Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD594 .B26 Studies of field systems in the British Isles,
Studies of field systems in the British Isles /
HD594 .B35 2002 The English manor, c. 1200-c. 1500 : selected sources / 1
HD594 .B4 The estates of the Percy family, 1416-1537. 1
HD594 .D4 1963 Seignorial administration in England / 1
HD594 .D62 The origin of British field systems : an interpretation / 1
HD594 .E54 1998 Records of the Office of the Auditors of Land Revenue. 1
HD594 .E88 2007 Estate landscapes : design, improvement and power in the post-medieval landscape / 1
HD594 .F3 Honors and knights' fees : an attempt to identify the component parts of certain honors and to trace the descent of the tenants of the same who held by knight's service or serjeanty from the eleventh to the fourteenth century / 1
HD594 .G7 English field systems / 1
HD594 .G7 1915i English field systems 1
HD594 .H348 2014 The open fields of England / 1
HD594 .H364 2012 Rural settlements and society in Anglo-Saxon England / 1
HD594 .H4 Burgage tenure in mediaeval England / 1
HD594 .H54 The English peasantry in the later Middle Ages : the Ford lectures for 1973 and related studies / 1
HD594 .H54 1975 E-book The English peasantry in the later Middle Ages the Ford lectures for 1973 and related studies / 1
HD594 (INTERNET) A proclamacion, set furthe by the Kynges Maiestie, with thassent and consent of his most dere Uncle Edwarde Duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his moste royall persone, and of his dominions and subiectes protector, and others of his highnes priuie counsaill, against enclosures lettyng of houses to decaie, and vnlawfull conuertyng of arable ground to pastures, the first daie of Iune in the second yere of his maiesties moste gracious reigne.
Pyers plowmans exhortation, vnto the lordes, knightes and burgoysses of the Parlyamenthouse
Institutions in the lawes of Englande cum priuilegio.
HD594 .J5 1975 The foundations of society and the land / 1
HD594 .J6 Land tenure in early England : a discussion of some problems. 1
HD594 .J636 1960 Land tenure in early England; a discussion of some problems. 1
HD594 .K4 Agrarian problems in the sixteenth century and after. 1