HD6053 .F73 2022
Business is personal : the truth about what it takes to be successful while staying true to yourself / |
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HD6053 .F735 1996
Work matters : women talk about their jobs and their lives / |
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HD6053 .F74 2011eb
Business and the feminine principle : the untapped resource / |
1 |
HD6053 .G35 2015
Moms mean business : a guide to creating a successful company and happy life as a mom entrepreneur / |
1 |
HD6053 .G38 2008
Embodying women's work / |
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HD6053 .G46 2002eb
Gender issues in multinational corporations / |
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HD6053 .G46 2017eb
Gender and time use in a global context : the economics of employment and unpaid labor / |
1 |
HD6053 .G462 1994
Gender and organizations, changing perspectives : theoretical considerations and empirical findings / |
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HD6053 .G4625 2003
Gender at work in economic life / |
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HD6053 .G463 1995
Gender, culture and organizational change : putting theory into practice / |
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HD6053 .G463 1995eb
Gender, culture and organizational change : putting theory into practice / |
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HD6053 .G4633 2013
Gendered commodity chains : seeing women's work and households in global production / |
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HD6053 .G4633 2014
Gendered commodity chains : seeing women's work and households in global production / |
1 |
HD6053 .G4635 2009
The gendered impacts of liberalization : towards "embedded liberalism"? / |
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HD6053 .G4635 2009eb
The gendered impacts of liberalization : towards "embedded liberalism"? / |
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HD6053 .G464 2000
The gendering of inequalities : women, men and work / |
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HD6053 .G465 1995
Gender, symbolism and organizational cultures / |
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HD6053 .G52 1970
Ni esclava, ni adorno / |
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HD6053 .G545 2012eb
Global employment trends for women 2012. |
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HD6053 .G546
Handbook of Research on Women in Management and the Global Labor Market. |
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