Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HD6060.6 .G468 2000eb | Gender, welfare state, and the market towards a new division of labour / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .G468 2005eb | Gender, welfare state, and the market : towards a new division of labour / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .H353 2006 | Negotiating gendered identities at work : place, space and time / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .H353 2006eb | Negotiating gendered identities at work place, space and time / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .H36 2011eb | Handbook of gender, work and organization / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .H43 2001 | Gender, sexuality and violence in organizations : the unspoken forces of organization violations / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .H68 2009 |
Household divisions of labour teamwork, gender and time / Household divisions of labour : teamwork, gender and time / |
2 |
HD6060.6 .H87 2012eb | Gender capital at work intersections of femininity, masculinity, class and occupation / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .I38 2012eb | Igualdad de género y trabajo decente : Convenios y recomendaciones claves de la OIT para la igualdad de género 2012. | 1 |
HD6060.6 .K384 2013 | Combining paid work and family care : Policies and experiences in international perspective / | 2 |
HD6060.6 .M54 1986 | Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale : women in the international division of labour / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .M54 1998 | Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale : women in the international division of labour / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .M54 2014 | Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale : women in the international division of labour / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .M55 2006 | Sex, strategy, and the stratosphere : airlines and the gendering of organizational culture / | 2 |
HD6060.6 .O35 2007 | Gender and work in capitalist economies / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .O94 2014 | The Oxford handbook of gender in organizations / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .P67 2016 | The post-Fordist sexual contract : working and living in contingency / | 2 |
HD6060.6 .P69 2019 | Power, politics and exclusion in organization and management / | 1 |
HD6060.6 .R36 2016 | Gender at work : theory and practice for 21st century organizations / | 2 |
HD6060.6 .R66 1985 | Gender and work : a comparative analysis of industrial societies / | 1 |