Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6137 .C47 Sex discrimination in the labour market / 1
HD6137 .C5 1968b Working life of women in the seventeenth century / 1
HD6137 .D7 Women in the post-war world / 1
HD6137 .G67 1991 Women and the labour movement in Scotland, 1850-1914 / 1
HD6137 .H64 Victorian ladies at work : middle-class working women in England and Wales, 1850-1914.
Victorian ladies at work; middle-class working women in England and Wales, 1850-1914.
HD6137 .K54 Britain's married women workers 1
HD6137 .M87 Women at work : combining family and a career, including Comeback: a directory to the professions / 1
HD6137 .N44 2006eb Victorian working women : an historical and literary study of women in British industries and professions, 1832-1850 / 1
HD6137 .P54 Women at work. 1
HD6137 .P65 2009eb Policy for a change : local labour market analysis and gender equality / 1
HD6137 .P66 Women workers and the industrial revolution, 1750-1850 / 1
HD6137 .P66 1969 Women workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850
Women workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850 /
Women workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850.
HD6137 P66 1981  
HD6137 .P68 Women and top jobs : an interim report [of a study now being carried on by P.E.P. with the collaboration of the Tavistock Institute / 1
HD6137 .P685 Women in top jobs : four studies in achievement.
Women in top jobs: four studies in achievement. --
HD6137 .S7 The position of women after the war / 1
HD6137 .W3 Eve in overalls / 1
HD6137 .W65 1918 Women and the Labour Party / 1
HD6137 .W67 1990 The world is ill divided : women's work in Scotland in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries / 1
HD6137.Z6 S26 1996 Women and work in eighteenth-century Edinburgh / 1