HD5797.7.A6 L3 1993x
The Labour market in Poland. |
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HD5797.7.A6 P64 2001
HD5797.7.L6 M65
Problemy demografii i zatrudnienia na terenie miasta Łodzi / |
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HD5797.7 .T66 2019
The Subjective Experience of Joblessness in Poland / |
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L'emploi et la protection sociale face à la nouvelle donne démographique / |
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HD5797.75.A6 R488 2003
Labour market and social policies in the Baltic countries. |
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Politics of waiting : workfare, post-soviet austerity and the ethics of freedom / |
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HD5797.85 .O96 2019
Politics of waiting : workfare, post-Soviet austerity and the ethics of freedom / |
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HD5798.A6 B48 1991
HD5798.A6 B48 1992
Between work and social citizenship / |
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HD5798.A6 N663 1996
The Nordic labour markets in the 1990's / |
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HD5799.A6 D455 1996
Denmark : single programming document, 1994-99. |
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HD5799.A6 J46 2008
The unemployed in the Danish newspaper debate from the 1840s to the 1990s / |
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HD5799 .P57 1997
Labour market studies. |
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HD5800.A6 M35 1997
Making solidarity work? : the Norwegian labour market in transition / |
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HD5801 .S86 1997
Labour market studies. |
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HD5803.A6 J3
Arbetskraftsrekryteringen vid Norrbottens järnverk ab. : en migrationsundersökning. |
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HD5803.A6 M6
Swedish unemployment policy / |
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HD5803.A6 N63
Pendelwanderungen in die Industriorte in Südschweden, 1750-1955; eine Studie über die Möglichkeiten der Fabriken die Reservarbeitskraft des Umlandes auszunutzen. |
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HD5803 .T74 1993
Measures to combat unemployment in Sweden : labor market policy in the mid-1990's / |
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