Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD556 .B5513 Land or death : the peasant struggle in Peru. 1
HD556 .C56 Agriculture, bureaucracy, and military government in Peru / 2
HD556 .F52 1984 Capitalist development and the peasant economy in Peru / 1
HD556 .F55 1990 Tierra y constitución / 1
HD556 .G8 Agrarian reform and peasant economy in southern Peru / 1
HD556 .M3 La reforma agraría en el Perú / 1
HD556 ǂb F52 2008eb Capitalist Development and the Peasant Economy in Peru / 1
HD558 .F678 2007 Property rights after market liberalization reforms : land titling and investments in rural Peru / 1
HD559.A73 D38 1984 Landowners in colonial Peru / 1
HD559.C67 M34 1983 The defense of community in Peru's central highlands : peasant struggle and capitalist transition, 1860-1940 / 1
HD559.C67 M34 1983eb The defense of community in Peru's central highlands : peasant struggle and capitalist transition, 1860-1940 / 1
HD566 .Q5 La reforma agraria en el uruguay : algunos aspectos. 1
HD573 .B74 1985 El problema tierra y esclavos en la historia de Venezuela / 1
HD574 .L21 1990 Contribución al estudio de la "aristocracia territorial" en Venezuela colonial : la familia Xerez de Aristeguieta, siglo XVIII / 1
HD576 .C74 East from the Andes : pioneer settlements in the South American heartland / 1
HD576 .P64 Political mobilization of the Venezuelan peasant. 1
HD577 .S265 2004 CD The Marine Corps way : using maneuver warfare to lead a winning organization / 1
HD581 Alpine industrial landscapes : towards a new approach for brownfield redevelopment in Mountain Regions / 2
HD581.A1 E44 Emerging trends in real estate. 1
HD581 .L363 2022 Landless households in rural Europe, 1600-1900 / 1