Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD62.5 .Y38 2009 Freesourcing : how to start a business with no money / 1
HD62.5 .Z424 2021 Ready, launch, brand : the lean marketing guide for startups / 1
HD62.5 Z477 2020 Start-up Thailand: The Entrepreneurs' Journey 1
HD62.5 Z833 2019 Circular Entrepreneurship / 1
HD62.5 ebook Invitación al emprendimiento una aproximación a la creación de empresas /
Emprendimiento en el Valle de Aburrá : miradas críticas /
La sardina que se comió al tiburón.
Las startups en Bogotá : un estudio crítico sobre los imaginarios de la creatividad y el emprendimiento en la hipermodernidad /
Nuevos modelos de negocio : emprendimiento en la era de la tecnología /
CREACION DE EMPRESAS : guia practica.
La farsa de las startups : la cara oculta del mito emprendedor /
Fantasías que crean empresa : elementos psicoanalíticos sobre la génesis de las empresas familiares /
El problema de arrancar en frío : cómo lanzar y escalar efectos de red /
Cómo crear y dirigir la nueva empresa /
Educación empresarial /
Diseñe y administre su propia empresa : proyectándola a los TLC de Estados Unidos, Suiza y Canadá /
Fiscalidad para emprendedores : aspectos económicos, jurídicos y tributarios /
Innovación a la M : experiencias innovadoras en Medellín /
A la orilla del río o la génesis de una start-up : enfoques para observar mercados y detectar oportunidades de negocios /
Fiscalidad para emprendedores : aspectos económicos, jurídicos y tributarios /
Proyectos de inversión para las pyme : herramientas para elaborarlo /
Manual legal del emprendedor peruano /
HD62.6 Nonprofit communications : a mission-driven and human-centered approach /
Harlem Children's Zone /
The SEED Foundation /
Run it like a business : strategies for arts organizations to increase audiences, remain relevant, and multiply money-- without losing the art /
Ethics for Social Impact : Ethical Decision-Making in Nonprofit Organizations /
Social innovation and impact in nonprofit leadership /
Effective management of nonprofit organizations : leading relationships with stakeholders /
Content marketing for nonprofits : a communications map for engaging your community, becoming a favorite cause, and raising more money /
Impact & excellence : data-driven strategies for aligning mission, culture, and performance in nonprofit and government organizations /
The North Side Children's Agency (A) : finances versus mission /
Strategic FUEL for nonprofits : how to create a strategy that is focused, understandable, embedded, and living /
ASAE handbook of professional practices in association management /
The talent development platform : putting people first in social change organizations /
Voluntary and non-profit management
The North Side Children's Agency (B) : finances versus mission /
The Strive Partnership /
Scaling altruism : a proven pathway for accelerating nonprofit growth and impact /
Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations : a practical guide and workbook /
The sustainability mindset : using the matrix map to make strategic decisions /
The cradle dilemma : investing in adoption learning partners /
Achievement First : a high-performing network of charter schools faces political and patron pressures /
The future of the Crossroads Center /
Profits and principles : Benhaven Learning Network /
The nonprofit board answer book : a practical guide for board members and chief executives.
Financial and Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations, Fourth Edition.
Philanthropy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship An Introduction /
The nonprofit risk book : finding and managing risk in nonprofits and NGOs /
Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations : a practical guide for dynamic times /
Non-profit governance twelve frameworks for organisations and research /
The Professionalization of Humanitarian Organizations The Art of Balancing Multiple Stakeholder Interests at the ICRC /
Managing voluntary and non-profit organizations : strategy and structure /
Communicating causes : strategic public relations for the non-profit sector /
The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management /
Computerization and the transformation of employment : government, hospitals, and universities /
NGO management : the Earthscan companion /
Terrorist diversion : a guide to prevention and detection for NGOs /
Online graduate students' use of research strategies in a cross-cultural action research project /
Forces for Good : the Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits.
Social change anytime everywhere : how to implement online multichannel strategies to spark advocacy, raise money, and engage your community /
The brand IDEA : managing nonprofit brands with integrity, democracy, and affinity /
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AND CO-PRODUCTION the logics shaping practitioner and citizen collaborations.
User-centric technology design for nonprofit and civic engagements /
Cases on Strategic Social Media Utilization in the Nonprofit Sector.
Beyond the boardroom : examining the concepts of an effective leader in a culturally conscious community-based organization /
Change Management in Nonprofit Organizations : Theory and Practice /
Third Sector Performance : Management and Finance in Not-for-profit and Social Enterprises.
Managing Nonprofit Organizations in a Policy World.
Race for relevance : 5 radical changes for associations /
Nonprofit management all-in-one for dummies /
Management in the non-profit sector : a necessary balance between values, responsibility and accountability /
The best of boards : sound governance and leadership for nonprofit organizations /
Nonprofits and government : collaboration and conflict /
The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management
Pursuing Impact Mission-Driven Strategic Planning for Nonprofits.
Nonprofit digital transformation demystified : a practical guide /
Nonprofit boards of directors : analyses and applications /
Manuel de medición del trabajo voluntario.
Strategic Planning for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Effective nonprofit management : context, concept, and competencies /
The Susan G. Komen Foundation /
Managing to change the world : the nonprofit manager's guide to getting results /
Leading the fundraising charge the role of the nonprofit executive /
Managing nonprofit organizations
A hybrid organization : the GlobalGiving Foundation and ManyFutures, Inc /
Politiques sociales transnationales, les : Les nouveaux défis de la mondialisation pour le développement.
HD62.6 .A23 2014eb Achieving success in nonprofit organizations / 1
HD62.6 .A25 2004 Nonprofit trusteeship in different contexts / 1
HD62.6 .A25 2018 Nonprofit trusteeship in different contexts / 1
HD62.6 .A33 2010 The nonprofit leadership transition and development guide : proven paths for leaders and organizations / 1
HD62.6.A33 2010 The Nonprofit Leadership Transition and Development Guide : Proven Paths for Leaders and Organizations. 1
HD62.6 .A425 2015 Managing human resources for nonprofits / 1
HD62.6 .A45 2005eb Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations : a practical guide and workbook / 1
HD62.6 .A53 2012eb The nonprofit board answer book : a practical guide for board members and chief executives / 1
HD62.6 .A76 2012eb Banding together for a cause : proven strategies for revenue and awareness generation / 2
HD62.6 .B237 2012 Strategy making in nonprofit organizations : a model and case studies / 1
HD62.6 .B35 2012 Human resource management in nonprofit organizations / 1
HD62.6 .B367 2016 Caring capitalism : the meaning and measure of social value / 2
HD62.6 .B37 2011 Basics of nonprofit publicity winning strategies for news releases, press conferences and media relations / 1
HD62.6 .B45 2010eb Nonprofit sustainability : making strategic decisions for financial viability / 2