Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD625eb Ireland and the land question 1800-1922
Ireland and the land question 1800-1922 /
HD628 .D84 1867i Irish emigration and the tenure of land in Ireland 1
HD628 .E54 1642 Ordered by both houses of Parliament that this table (which was first intended) be forthwith published (for that the former of this nature came forth imperfect without the knowledge of him that presented it) wanting its enlargement, rectification, description and application, which together herewith by the said order is now also printed and published which sheweth instantly the number of acres in any of the foure provinces of Ireland, belonging to any summe of money (according to the rates setled by Parliament, and His Majesties assent) or what summe of money is to be disbursed for any number of acres, in any of the former provinces : and what the yeerely rent teserved [sic] for the King amounteth unto, with the circuit, or perimeter of the land answerable to each summe of money in any of the provinces : it is ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, that according as the Lords have ordered, that this table with the enlargement, description and used thereupon shall be published and printed : so this house doth order the like, and that no man shall print it without the privity and superview of him that presented it : Marcii 9 1641 : H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com. : the table of rates for the Irish lands. 1
HD629.N6 L3 1964 Land use in Northern Ireland : the general report of the survey / 1
HD639.B6 K7 1949 Dějiny selského stavu. 1
HD639.B6 W7 Serf, seigneur, and sovereign : agrarian reform in eighteenth-century Bohemia / 1
HD639.B6 .W7 1966 Serf, Seigneur, and Sovereign : Agrarian Reform in Eighteenth-Century Bohemia.
Serf, Seigneur, and Sovereign Agrarian Reform in Eighteenth-Century Bohemia.
HD639.C7 B7 Krestʹ︠i︡anskoe vosstanie 1573 g. v Khorvatii : iz istorii agrarnykh otnosheniĭ i klassovoĭ borʹby v Khorvatii XVI v. / 1
HD639.G3 B716 W zaraniu ruchu ludowego / 1
HD639.H9 F44 1969 Proper peasants : traditional life in a Hungarian village / 1
HD639.H9 I4 1955 Puszták népe. 1
HD639.H9 I42 Puszták népe. 1
HD639.H9 M35 I. [i.e Első] Rákóczi György birtokainak gazdasági iratai, 1631-1648. 1
HD639.H9 O73 Hungarian peasant life / 1
HD639.H9 S9 A magyarországi úrbérrendezés története Mária Terézia korában. : Az irományokat kiadta és a bevezető tanulmányt írta Szabó Dezső 1
HD639.H9 V37 Typen und Probleme des bäuerlichen Grundbesitzes in Ungarn, 1767-1849 / 1
HD639.L6 K864 2009 Krongut, Grafschaft und Herrschaftsbildung in den südöstlichen Marken und Herzogtümern vom 10. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert / 1
HD639.L6 W56 1986 Robot und Steuer : die Untertanen der Waldviertler Grundherrschaften Gföhl und Altpölla zwischen feudaler Herrschaft und absolutistischem Staat (vom 16.Jahrhundert bis zum Vormärz) / 1
HD639.S6 H63 Poddaný ̕lud na Slovensku v prvej polovici 18. storočia. 1
HD639.S6 R4 Urbárska regulácia Márie Terézie a poddanské úpravy Jozefa II. na Slovensku. 1