Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6072.2.C6 A55 2015 The Amahs of Hong Kong / 2
HD6072.2.C6 G38 1988 Superior servants : the legendary Cantonese amahs of the Far East / 1
HD6072.2.C6 H8 2011 China's new underclass : paid domestic labour / 1
HD6072.2.C6 H8 2011eb China's new underclass : paid domestic labour / 1
HD6072.2.C6 Y36 2008 New masters, new servants migration, development, and women workers in China /
New masters, new servants : migration, development, and women workers in China /
HD6072.2.C62 H664 2016eb The discourse of powerlessness and repression : life stories of domestic migrant workers in Hong Kong / 1
HD6072.2.E2 C37 2019 Dust and dignity : domestic employment in contemporary Ecuador / 1
HD6072.2.E2 C37 2020 Dust and dignity : domestic employment in contemporary Ecuador / 1
HD6072.2.E2 ebook La desigualdad a domicilio : el trabajo remunerado del hogar en el Ecuador contemporáneo / 1
HD6072.2.E5 L2 A Letter sent by the maydens of London, to the vertuous matrones & mistresses of the same in the defense of their lawfull libertie, answering The mery meeting / 1
HD6072.2 .E53 1684 Martis vicesimo primo die Octobr. 1684 annoq, regni Regis Caroli Secundi, Angliæ &c. tricesimo sexto it is ordered by this court that the order hereafter following (against servants being retained without a testimonial) made at the last quarter sessions held for this city, shall be forthwith printed and published ... / 2
HD6072.2.E85 G88 2010 Migration, domestic work and affect : a decolonial approach on value and the feminization of labor / 1
HD6072.2.E85G88 2010 Migration, Domestic Work and Affect : a Decolonial Approach on Value and the Feminization of Labor. 1
HD6072.2.E85 G88 2010eb Migration, domestic work and affect : a decolonial approach on value and the feminization of labor / 1
HD6072.2.E85 I77 2016 Irregular migrant domestic workers in Europe who cares? / 1
HD6072.2.E85 T75 2013 Irregular migrant domestic workers in Europe : who cares? / 1
HD6072.2.F8 F7 Femmes toutes mains : essai sur le service domestique / 1
HD6072.2.G43 C57 1994 Onions are my husband : survival and accumulation by West African market women / 1
HD6072.2.G43 C57 1994eb Onions are my husband : survival and accumulation by West African market women /
Onions are my husband survival and accumulation by West African market women /
HD6072.2.G7 Servicing the middle classes : class, gender and waged domestic work in contemporary Britain / 1