Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HD62.7 .W376 2009 | Save your small business : 10 crucial strategies to survive hard times or close down & move on / | 1 |
HD62.7 W443 2015 | Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEAs)for small business owners and non-engineers determining and preventing what can go wrong / | 1 |
HD62.7 .W55 2011 | The Financial Times guide to business start up 2012 / | 1 |
HD62.7 .W55 2014 | The Financial Times guide to business start up 2015 : the most comprehensive annually update guide for entrepreneurs / | 1 |
HD62.7 .W558 2003eb | The essential guide to managing small business growth / | 1 |
HD62.7 .W66 1997 | Black entrepreneurs in America : stories of struggle and success / | 1 |
HD62.7 .W66 1997eb | Black entrepreneurs in America : stories of struggle and success / | 1 |
HD62.7 .W721 2013 | The Financial Times guide to business start up 2014 / | 1 |
HD62.7 W8 1992 | In business for ourselves : northern entrepreneurs : fifteen case studies of successful small northern businesses / | 1 |
HD62.7 .W85 1992eb | In business for ourselves : northern entrepreneurs : fifteen case studies of successful small northern businesses / | 1 |
HD62.7 .Y68 1989 | Your small business survival guide / | 1 |
HD62.7 .Z36 2022 | Niche growth : the case of Heavy Metal Apparels / | 1 |
HD62.7 .Z55 2002 | Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management / | 2 |
HD62.7 .Z55 2008 | Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management / | 1 |
HD62.7 ebook |
Estrategias de crecimiento / La planificación de la empresa / La naturaleza de la dirección estratégica Guía rápida y herramienta de apoyo para la gestión del conocimiento en las PYMES / Casos empresariales colombianos : una aproximación a la realidad empresarial / Cómo innovar en las PYMES : manual de mejora a través de la innovación / Gestión empresarial para PYMES / Planeamiento estratégico y control de gestión sustentable : creando pymes con futuro / Pymes, competencias laborales y TIC : competitividad, productividad e innovación organizacional / MF1791_3 : gestión administrativa y económico-financiera de pequeños negocios o microempresas / Etapas de la Pyme : Transforme su esfuerzo en inteligencia directiva. Inteligencia de mercados : una visión integral e interdisciplinaria para la internacionalización de las Pymes / Políticas para Pyme y gestión de empresa familiar / |
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HD62.7 HD30.28 | Business plans handbook. a compilation of business plans developed by individuals throughout North America / | 1 |
HD62.8 .G37 1994 | The changing global role of the foreign subsidiary manager / | 1 |
HD62.8 .M58 2015 | Control and coordination of subsidiaries in Japanese corporate groups / | 1 |
HD65 .C36 | The valuation of private business and professional practice. | 1 |
HD66 |
The fast facilitator : 76 facilitator activities and interventions covering essential skills, group processes, and creative techniques / More quick team-building activities for busy managers : 50 new exercises that get results in just 15 minutes / Group interaction in high risk environments / RESULTS FACILITATOR : expert, manager, mentor. Remote works : managing for freedom, flexibility, and focus / Individuals, Groups and Organizations Beneath the Surface : an Introduction. A Study in Business Ethics. Building and managing high-performance distributed teams : navigating the future of work / KNOWLEDGE COMMUNICATION IN GLOBAL ORGANISATIONS making sense of virtual teams. Taming of the Team : How Great Teams Work Together. Leading teams : 10 challenges, 10 solutions / Real dream teams : seven practices used by world-class team leaders to achieve extraordinary results / Organisational roadmap towards Teal organisations / Midnight Lunch : the 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab / Team building : proven strategies for improving team performance / Getting dispersed teams right : Successfully managing remote teams requires an understanding of the benefits and challenges of virtual workers : there are tactics managers can use to help both them and the company overall thrive. How winning teams work : Learn how to identify the best individual for each position and the best methods for working with your groups. Building virtual teams : trust, culture, and remote work / Who's making the decisions at Livingston University? / Transforming teams : tips for improving collaboration and building trust / Collaboration begins with you : be a silo buster / Remotely possible : strategic lessons and tactical best practices for remote work / Fix your team : the tools you need to rebuild relationships, address conflict and stop destructive behaviours / Lead together: stop squirreling away power and build a better team / AI and the index management problem / Teambuilding activities for South African organisations / Collaborative Intelligence : Towards the Social Organization. Quick emotional intelligence activities for busy managers : 50 team exercises that get results in just 15 minutes / All models are wrong, but some are useful, especially with the right data / Keys to leading highly effective data science teams / The Horizontal Organization : What the Organization of the Future Actually Looks Like and How It Delivers Value to Customers. Implementing virtual teams : a guide to organizational and human factors / Team training essentials : a research-based guide / Groups, Teams, and Conflict Management. 50 digital team building games fast, fun meeting openers, group activities and adventures using social media, smart phones, GPS, tablets, and more / Facilitating with Ease! Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers, Consultants, and Trainers. Beyond The Call : Why Some of Your Team Go the Extra Mile and Others Don't Show. Tech leadership Tuesday with Michael Lopp. Inspiring remote tech teams keys to leadership and purposeful performance. VIRTUAL TEAMS ACROSS NATIONAL BORDERS Agile Retrospectives a practical guide for catalyzing team learning and improvement / Big book of virtual teambuilding games : quick, effective activities to build communication, trust and collaboration from anywhere! / Think One Team The Essential Guide to Building and Connecting Teams / The power of evolved leadership / Smart leaders, smarter teams : how you and your team get unstuck to get results / Facilitating with Ease! / Leading virtual teams : hold people accountable, build trust, encourage collaboration / Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team Why Teams Don't Work Leading collaboration / The Champion Leader : harnessing the power of emotional intelligence to build high performing teams / Committed teams : three steps to inspiring passion and performance / Leading remotely : make the most of your distributed workforce / We the leader : build a team of equals who all lead and follow to drive creativity and innovation / Navigating the impossible : build extraordinary teams and shatter expectations / Creating great teams : how self-selection lets people excel / Turning people into teams : rituals and routines that redesign how we work / The energy bus field guide / Safe enough to soar : accelerating trust, inclusion, & collaboration in the workplace / Do big things : the simple steps teams can take to mobilize hearts and minds, and make an epic impact / Building better ideas : how constructive debate inspires courage, collaboration, and breakthrough solutions / Individual type styles at the parks department / 50 digital team building games : fast, fun meeting openers, group activities and adventures using social media, smart phones, GPS, tablets, and more / Teaming : how organizations learn, innovate, and compete in the knowledge economy / The Hedgehog Effect : the Secrets of Building High Performance Teams. You win in the locker room first : 7 C's to build a winning team in sports, business and life / Leadership paradigms for remote agile development : how to lead your team remotely / Leadership strategies for the hybrid workforce : how to manage complexity and maintain effectiveness using the CAARE framework to support hybrid workers / The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork : embrace them and empower your team / Can I have your attention? : inspiring better work habits, focusing your team, and getting stuff done in the constantly connected workplace / Team turnarounds : a playbook for transforming underperforming teams / Creative conspiracy : the new rules of breakthrough collaboration / Power your tribe : create resilient teams in turbulent times / The long-distance teammate : stay engaged and connected while working anywhere / Smart teams : communicate, congregate, collaborate : how to work better together / Organization management - dynamic creative team coordination / Developing and Leading Emergence Teams : a new approach for identifying and resolving complex business problems. Teams unleashed : a coaching framework to release the power and human potential of work teams / Passing the torch : a guide to the succession planning process / Data science : create teams that ask the right questions and deliver real value / Effective team management with VSTS and TFS : a guide for scrum masters / The team building tool kit : tips and tactics for effective workplace teams / The power of a positive team : proven principles and practices that make great teams great / Virtual teams for dummies / Jedes Team ist anders Ein Praxisbuch für nachhaltige Teamentwicklung. Fostering collaboration : Common goals and an alignment on strategies enhance collaboration : These articles highlight some best practices, both within an organization and among collaborating companies. Leadership Team Coaching : Developing Collective Transformational Leadership, Fourth Edition / Build better teams : creating winning teams in the digital age / Teamwork 101 : what every leader needs to know / You first : inspire your team to grow up, get along, and get stuff done / Making teams work : how to create productive and effective teams / Mastering virtual teams : strategies, tools, and techniques that succeed / Into the storm : lessons in teamwork from the treacherous Sydney to Hobart ocean race / Faster Together. Beyond team building : how to build high performing teams and the culture to support them / The wisdom of teams : creating the high-performance organization / The Secret of Teams / Best Team Skills : Fifty Key Skills for Unlimited Team Achievement. New organizational forms, controls, and institutions : understanding the tensions in 'post-bureaucratic' organizations / Systemic coaching : delivering value beyond the individual / Managing hybrid teams. Team coordination in extreme environments : work practices and technological uses under uncertainty / Viable project business : a bionic management system for large enterprises / The Problems with Teamwork, and How to Solve Them. Mastering facilitation : a guide for assisting teams achieve powerful results / Organization teams : building continuous quality improvement : facilitator's guide / Computer-supported cooperative work : the multimedia and networking paradigm / The facilitator's toolkit / Building inclusion and countering bias in teams : What are some ways that leaders can successfully manage a diverse set of employees? What are the benefits and challenges of having a global workforce? It's time to tackle your team's undiscussables : subjects that are consciously or unwittingly deemed out of bounds come in four varieties and make it almost impossible for teams to function / Why teams still need leaders : when people collaborate remotely, hierarchy keeps them moving in the same direction - but leaders can flex to promote autonomy and creativity / Collaborative intelligence : the new way to bring out the genius, fun, and productivity in any team / Virtual Coaching to Improve Group Relationships Process Consultation Reimagined / Leading agile teams / Motivating your team / Building an awesome team culture / Facilitating with ease! : core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants and trainers / Debugging teams : better productivity through collaboration / Radical collaboration : five essential skills to overcome defensiveness and build successful relationships / Building the future : big teaming for audacious innovation / Understanding decision making within distributed project teams / DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION WITH DATAVERSE become a citizen developer and lead the digital... transformation wave with microsoft teams and power. Quick team-building activities for busy managers : 50 exercises that get results in just 15 minutes / Improving Agile retrospectives : helping teams become more efficient / Successful teamworking skills / 365 Low or No Cost Workplace Teambuilding Activities : Games and Exercised Designed to Build Trust & Encourage Teamwork Among Employees. Relational power is the new currency of hybrid work : in the new world of work, managers cannot rely solely on traditional hierarchical power structures / Supercharged Teams : Power Your Team With The Tools For Success The business of we : the proven three-step process for closing the gap between us and them in your workplace / When to protect your team / Teams that work : the seven drivers of team effectiveness / HBR's 10 must reads on teams. The hidden barriers and enablers of team-based ideation / Turn your teams inside out : externally focused teams can drive innovation, performance, and distributed leadership, but adopting them requires a shift in mindset / Customizing Microsoft Teams : build custom apps and extensions for your business using Power Platform and Dataverse in Microsoft Teams / Org design for design orgs : building and managing in-house design teams / Conversaciones que transforman equipos: Ideas y herramientas para mejorar tu equipo / Extreme teams : why Pixar, Netflix, AirBnB, and other cutting-edge companies succeed where most fail / Elastic leadership : growing self-organizing teams / Building software teams : ten best practices for effective software development / How the future works : leading flexible teams to do the best work of their lives / Facilitation in action : finding your authentic training style / Dinâmica dos grupos e desenvolvimento de equipes : um manual. HBR guide to leading teams / When Teams Work how to develop and lead a high-performing team / Technological support for work group collaboration. Team flow the psychology of optimal collaboration / Solution focused team coaching / Leadership team alignment : from conflict to collaboration / Virtual collaboration : work from anywhere, overcommunicate, avoid isolation / Radical outcomes : how to create extraordinary teams that get tangible results / Putting quality circles to work. Virtual leadership : practice strategies for getting the best out of virtual work and virtual teams / Virtual workers and the global labour market / X-teams : how to build teams that lead, innovate, and succeed / Primal Teams : Harnessing the Power of Emotions to Fuel Extraordinary Performance / Practices of dynamic collaboration : a dialogical approach to strengthening collaborative intelligence in teams / Dynamic reteaming : the art and wisdom of changing teams / More than 50 ways to build team consensus / The together leader : get organized for your success and sanity! / The art and science of working together : practising group analysis in teams and organisations / Resilience in the team : ideas and application concepts for team development / Unleashing innovation with collaboration platforms : Digital collaboration platforms provide innovation opportunities for diverse and distributed teams / The champion leader harnessing the power of emotional intelligence to build high-performing teams / Learn to listen and respond with empathy / Computer supported cooperative work and social computing : 17th CCF Conference, ChineseCSCW 2022, Taiyuan, China, November 25-27, 2022, revised selected papers. Managing people in projects for high performance : behavioural approach to productive project teams / Computer supported cooperative work and social computing : 18th CCF conference, ChineseCSCW 2023, Harbin, China, August 18-20, 2023, revised selected papers. Communicate with teams more effectively / The facilitator's fieldbook : step-by-step guides, checklists, samples and worksheets / Codevelopment action learning for business : co-create, accelerate, grow / Team coaching for organisational development : team, leader, organisation, coach and supervision perspectives / Leading winning teams how teamwork, motivation, and strategy achieve big league success / ECSCW 2003 Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14-18 September 2003, Helsinki, Finland / Supernova Advisor teams : a pathway to excellence / Practices of dynamic collaboration a dialogical approach to strengthening collaborative intelligence in teams / Creating functional teams for the IoT : hardware, software, and manufacturing collaboration / Scaling teams : strategies for building successful teams and organizations / Leading business teams : the definitive guide to optimizing organizational performance / Empoderamiento de equipos : La clave para construir equipos innovadores, proactivos y resolutivos / Understand and motivate your team : learn how to empower colleagues and create an engaged, autonomous workforce. Collaborate smarter, not harder : through analytics, companies can reduce overload, attrition, and other costs of collaboration - and increase its rewards / Organizational Design for Teams, 1st Edition / The joy of lean transforming, leading, and sustaining a culture of engaged team performance / Managing Project Teams Shortcuts to success Faster together : accelerating your team's productivity / Coaching self-organising teams : helping teams flourish / Meet the expert : Heidi Helfand on dynamic reteaming. Why Leaders Resist Empowering Virtual Teams / Should your company embrace coworking? : the coworking movement developed to provide community and a collaborative working environment for independent and remote workers. It's a trend some established companies are learning from / The Business of Excellence : Building high-performance teams and organizations. Building and managing high-performance distributed teams navigating the future of work / Remotely possible strategic lessons and tactical best practices for remote work / The virtual team maturity model performance improvement of virtual teams / Org Design for Design Orgs / Developing and enhancing teamwork in organizations : evidence-based best practices and guidelines / Leadership through a screen : a definitive guide to leading a remote, virtual team / Neue Perspektiven für die Teamarbeit : wie das Erziehungsprinzip Rhythmik die Teamentwicklung fördern kann / LIDERANDO EQUIPOS Cultivate : the six non-negotiable traits of a winning team : a business fable / Selbstorganisierte Teams führen : Arbeitsbuch für Lean & Agile Professionals / Der Bienenhirte : über das Führen von selbstorganisierten Teams : ein Roman für Manager und Projektverantwortliche / Mastering collaboration : make working together less painful and more productive / Building better teams : 70 tools and techniques for strengthening performance within and across teams / The 17 essential qualities of a team player : becoming the kind of person every team wants / The hard hat : 21 ways to be a great teammate / Leading effective virtual teams : overcoming time and distance to achieve exceptional results / Make the Shift : The Proven Five-Step Plan to Success for Corporate Teams / Facilitating with Ease! : Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers, Consultants, and Trainers / The business of we the proven three-step process for closing the gap between us and them in your workplace / Leading remote teams : skills and tools for building influence and impact. There actually is an 'I' in team / Faultless facilitation : the new complete resource guide for team leaders and facilitators / How to work with and lead people not like you : practical solutions for today's diverse workplace / Tech leadership Tuesday with Lena Reinhard. Building high performance teams. |
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