Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6475.A1G56 2010 Global Restructuring, Labour and the Challenges for Transnational Solidarity. 1
HD6475.A1 G56 2010eb Global restructuring, labour, and the challenges for transnational solidarity
Global restructuring, labour, and the challenges for transnational solidarity /
HD6475.A1 G57 2007 Global unions : challenging transnational capital through cross-border campaigns / 1
HD6475.A1 G57 2007eb Global unions : challenging transnational capital through cross-border campaigns / 2
HD6475.A1 H17 Beyond the nation-state : functionalism and international organization / 2
HD6475.A1 H47 The multinational union challenges the multinational company / 1
HD6475.A1 K668 2018 Transformations of trade unionism : comparative and transnational perspectives on workers organizing in Europe and the United States, eighteenth to twenty-first centuries / 1
HD6475.A1 K668 2018eb Transformations of trade unionism : comparative and transnational perspectives on workers organizing in Europe and the United States, eighteenth to twenty-first centuries / 2
HD6475.A1 L35 The effectiveness of international supervision : thirty years of I.L.O. experience / 1
HD6475.A1 L35 2015 Labour and transnational action in times of crisis / 1
HD6475.A1 L6 Spearheads of democracy : labor in the developing countries / 1
HD6475.A1 M33 2013 Global unions, local power : the new spirit of transnational labor organizing / 1
HD6475.A1 P573 2001  
HD6475.A1 S46 2017 Ambassadors of the working class : Argentina's international labor activists and Cold War democracy in the Americas / 1
HD6475.A1 S53 2011 Shaping global industrial relations : the impact of international framework agreements / 1
HD6475.A1 S53 2011eb Shaping global industrial relations the impact of international framework agreements / 1
HD6475.A1 S74 2008 Globalization and labor : democratizing global governance / 1
HD6475.A1 V853 Problems of unity in the international trade union movement / 1
HD6475.A1 W377 1998 Globalization, social movements, and the new internationalisms / 1
HD6475.A1 W377 1998eb Globalization, social movements and the new internationalisms / 1