Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD58.8 .Z548 2010eb Business restructuring an action template for reducing cost and growing profit / 1
HD58.8 .Z55 1991 The turnaround experience : real-world lessons in revitalizing corporations / 1
HD58.8 .Z56 2011 Drivers of organizational change a system dynamics analysis integrating environmental determinism and managerial choice / 1
HD58.8 ebook La empresa pendiente : cambio organizacional a través de personas /
Disciplina de la innovación, La : Rutinas creativas.
Las organizaciones desde una mirada del desarrollo sostenible /
Desafíos y tendencias para la perdurabilidad de las organizaciones en escenarios de incertidumbre /
Innovación y competitividad en las organizaciones
Manual práctico de las 5'S para ganar en calidad y productividad : organiza tu vida y tu trabajo en 5 pasos /
Los retos de la empresa, el derecho y la comunicación en el mundo actual /
Gobernabilidad y gerencia transformacional en organizaciones complejas : un estudio fenomenológico /
La cara humana del cambio : una guía práctica para el rediseño de las organizaciones /
Retos y paradigmas de las organizaciones en el siglo XXI /
¿Innovación o evolución? : metáfora evolutiva de la empresa /
Patrimonio humano ... ni recurso, ni capital : cuidar en vez de usar /
Nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de las asociaciones
La intervención apreciativa una manera nueva, provocadora y afectiva para construir las organizaciones del siglo XX /
Manual de Supervivencia para Dinosaurios Empresariales Cómo Desarrollar el ADN de la Innovación en un Mundo de Cambio Continuo.
Turbulencia empresarial : lecciones aprendidas /
Sistemas de gestión y modelos de organización para la innovación /
Modelo de negocios e innovación : experiencias del laboratorio de competitividad de las PYME /
Cambio institucional y organizacional : perspectivas teóricas para el análisis /
Engagement y cambio organizacional /
Organización y gestión de equipos /
Incidencia de la lógica del cambio en la viabilidad organizacional : conceptos de transmisión y distribución. Modelación de líneas y redes /
El servicio innovador : "fundamentos y herramientas para transformar las empresas a través de la cultura de servicio y la innovación" /
Trabajo y organizaciones en transformación /
Buscando caminos : manual de métodos y prácticas de asesoramiento sistémico /
El directivo estoico ¿nueva o vieja gestión de la res publica?
HD58.82 Organizational learning as relational governance /
Information technology and organizational learning : managing behavioral change in the digital age /
Managing learning enterprises : challenges, controversies and opportunities /
Human agency at work : an active approach towards expertise development /
Beyond reductionism : gateways for learning and change /
Kompetenzentwicklung und organisationale Veränderung. Eine Ethnographie zu Veranstaltern von Musikevents
Elementos de Innovación Docente en Ciencias Sociales, Jurídicas y Otras Disciplinas con Contenido Normativo /
Organizational learning in Asia : issues and challenges /
Creating impact through future learning : the high impact learning that lasts (HILL) model /
Be bad first : get good at things fast to stay ready for the future /
Learning organisations in a South African context.
Informal workplace learning and employee development growing in the organizational new normal /
Skillful performance : enacting capabilities, knowledge, competence, and expertise in organizations /
The Oxford handbook of the learning organization /
Reasons and rationalizations : the limits to organizational knowledge /
Managing learning organization in industry 4.0 : proceedings of the International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO 2019), Bandung, Indonesia, October 9-10, 2019 /
More lies about learning : leading executives separate truth from fiction /
Organizational learning in China : building a multilevel approach /
Strategic organizational learning : using system dynamics for innovation and sustained performance /
Learning strategies for sustainable organisations /
Organizational Learning and Competitive Advantage.
The organizational embeddedness of communities of practice : exploring the cultural and leadership dynamics of self-organized practice /
Communities of practice as vibrant sources of knowledge and innovation within a rigid public hierarchy
Motivational immediacy in the workplace : facilitating learner engagement in training environments /
Building an innovative learning organization : a framework to build a smarter workforce, adapt to change, and drive growth /
Training that delivers results : instructional design that aligns with business goals /
The six disciplines of breakthrough learning : how to turn training and development into business results /
ASTD competency study : the training & development profession redefined /
From Knowledge Management to Learning Organisation to Innovation : the Way Ahead!
Determine the true value of learning and development /
Minds at work : managing for success in the knowledge economy /
Shedding new lights on organisational learning, knowledge and capabilities /
Business model innovation : the case of a learning network approach to O & M solutions in the Swedish wind energy industry /
The Oxford handbook of group and organizational learning /
L'art du sens dans les organisations /
Organization and newness : discourses and ecologies of innovation in the creative university /
Enabling success through learning and knowledge sharing /
L & D's playbook for the digital age /
Expand employee learning with communities of practice.
Learning at speed : how to upskill and reskill your workforce at pace to drive business performance /
Learning to succeed : rethinking corporate education in a world of unrelenting change /
The field guide to the 6Ds : how to use the six disciplines to transform learning into business results : tips, tools, case studies, and practical advice /
Learning for the long run : 7 practices for sustaining a resilient learning organization /
Learning organizations : extending the field /
Creating conditions for promising collaboration : alliances, networks, chains, strategic partnerships /
Learning and development : a practical introduction /
Unstoppable you : adopt the new learning 4.0 mindset and change your life /
The modern learning ecosystem : a new L&D mindset for the ever-changing workplace /
Coaching for performance : the principles and practice of coaching and leadership /
Organizational culture and absorptive capacity : the meaning for SMEs /
Revolutionize learning & development : performance and innovation strategy for the information age /
Big learning data /
Francophone perspectives of learning through work : conceptions, traditions and practices /
Measuring for Success : What CEOs Really Think About Learning Investments /
Adjacent Learning Using Insights from Outside the Organization to Develop Workplace Performance.
Sensuous learning for practical judgment in professional practice.
Envie de liberté? Organisez-vous! : a la rencontre de l'Intelligence Organisationnelle.
PAL driven organizational learning : theory and practices, a light on learning journey of organizations /
Project Action Learning (PAL) guidebook practical learning in organizations /
Computational modeling of multilevel organisational learning and its control using self-modeling network models /
Learning for organizational development : how to design, deliver and evaluate effective L&D /
Drivers of Corporate Learning Through an Involvement in Business Accelerators Insights from an Explorative Study in the Aerospace Sector /
Learning and development /
Enabling learning as a leader with Craig Hamill /
Kompetenzentwicklung und organisationale Veränderung : eine Ethnographie zu Veranstaltern von Musikevents /
Design education across disciplines : transformative learning experiences for the 21st century /
HD58.82 .A28eb vol. 19, no. 6 Activity theory and workplace learning / 1
HD58.82 .A3135 2018 The VUCA learner : future-proof your relevance / 1
HD58.82 .A315 2010 Activity theory in practice : promoting learning across boundaries and agencies /
Activity Theory in Practice : Promoting Learning Across Boundaries and Agencies.
HD58.82 .A315 2010eb Activity theory in practice : promoting learning across boundaries and agencies / 1
HD58.82 .A327 2009 Action learning for developing leaders and organizations : principles, strategies, and cases / 1
HD58.82 .A367 2003eb The future of knowledge : increasing prosperity through value networks / 1
HD58.82 .A37 1997 The knowledge evolution : expanding organizational intelligence / 1
HD58.82 .A37 1997eb The knowledge evolution expanding organizational intelligence / 1
HD58.82 .A38 2002eb Action learning, action research and process management / 1
HD58.82 .A38 2010 Action learning and its applications 1
HD58.82 .A53 2009 Power at play the relationships between play, work and governance / 1
HD58.82 .A53 2016 Be bad first : get good at things fast to stay ready for the future / 1
HD58.82 .A73 1999 Organizational learning : creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge / 1
HD58.82 .A734 1999 On organizational learning / 1
HD58.82 .A74 2013 Organizational learning creating, retaining and transferring knowledge / 1