Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD4875.A9 F45 2005 Forced labor in Austria, 1938-1945 : late recognition, history, tragic fates / 1
HD4875.A9 S35 2012 Französische Zwangsarbeiter im "Reichseinsatz" auf dem Gebiet der Republik Österreich : Hintergründe und Lebenswelten / 1
HD4875.B37 B43 1989 White servitude and Black slavery in Barbados, 1627-1715 / 1
HD4875.B8 Fighting Forced Labour : the Example of Brazil. 1
HD4875.B8 L4 2003 Trapped : modern-day slavery in the Brazilian Amazon / 1
HD4875.B85 J3 1871 The coolie, his rights and wrongs. 1
HD4875.B93 H67 2011eb Ending forced labour in Myanmar : engaging a pariah regime / 2
HD4875.C19 LABOURING CHILDREN british immigrant apprentices to canada, 1869-1924. 1
HD4875.C27 Legacy of slavery and indentured labour : historical and contemporary issues in Suriname and the Caribbean /
The Legacy of Indian Indenture : Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Migration and Diaspora /
HD4875.C27 J35 2012 PAL Jahaji Bhai : anatomy of a migration / 1
HD4875.C27 K35 1998 Fragments of empire : capital, slavery, and Indian indentured labor migration in the British Caribbean / 1
HD4875.C27 K35 1998eb Fragments of Empire Capital, Slavery, and Indian Indentured Labor in the British Caribbean.
Fragments of Empire : Capital, Slavery, and Indian Indentured Labor in the British Caribbean.
HD4875.C6 C5 1952 Zhong gong de nu gong zhi du / 1
HD4875.C6 L36 2009 Laogai : the machinery of repression in China / 1
HD4875.C75 M3713 2008 Lord Leverhulme's ghosts : colonial exploitation in the Congo / 1
HD4875.C9 Y86 2008 The coolie speaks : Chinese indentured laborers and African slaves in Cuba /
The coolie speaks : Chinese indentured laborers and African slaves of Cuba /
HD4875.C9 Y86 2008eb The coolie speaks : Chinese indentured laborers and African slaves in Cuba / 1
HD4875.C95 A33 2013 "Die Arbeiterfrage soll mit Hilfe von KZ-Häftlingen gelöst werden" : Zwangsarbeit in KZ-Aussenlagern auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Tschechischen Republik / 1
HD4875.D44 L4513 1985 Bitter sugar : slaves today in the Caribbean / 2
HD4875.E54 L3 1649 By Major Generall Lambert, Commander in Chief in the northern parts 1