Within /
Business digital transformation : selected cases from industry leaders /
Innovation as a basis for competitiveness theory and practice /
Competitive digital innovation : transforming products, processes and business models to win in the digital economy /
Digital transformation : technology, tools, and studies /
Digitalisation of global business services : orchestrating the enterprise ecosystem /
The self-driving company : a conceptual model for organizations of the future /
Opportunities and risks in AI for business development.
Smart designs for business innovation : proceedings of the 3rd American University in the Emirates International Research Conference, AUEIRC'20 -- Dubai, UAE 2020 /
Architecting enterprise : managing innovation, technology, and global competitiveness /
Impacto de la Digitalización en Los Nuevos Modelos de Negocio
Society 5.0 : industry of the future, technologies, methods and tools /
German and Chinese contributions to digitalization : opportunities, challenges, and impacts /
Centros de Apoyo a la Tecnología y la Innovación (CATI) - Informe de 2021 : acompañar a los innovadores locales en el camino que lleva de la investigación al producto.
Global Emerging Innovation Summit (GEIS-2021) /
Inflection point : how the convergence of cloud, mobility, apps and data will shape the future of business /
Make your organization a center of innovation tools and concepts to solve problems and generate ideas /
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2017 /
Digital transformation : understanding business goals, risks, processes, and decisions /
Intentional Entrepreneur Bringing Technology and Engineering to the Real New Economy.
Rapport sur les centres d'appui à la technologie et à l'innovation (CATI) 2020 : permettre aux innovateurs locaux d'exploiter leur potentiel.
Centros de apoyo a la tecnología y la innovación (CATI) informe de 2020 : propiciar la innovación local para sacar partido de su potencia.
Innovation through cooperation : the emergence of an idea economy /
Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung : Trends und Perspektiven für die Praxis.
Radical innovation and Open innovation : Illumination with a case study in the LED industry.
The importance of new technologies and entrepreneurship in business development : in the context of economic diversity in developing countries : the impact of new technologies and entrepreneurship on business development /
The dynamics of green innovation in B2B industries a systems approach to explain the diffusion of bioplastics /
Resource recombination in firms from a dynamic capability perspective
Technology and business strategy digital uncertainty and digital solutions /
To disrupt or not to disrupt? : disruption isn't always the right strategy for startups : it's a choice /
Experimentation Works /
The Oxford handbook of industry dynamics /
CDK digital marketing : addressing channel conflict with data analytics /
Hacking digital : best practices to implement and accelerate your business transformation /
Do machines dream of electric workers? : understanding the impact of digital technologies on organizations and innovation /
Digitalization and firm performance examining the strategic impact /
Technology disruption /
Monolithic transformation : using devops, Agile, and cloud platforms to execute a digital transformation strategy /
Sustainable Innovation : Trends in Marketing and Management /
Effective Innovation Begins With Strategic Direction /
Is your company ready for a digital future? : there are four different pathways that businesses can take to become top performers in the digital economy : leadership's role is to determine which path to pursue, and how aggressively to move /
A crisis of ethics in technology innovation : as businesses work to delight consumers, they must also protect the public trust /
From Industry 4.0 to business model 4.0 opportunities of the digital transformation /
Strategic innovation : research perspectives on entrepreneurship and resilience /
Smart product breakthroughs depend on customer control /
Leading in the Digital World /
Innovation management in the intelligent world cases and tools /
Managing digital transformation : evidence from hidden champions and measurement approaches /
Law and economics of the digital transformation /
Smart technologies for organizations : managing a sustainable and inclusive digital transformation /
Why innovators in China stay close to the market : businesses in China increasingly source their innovations from customers, competitors, and front-line employees, bucking trends seen elsewhere in the world /
Industry dynamics and Industry 4.0 : drones for remote sensing applications /
Open innovation toolkits in der produktentwicklung : kundenintegration als potential der wertanalyse.
Wissen und Macht in Organisationen.
Business and Emerging Technologies
The Digital Mindset What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI.
Digital business models : concepts, models, and the alphabet case study /
Radical human centricity : fulfilling the promises of innovation research /
Collaborative innovation networks : latest insights from social innovation, education, and emerging technologies research /
Innovación : 100 consejos para inspirala y gestionarla /
De la fregona al Airbus : guía para empresarios y diseñadores innovadores /
Developing and managing innovation in a fast changing and complex world : benefiting from dynamic principles /
Service innovation : novel ways of creating value in actor systems /
Blurring the Boundaries Through Digital Innovation : Individual, Organizational, and Societal Challenges /
Disrupt it yourself : eight ways to hack a better business-- before the competition does /
Disruptive technologies : understand, evaluate, respond /
Balancing valued tradition with innovation : when your product is a beloved classic, how do you update it to attract new customers? /
The RRI challenge : responsibilization in a state of tension with market regulation /
THE IMMERSIVE METAVERSE PLAYBOOK FOR BUSINESS LEADERS a guide to strategic decision-making and implementation in the metaverse for improved products and services /
Digital transformations in the challenge of activity and work : understanding and supporting technological changes /
The incumbent's deep tech strategy playbook : by taking a three-step approach to engaging with deep-tech ecosystems, incumbent companies can remain competitive, drive innovation, and create commercially valuable offerings /
What machines can't do (yet) in real work settings /
HD45-45.2 The digital pill : what everyone should know about the future of our healthcare system /
Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Future Trends, Threats and Considerations.
The philosophy of transhumanism : a critical analysis /
Machine learning and artificial intelligence in marketing and sales : essential reference for practitioners and data scientists /
Journalism, economic uncertainty and political irregularity in the digital and data era /
HD45 .A243 2019 Digital Business Models / 1
HD45 .A35 2015eb Adoption of innovation : balancing internal and external stakeholders in the marketing of innovation / 1
HD45 .A46 2012 The wide lens : a new strategy for innovation / 1
HD45 .A47 1998 Endogenous growth theory / 2
HD45 .A47 1998eb Endogenous growth theory / 1
HD45 .A4768 2020 Digital (r)evolution : strategies to accelerate business transformation / 3
HD45 .A53 2012 The innovation butterfly managing emergent opportunities and risks during distributed innovation / 1
HD45 .A55 Internal control : elements of a coordinated system and its importance to management and the independent public accountant, special report. 1
HD45 .A56 1992 The economics of industrial modernization / 1