Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD594.6 .G6 Common land and inclosure / 1
HD594.6 (INTERNET) Bread for the poor, and advancement of the English nation promised by enclosure of the wastes and common grounds of England /
A target for tillage briefly containing the most necessary, pretious, and profitable vse thereof both for king and state /
To the Kings most excellent Maiestie. The humble petition of two sisters; the Church and Common-wealth for the restoring of their ancient commons and liberties, which late inclosure with depopulation, vncharitably hath taken away: containing seuen reasons as euidences for the same.
A Scripture-vvord against inclosure, viz. such as doe un-people townes, and un-corne fields as also against all such that daub over this black sinne with untempered morter /
HD594.6 .M53 Enclosure and the small farmer in the age of the Industrial Revolution / 1
HD594.6 .M533 1997 Parliamentary enclosure in England : an introduction to its causes, incidence, and impact, 1750-1850 / 1
HD594.6 .M533 2014eb Parliamentary enclosure in England : an introduction to its causes, incidence, and impact, 1750-1850 / 1
HD594.6 .M66 A Scripture-vvord against inclosure, viz. such as doe un-people townes, and un-corne fields as also against all such that daub over this black sinne with untempered morter / 2
HD594.6 .T26 The enclosure movement / 1
HD594.6 .T33 1975 Fields in the English landscape / 1
HD594.6 .T33 2000 Fields in the English landscape / 1
HD594.6 .T35 Common-good, or, The improvement of commons, forrests, and chases by inclosure : wherein the advantage of the poor, the common plenty of all, and the increase and preservation of timber, and other things of common concernment, are considered / 1
HD594.6 .T5 Tudor enclosures. 1
HD594.6 .T74 1604 To the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie, the humble petition of two sisters, the church and commonwealth for the restoring of their auncient commons and liberties, which late inclosure with depopulation, vncharitably hath taken away : containing seuen reasons as euidences for the same. 1
HD594.6 .T84 1984 Enclosures in Britain, 1750-1830 / 1
HD594.6 .W33 2004 Farmers, landlords and landscapes : rural Britain, 1720 to 1870 / 1
HD594.6 .Y45 1977 Common field and enclosure in England, 1450-1850 / 1
HD594.8 .T87 English parliamentary enclosure : its historical geography and economic history / 1
HD595 The Economics of Real Property : an Analysis of Property Values and Patterns of Use / 1
HD595 .B85 2007 England's rural realms : landholding and the agricultural revolution / 1
HD595 .B86 1881a English land and English landlords: an enquiry into the origin & character of the English land system,
English land and English landlords : an enquiry into the origin & character of the English land system /
HD595 .C2 1967b The landed interest and the supply of food / 1