Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6483 .H5 Management at the bargaining table / 1
HD6483 .H65 2021 Arise : Power, Strategy and Union Resurgence / 1
HD6483 .H78 The strike-threat system; the economic consequences of collective bargaining
The strike-threat system : the economic consequences of collective bargaining /
HD6483 .H8 1954 The theory of collective bargaining : a history, analysis, and criticism of the principal theories which have sought to explain the effects of trade unions and employers' associations upon the distribution of the product of industry / 1
HD6483 .H8 1954i The theory of collective bargaining a history, analysis, and criticism of the principal theories which have sought to explain the effects of trade unions and employers' associations upon the distribution of the product of industry / 1
HD6483 .H8 1975 The theory of collective bargaining, 1930-1975 : a critique of the argument that trade unions neutralise labour's "disadvantage" in bargaining and enhance wage-rates by the use, or threat, of strikes / 1
HD6483 .H8 1980 The theory of collective bargaining, 1930-1975 / 1
HD6483 .I45 The Impact of computers on collective bargaining /
The Impact of computers on collective bargaining.
HD6483 .I5 1950a The impact of the union : eight economic theorists evaluate the labor union movement: John Maurice Clark [and others] / 1
HD6483 .I5 1950b The impact of the union : eight economic theorists evaluate the labor union movement / 1
HD6483 .I578 1949i Application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively fourth item on the agenda. 1
HD6483 .I58 1948i Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise seventh item on the agenda. 1
HD6483 .I582 1948i Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise, appendix report of the Governing Body on the effect to be given to the Resolution concerning international machinery for safeguarding freedom of association adopted by the International Labour Conference at its thirtieth session (Geneva, 1947) : seventh item on the agenda. 1
HD6483 .I583 1947i Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise seventh item on the agenda. 1
HD6483 .I584 1948i Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise, appendix report of the Governing Body on the effect to be given to the Resolution concerning international machinery for safeguarding freedom of association adopted by the International Labour Conference at its thirtieth session (Geneva, 1947) : seventh item on the agenda. 1
HD6483 .I588 2011 The international handbook of labour unions : responses to neo-liberalism / 1
HD6483 .I634 2007 The future of union organising building for tomorrow / 1
HD6483 .J6 Collective bargaining manual. 1
HD6483 .K37 Trade unions and industrial relations : an international comparison / 1
HD6483 .K4 1948 Multiple-employer bargaining : the San Francisco experience / 1