Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD56 .K66 1986 Managing productivity in organizations : a practical, people-oriented perspective / 2
HD56 .L33 Lagging productivity growth : causes and remedies / 2
HD56 .L436 2019 Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education. 1
HD56 .L55 2005 The Toyota way : 14 management principles from the world's greatest manufacturer / 1
HD56 .M33 1978 Improving total productivity : MBO strategies for business, government, and not-for-profit organizations / 1
HD56 .M34 1999 Understanding productivity growth : entry, survival, and the competitive process / 1
HD56 .M35 1985 Managerial issues in productivity analysis / 1
HD56 .M67 Work & your future : living poorer, working harder / 2
HD56.N38 1979 Measurement and Interpretation of Productivity. 1
HD56 .N38 1979 Measurement and interpretation of productivity / 1
HD56 .N38 1979eb Measurement and interpretation of productivity / 1
HD56 .N48 News. 1
HD56 .N49 2005eb New directions efficiency and productivity / 1
HD56 .N67 2016eb Productivity and efficiency analysis 1
HD56 .O25 1995 Winning : continuous improvement theory in high-performance organizations / 1
HD56 .O25 1995eb Winning : continuous improvement theory in high-performance organizations / 1
HD56 .O95 2018 The Oxford handbook of productivity analysis / 2
HD56 .P35 1987 Patton on productivity : proven techniques for effective management / 1
HD56 .P36 1982 Patton's Complete guide to productivity improvement / 2
HD56 .P455 1995 The performance imperative : strategies for enhancing workforce effectiveness / 1