Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6060.5.G7 C48 1982 Tackling discrimination at the workplace : an analysis of sex discrimination in Britain / 1
HD6060.5.G7 C59 1991 In the way of women : men's resistance to sex equality in organizations / 1
HD6060.5.G7 C63 1988 Machinery of dominance : women, men, and technical know-how / 1
HD6060.5.G7 C647 1995 Combating sexual harassment in the workplace / 2
HD6060.5.G7 F58 2018 Gender as a verb : gender segregation at work / 1
HD6060.5.G7 F7 1999 Same or different : gender politics in the workplace / 1
HD6060.5.G7 G46 2014 Gender inequality in the labour market in the UK / 1
HD6060.5.G7 O992 2003 Banking and gender : sex equality in the financial services sector in Britain and Turkey / 1
HD6060.5.G7 P49 1983 Hidden hands : women and economic policies / 1
HD6060.5.G77 B73 1999 Gender and power in the workplace : analysing the impact of economic change / 1
HD6060.5.G77.B73 1999eb Gender and power in the workplace : analyzing the impact of economic change / 1
HD6060.5.I4 W6 1984 Women and work in India : continuity and change / 1
HD6060.5 .I5 2005 In the company of men : male dominance and sexual harassment / 2
HD6060.5.I75 M66 2017 Labor market segmentation and its implications inequality, deprivation, and entitlement / 1
HD6060.5.I8 P76 2014 Women directors : the Italian way and beyond / 2
HD6060.5.J3 Too few women at the top : the persistence of inequality in Japan /
Gender inequalities in the Japanese workplace and employment : theories and empirical evidence /
HD6060.5.J3 C67 2021 Corporate social responsibility and gender equality in Japan : historical and current perspectives / 1
HD6060.5.J3 L36 1992 Women and Japanese management : discrimination and reform / 1
HD6060.5.J3 L36 1992eb Women and Japanese management discrimination and reform /
Women and Japanese management : discrimination and reform /
HD6060.5.J3 L36 2002eb Women and Japanese management : discrimination and reform / 1