Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD5306 .L674 2015eb Diritto di sciopero e servizi pubblici essenziali. 1
HD5306 .N49 2013 New forms and expressions of conflict at work
New forms and expressions of conflict at work /
HD5306 .P27 1973 Industrial disruption / 1
HD5306 .R34 2022 John Deere's historic strike / 1
HD5306 .R476 2016 Resolving individual labour disputes : a comparative overview. 1
HD5306 .R65 Changing patterns of industrial conflict / 1
HD5306 .R65 1960 Changing patterns of industrial conflict / 1
HD5306 .R66 1960i Changing patterns of industrial conflict 1
HD5306 .S6 Industrial conflict : a psychological interpretation / 1
HD5306 .S77 2007 Strikes around the world, 1968-2005 : case-studies of 15 countries / 1
HD5306 .V45 1962 How to resolve labor disputes without disruptive work stoppages / 1
HD5306 .W46 1985 Security during strikes / 2
HD5306 .Z8 Zur Theorie und Praxis des Streiks / 1
HD5306 ebook Teorías del conflicto y negociación laboral : una perspectiva sociológica /
Conflictos, personas y trabajo : ¿Son difíciles de manejar? /
HD5307 .C7 The general strike : a study of labor's tragic weapon in theory and practice / 1
HD5307 .G66 1984 The theory of the general strike from the French Revolution to Poland / 1
HD5307 .K66 1952i Strikes-- a study in industrial conflict with special reference to British experience between 1911 and 1947 / 1
HD5307 .L8913 The mass strike : the political party and the trade unions. And, The Junius pamphlet. 1
HD5307 .L8913 1971 The mass strike : the political party and the trade unions, and the Junius pamphlet. 1
HD5311 .G68 1954i Wildcat strike 1