Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD62.7 ebook Etapas de la Pyme : Transforme su esfuerzo en inteligencia directiva.
Casos empresariales colombianos : una aproximación a la realidad empresarial /
Cómo innovar en las PYMES : manual de mejora a través de la innovación /
Estrategias de crecimiento /
Planeamiento estratégico y control de gestión sustentable : creando pymes con futuro /
Gestión empresarial para PYMES /
Guía rápida y herramienta de apoyo para la gestión del conocimiento en las PYMES /
La naturaleza de la dirección estratégica
La planificación de la empresa /
MF1791_3 : gestión administrativa y económico-financiera de pequeños negocios o microempresas /
Pymes, competencias laborales y TIC : competitividad, productividad e innovación organizacional /
Inteligencia de mercados : una visión integral e interdisciplinaria para la internacionalización de las Pymes /
Políticas para Pyme y gestión de empresa familiar /
HD62.7 HD30.28 Business plans handbook. a compilation of business plans developed by individuals throughout North America / 1
HD62.8 .G37 1994 The changing global role of the foreign subsidiary manager / 1
HD62.8 .M58 2015 Control and coordination of subsidiaries in Japanese corporate groups / 1
HD65 .C36 The valuation of private business and professional practice. 1
HD66 Supernova Advisor teams : a pathway to excellence /
ECSCW 2003 Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14-18 September 2003, Helsinki, Finland /
Practices of dynamic collaboration a dialogical approach to strengthening collaborative intelligence in teams /
Communicate with teams more effectively /
Computer supported cooperative work and social computing : 18th CCF conference, ChineseCSCW 2023, Harbin, China, August 18-20, 2023, revised selected papers.
The facilitator's fieldbook : step-by-step guides, checklists, samples and worksheets /
Unleashing innovation with collaboration platforms : Digital collaboration platforms provide innovation opportunities for diverse and distributed teams /
Leadership paradigms for remote agile development : how to lead your team remotely /
Learn to listen and respond with empathy /
Computer supported cooperative work and social computing : 17th CCF Conference, ChineseCSCW 2022, Taiyuan, China, November 25-27, 2022, revised selected papers.
Team coaching for organisational development : team, leader, organisation, coach and supervision perspectives /
Codevelopment action learning for business : co-create, accelerate, grow /
The Horizontal Organization : What the Organization of the Future Actually Looks Like and How It Delivers Value to Customers.
Collaboration begins with you : be a silo buster /
Collaborative Intelligence : Towards the Social Organization.
Quick emotional intelligence activities for busy managers : 50 team exercises that get results in just 15 minutes /
Remotely possible : strategic lessons and tactical best practices for remote work /
Teambuilding activities for South African organisations /
Empoderamiento de equipos : La clave para construir equipos innovadores, proactivos y resolutivos /
Data science : create teams that ask the right questions and deliver real value /
Managing people in projects for high performance : behavioural approach to productive project teams /
Team training essentials : a research-based guide /
50 digital team building games fast, fun meeting openers, group activities and adventures using social media, smart phones, GPS, tablets, and more /
Facilitating with Ease! Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers, Consultants, and Trainers.
Group interaction in high risk environments /
Viable project business : a bionic management system for large enterprises /
Organizational Design for Teams, 1st Edition /
Creating functional teams for the IoT : hardware, software, and manufacturing collaboration /
Scaling teams : strategies for building successful teams and organizations /
Beyond The Call : Why Some of Your Team Go the Extra Mile and Others Don't Show.
Fix your team : the tools you need to rebuild relationships, address conflict and stop destructive behaviours /
Beyond team building : how to build high performing teams and the culture to support them /
Groups, Teams, and Conflict Management.
Understand and motivate your team : learn how to empower colleagues and create an engaged, autonomous workforce.
Building inclusion and countering bias in teams : What are some ways that leaders can successfully manage a diverse set of employees? What are the benefits and challenges of having a global workforce?
It's time to tackle your team's undiscussables : subjects that are consciously or unwittingly deemed out of bounds come in four varieties and make it almost impossible for teams to function /
Collaborate smarter, not harder : through analytics, companies can reduce overload, attrition, and other costs of collaboration - and increase its rewards /
Why teams still need leaders : when people collaborate remotely, hierarchy keeps them moving in the same direction - but leaders can flex to promote autonomy and creativity /
How the future works : leading flexible teams to do the best work of their lives /
Leading business teams : the definitive guide to optimizing organizational performance /
Lead together: stop squirreling away power and build a better team /
The facilitator's toolkit /
The fast facilitator : 76 facilitator activities and interventions covering essential skills, group processes, and creative techniques /
New organizational forms, controls, and institutions : understanding the tensions in 'post-bureaucratic' organizations /
More quick team-building activities for busy managers : 50 new exercises that get results in just 15 minutes /
AI and the index management problem /
All models are wrong, but some are useful, especially with the right data /
Keys to leading highly effective data science teams /
Collaborative intelligence : the new way to bring out the genius, fun, and productivity in any team /
RESULTS FACILITATOR : expert, manager, mentor.
Mastering facilitation : a guide for assisting teams achieve powerful results /
The Secret of Teams /
Systemic coaching : delivering value beyond the individual /
The Problems with Teamwork, and How to Solve Them.
Organization teams : building continuous quality improvement : facilitator's guide /
Computer-supported cooperative work : the multimedia and networking paradigm /
Best Team Skills : Fifty Key Skills for Unlimited Team Achievement.
Managing Project Teams Shortcuts to success
Coaching self-organising teams : helping teams flourish /
How winning teams work : Learn how to identify the best individual for each position and the best methods for working with your groups.
Leading teams : 10 challenges, 10 solutions /
The Champion Leader : harnessing the power of emotional intelligence to build high performing teams /
Building virtual teams : trust, culture, and remote work /
Developing and Leading Emergence Teams : a new approach for identifying and resolving complex business problems.
Can I have your attention? : inspiring better work habits, focusing your team, and getting stuff done in the constantly connected workplace /
Organization management - dynamic creative team coordination /
Creative conspiracy : the new rules of breakthrough collaboration /
Teamwork 101 : what every leader needs to know /
50 digital team building games : fast, fun meeting openers, group activities and adventures using social media, smart phones, GPS, tablets, and more /
Teaming : how organizations learn, innovate, and compete in the knowledge economy /
Making teams work : how to create productive and effective teams /
Midnight Lunch : the 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab /
Individuals, Groups and Organizations Beneath the Surface : an Introduction.
Real dream teams : seven practices used by world-class team leaders to achieve extraordinary results /
Leading collaboration /
The power of evolved leadership /
Building and managing high-performance distributed teams navigating the future of work /
Remotely possible strategic lessons and tactical best practices for remote work /
The virtual team maturity model performance improvement of virtual teams /
Into the storm : lessons in teamwork from the treacherous Sydney to Hobart ocean race /
Remote works : managing for freedom, flexibility, and focus /
Team building : proven strategies for improving team performance /
A Study in Business Ethics.
The wisdom of teams : creating the high-performance organization /
Developing and enhancing teamwork in organizations : evidence-based best practices and guidelines /
Power your tribe : create resilient teams in turbulent times /
Org Design for Design Orgs /
Faster Together.
You win in the locker room first : 7 C's to build a winning team in sports, business and life /
The long-distance teammate : stay engaged and connected while working anywhere /
Smart teams : communicate, congregate, collaborate : how to work better together /
Mastering virtual teams : strategies, tools, and techniques that succeed /
The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork : embrace them and empower your team /
Building and managing high-performance distributed teams : navigating the future of work /
Committed teams : three steps to inspiring passion and performance /
Transforming teams : tips for improving collaboration and building trust /
Creating great teams : how self-selection lets people excel /
Turning people into teams : rituals and routines that redesign how we work /
The energy bus field guide /
Safe enough to soar : accelerating trust, inclusion, & collaboration in the workplace /
Do big things : the simple steps teams can take to mobilize hearts and minds, and make an epic impact /
Getting dispersed teams right : Successfully managing remote teams requires an understanding of the benefits and challenges of virtual workers : there are tactics managers can use to help both them and the company overall thrive.
Faster together : accelerating your team's productivity /
Navigating the impossible : build extraordinary teams and shatter expectations /
Who's making the decisions at Livingston University? /
Individual type styles at the parks department /
Leading remotely : make the most of your distributed workforce /
Building better ideas : how constructive debate inspires courage, collaboration, and breakthrough solutions /
We the leader : build a team of equals who all lead and follow to drive creativity and innovation /
Leadership strategies for the hybrid workforce : how to manage complexity and maintain effectiveness using the CAARE framework to support hybrid workers /
Big book of virtual teambuilding games : quick, effective activities to build communication, trust and collaboration from anywhere! /
Taming of the Team : How Great Teams Work Together.
Tech leadership Tuesday with Michael Lopp.
Inspiring remote tech teams keys to leadership and purposeful performance.
Facilitating with Ease! /
Leading virtual teams : hold people accountable, build trust, encourage collaboration /
Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Why Teams Don't Work
Agile Retrospectives a practical guide for catalyzing team learning and improvement /
Think One Team The Essential Guide to Building and Connecting Teams /
The Hedgehog Effect : the Secrets of Building High Performance Teams.
Organisational roadmap towards Teal organisations /
Smart leaders, smarter teams : how you and your team get unstuck to get results /
Virtual Coaching to Improve Group Relationships Process Consultation Reimagined /
The joy of lean transforming, leading, and sustaining a culture of engaged team performance /
Leadership through a screen : a definitive guide to leading a remote, virtual team /
Fostering collaboration : Common goals and an alignment on strategies enhance collaboration : These articles highlight some best practices, both within an organization and among collaborating companies.
Should your company embrace coworking? : the coworking movement developed to provide community and a collaborative working environment for independent and remote workers. It's a trend some established companies are learning from /
Conversaciones que transforman equipos: Ideas y herramientas para mejorar tu equipo /
Why Leaders Resist Empowering Virtual Teams /
Jedes Team ist anders Ein Praxisbuch für nachhaltige Teamentwicklung.
Meet the expert : Heidi Helfand on dynamic reteaming.
The Business of Excellence : Building high-performance teams and organizations.
Relational power is the new currency of hybrid work : in the new world of work, managers cannot rely solely on traditional hierarchical power structures /
Facilitation in action : finding your authentic training style /
When to protect your team /
Team turnarounds : a playbook for transforming underperforming teams /
Build better teams : creating winning teams in the digital age /
Leadership Team Coaching : Developing Collective Transformational Leadership, Fourth Edition /
Passing the torch : a guide to the succession planning process /
Dinâmica dos grupos e desenvolvimento de equipes : um manual.
When Teams Work how to develop and lead a high-performing team /
Supercharged Teams : Power Your Team With The Tools For Success
Debugging teams : better productivity through collaboration /
Radical collaboration : five essential skills to overcome defensiveness and build successful relationships /
Building the future : big teaming for audacious innovation /
Extreme teams : why Pixar, Netflix, AirBnB, and other cutting-edge companies succeed where most fail /
Elastic leadership : growing self-organizing teams /
Building software teams : ten best practices for effective software development /
Building an awesome team culture /
Facilitating with ease! : core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants and trainers /
Understanding decision making within distributed project teams /
365 Low or No Cost Workplace Teambuilding Activities : Games and Exercised Designed to Build Trust & Encourage Teamwork Among Employees.
Teams unleashed : a coaching framework to release the power and human potential of work teams /
Effective team management with VSTS and TFS : a guide for scrum masters /
Virtual teams for dummies /
You first : inspire your team to grow up, get along, and get stuff done /
The team building tool kit : tips and tactics for effective workplace teams /
The power of a positive team : proven principles and practices that make great teams great /
Leading agile teams /
Successful teamworking skills /
Improving Agile retrospectives : helping teams become more efficient /
Motivating your team /
Cultivate : the six non-negotiable traits of a winning team : a business fable /
Teams that work : the seven drivers of team effectiveness /
Turn your teams inside out : externally focused teams can drive innovation, performance, and distributed leadership, but adopting them requires a shift in mindset /
HBR's 10 must reads on teams.
The hidden barriers and enablers of team-based ideation /
HBR guide to leading teams /
The business of we : the proven three-step process for closing the gap between us and them in your workplace /
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION WITH DATAVERSE become a citizen developer and lead the digital... transformation wave with microsoft teams and power.
Selbstorganisierte Teams führen : Arbeitsbuch für Lean & Agile Professionals /
Mastering collaboration : make working together less painful and more productive /
Der Bienenhirte : über das Führen von selbstorganisierten Teams : ein Roman für Manager und Projektverantwortliche /
Neue Perspektiven für die Teamarbeit : wie das Erziehungsprinzip Rhythmik die Teamentwicklung fördern kann /
Org design for design orgs : building and managing in-house design teams /
Team flow the psychology of optimal collaboration /
Customizing Microsoft Teams : build custom apps and extensions for your business using Power Platform and Dataverse in Microsoft Teams /
Quick team-building activities for busy managers : 50 exercises that get results in just 15 minutes /
Technological support for work group collaboration.
Virtual leadership : practice strategies for getting the best out of virtual work and virtual teams /
Leading effective virtual teams : overcoming time and distance to achieve exceptional results /
The business of we the proven three-step process for closing the gap between us and them in your workplace /
X-teams : how to build teams that lead, innovate, and succeed /
Make the Shift : The Proven Five-Step Plan to Success for Corporate Teams /
Facilitating with Ease! : Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers, Consultants, and Trainers /
Faultless facilitation : the new complete resource guide for team leaders and facilitators /
There actually is an 'I' in team /
Leading remote teams : skills and tools for building influence and impact.
The hard hat : 21 ways to be a great teammate /
Leadership team alignment : from conflict to collaboration /
Putting quality circles to work.
Radical outcomes : how to create extraordinary teams that get tangible results /
More than 50 ways to build team consensus /
Resilience in the team : ideas and application concepts for team development /
The 17 essential qualities of a team player : becoming the kind of person every team wants /
Building better teams : 70 tools and techniques for strengthening performance within and across teams /
Virtual collaboration : work from anywhere, overcommunicate, avoid isolation /
Virtual workers and the global labour market /
The together leader : get organized for your success and sanity! /
Solution focused team coaching /
Dynamic reteaming : the art and wisdom of changing teams /
Primal Teams : Harnessing the Power of Emotions to Fuel Extraordinary Performance /
Practices of dynamic collaboration : a dialogical approach to strengthening collaborative intelligence in teams /
The art and science of working together : practising group analysis in teams and organisations /
Team coordination in extreme environments : work practices and technological uses under uncertainty /
The champion leader harnessing the power of emotional intelligence to build high-performing teams /
Tech leadership Tuesday with Lena Reinhard.
Building high performance teams.
Managing hybrid teams.
How to work with and lead people not like you : practical solutions for today's diverse workplace /
Implementing virtual teams : a guide to organizational and human factors /
Leading winning teams how teamwork, motivation, and strategy achieve big league success /
HD66-66.2 The Contested Moralities of Markets.
Harnessing Change to Develop Talent and Beat the Competition
Examining the Role of Well Being in the Marketing Discipline.
Microfoundations of Institutions.
Microfoundations of Institutions /
Managing inter-organizational collaborations : process views /
HD66 .A325 2004eb  
HD66 .A33 2022 Facilitation in action : finding your authentic training style / 2
HD66 .A36 2007 The 13 Key Performance Indicators for Highly Effective Teams. 2
HD66 .A37 1995 Executive guide to business success through human-centred systems / 1
HD66 .A383 vol. 1 Theories of self-managing work teams / 1
HD66 .A383 vol. 5 Product development teams / 1
HD66 .A383 vol. 6 Team performance management / 1
HD66 .A383 vol. 7 Team development / 1
HD66 .A383 vol. 8 Virtual teams / 1
HD66 .A383 vol. 9 Team-based organizing / 1
HD66 .A383 vol. 12 Innovation through collaboration / 1
HD66 .A43 2015eb  
HD66 .A44 2020eb Hybrid Virtual Teams in Shared Services Organizations : Practices to Overcome the Cooperation Problem / 1