Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6533.5 .L29 1988 The crisis of Mexican labor / 1
HD6533.5 .U56 1991 Unions, workers, and the state in Mexico / 1
HD6534.A8 H42 2008 Gendered struggles against globalisation in Mexico / 1
HD6534.A8 H42 2008eb Gendered struggles against globalisation in Mexico / 1
HD6534.A8 R69 1984 Unions and politics in Mexico : the case of the automobile industry / 2
HD6534.A8 R69 1984eb Unions and Politics in Mexico : the Case of the Automobile Industry / 1
HD6534.A8 T86 Reshaping the North American Automobile Industry : Restructuring, Corporatism and Union Democracy in Mexico. 1
HD6534.A8 T86 2003eb Reshaping the North American automobile industry : restructuring, corporatism, and union democracy in Mexico / 1
HD6534.E3 G3 1990 El tambor del alba : la tendencia democrática del Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores Electricistas de la República Mexicana : trayectoria y proyecto / 1
HD6534.E3 G65 Insurgencia y democracia en los sindicatos electricistas 2
HD6534.I52 M53 1982 La acción obrera en Las Truchas 2
HD6534.M6 G66 2013eb Collapse of dignity : the story of a mining tragedy and the fight against greed and corruption in Mexico / 1
HD6534.M6 H4713 2020 A silent fury : the El Bordo mine fire / 1
HD6534.M6 S56 1950 Estatutos y declaración de principios. 1
HD6534.O33 Fires on the Border : the Passionate Politics of Labor Organizing on the Mexican Frontera / 1
HD6534.O33 Q56 1990 La sindicalización en las maquiladoras tijuanenses, 1970-1988 / 1
HD6534.O342 T557 1997 Restructuración sindical en la frontera norte : el caso de la industria maquiladora / 1
HD6534.R1 A44 2013 Railroad radicals in Cold War Mexico : gender, class, and memory / 1
HD6534.R1 .A44 2014 Railroad radicals in Cold War Mexico : gender, class, and memory / 1
HD6535.L857 P743 1991 Industria petrolera y movimientos sociales regionales / 1