Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD60.5.U5 C698 1979 Corporate disclosure section of proposed legislation on corporate governance / 1
HD60.5.U5 C7 1974 Guide to corporations; a social perspective.
Guide to corporations : a social perspective /
HD60.5.U5 C737 9-1 Bankrolling ballots : the role of business in financing state ballot question campaigns / 1
HD60.5.U5 D34 In search of a corporate soul / 2
HD60.5.U5 D8 The quiet revolution : reflections on the changing profile of American business / 1
HD60.5.U5 E25 Economic priorities report. 1
HD60.5.U5 E33 2020 Grow the pie : how great companies deliver both purpose and profit / 1
HD60.5.U5 E43 1993 Doing well while doing good : the marketing link between business & nonprofit causes / 2
HD60.5.U5 E7 Social responsibility disclosure. 1
HD60.5.U5 F35 Corporate social responsibility / 1
HD60.5.U5 F42 Managing in times of radical change
Managing in times of radical change /
HD60.5.U5 F5 Policies on leaves for political and social action / 1
HD60.5.U5 F6 The Fourth strike : hiring and training the disadvantaged / 1
HD60.5.U5 G5 Readings in business responsibility / 1
HD60.5.U5 G7 The role of business in the economic redevelopment of the rural community / 1
HD60.5.U5 G73 1977 Issues in business and society / 1
HD60.5.U5 H3 1973 Corporate social responsibilities in a changing society / 1
HD60.5.U5 H354 2007eb Growing local value : how to build business partnerships that strengthen your community / 1
HD60.5.U5 H37 A view of the corporate role in society / 2
HD60.5.U5 H4 The social responsibilities of business, company, and community, 1900-1960. 1