Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6052 .I35 1997 Women, work, and computerization : spinning a web from past to future : proceedings of the 6th International IFIP-Conference, Bonn, Germany, May 24-27, 1997 / 1
HD6052 .I67 1964c Working women shape their future. 1
HD6052 .N37 1980 Women and the world of work / 1
HD6052 .N47 1968 New careers in community service : proceedings of the conference-workshop, March 27, 1968. 1
HD6052 .S63 2000 Women at work : leadership for the next century / 1
HD6052 .S76 1985 Still struggling : America's low-income working women confronting the 1980s / 1
HD6052 .W555 1998 Women and leadership : creating balance in life /
Women and leadership : creating balance in your life /
HD6052 .W56 1976 Women and the workplace : the implications of occupational segregation / 1
HD6052 .W563 1992 Women and working lives : divisions and change / 1
HD6052 .W5634 2001 Women, gender, and labour migration : historical and global perspectives / 1
HD6052 .W5634 2002eb Women, gender, and labour migration historical and global perspectives / 1
HD6052 .W566 1987 Women, work, and technology : transformations / 2
HD6052 .W57 1985 Women workers in fifteen countries : essays in honor of Alice Hanson Cook / 1
HD6052 .W63 1963 Report World YWCA Conference on Women and Girls Migration Abroad for Economic Reasons, Geneva, 9-14 September 1963. 1
HD6052 .W66 1980i Women and employment policies for equal opportunities. 1
HD6053 Womenomics : write your own rules for success : how to stop juggling and struggling and finally start living and working the way you really want /
Business doing good : engaging women and elevating communities /
Brücke, Switchboard, Theke - Working Girls vor Ort
Beyond Norma Rae how Puerto Rican and southern White women fought for a place in the American working class /
El libro rojo de las mujeres emprendedoras : alertas y estrategias para el emprendimiento femenino /
The language of female leadership
Women in Engineering, Science and Technology : Education and Career Challenges.
Making real connections. /
Women in the workforce : what everyone needs to know /
Kick some glass : 10 ways women succeed at work on their own terms /
Courage, clarity & confidence : redefine success and the way you work /
Women in security : changing the face of technology and innovation /
The revaluation of womens' work /
Women and careers : transnational studies in public policy and employment equity /
GLOBAL WOMEN'S WORK : perspectives on gender and work in the global economy.
Women and work : the age of post-feminism? /
Women and career : themes and issues in advanced industrial societies /
The gendering of inequalities : women, men and work /
A Comparative Perspective of Women's Economic Empowerment.
Women in business : theory and cases /
Sex, Career and Family.
Stiletto network : inside the women's power circles that are changing the face of business /
Women are stalling out on the way to the top /
Feminist Futures of Work Reimagining Labour in the Digital Economy /
Dig your heels in navigate corporate bs and build the company you deserve /
Woman up! : overcome the 7 deadly sins that sabotage your success.
Global care chains toward a rights-based global care regime? /
Women and Labour Market Dynamics New Insights and Evidences /
Women's work : stories from pioneering women shaping our workforce /
All the brains in the business : the engendered brain in the 21st century organisation /
Lean out : the truth about women, power, and the workplace /
Bridging the gender gap : seven principles for achieving gender balance /
HBR's 10 must reads on women and leadership /
Guide sur les questions de genre dans les politiques de l'emploi et du marché du travail : Vers l'émancipation économique des femmes et l'égalité des sexes /
Overcoming overwork /
Courage, clarity, and confidence redefining how successful women work /
The future built by women
Women's employment and childbearing in post-industrialized societies : the fertility paradox /
Menopause transitions and the workplace : theorizing transitions, responsibilities and interventions /
Exploring resources, life-balance and well-being of women who work in a global context /
Handbook on well-being of working women /
Women's two roles : home and work /
Imagining women's careers /
Routledge library editions.
Women entrepreneurs in emerging markets managing performance within ecosystems /
El trabajo de la mujer en el siglo XXI la experiencia de la mujer en el mundo laboral.
The toxic culture gap shows companies are failing women : research shows that women are 41% more likely to experience toxic workplace culture than men /
Dig your heels in : navigate corporate bs and build the company you deserve /
HD6053 .A38 1998 Advancing women in business--the Catalyst guide : best practices from the corporate leaders / 1
HD6053 .A38 1998eb Advancing women in business--the Catalyst guide : best practices from the corporate leaders / 1
HD6053 .A38 2006eb Advancing women's careers : international research findings / 1
HD6053 .A53 She's off to work : a guide to successful earning and living / 1