Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD69.P75 J53 2020 Projects, Programs, and Portfolios in Strategic Organizational Transformation / 1
HD69.P75 J64 2006 The essentials of project management / 1
HD69.P75 J66 2008 Determining project requirements / 1
HD69.P75 J66 2008eb Determining project requirements / 2
HD69.P75 J66 2012 Determining Project Requirements : Mastering the BABOK® and the CBAP® Exam. 2
HD69.P75 J66 2013 Determining project requirements : mastering the BABOK and the CBAP exam / 2
HD69.P75 J664 2007eb Project management survival : a practical guide to leading, managing & delivering challenging projects / 1
HD69.P75 J67 2019eb Project management methodologies, governance and success : insight from traditional and transformative research / 2
HD69.P75 .J68 v.6, no.2 2005eb Measuring performance and benchmarking project management at the department of energy / 1
HD69.P75J85 2011 Leadership principles for project success /
Leadership principles for project success
HD69.P75 J85 2011eb Leadership principles for project success / 1
HD69.P75 K365 2016eb Project management simplified : a step-by-step process / 3
HD69.P75 K39 2021 The live enterprise : create a continuously evolving and learning organization / 2
HD69.P75 K425 2017 Investment-centric project management : advanced strategies for developing and executing successful capital projects / 1
HD69.P75 K425 2017eb Investment-centric project management : advanced strategies for developing and executing successful capital projects / 1
HD69.P75 K426 2018 Investment-centric innovation project management : winning the new product development game / 1
HD69.P75 K45 2014eb  
HD69.P75 K4577 2012eb Advanced multi-project management : achieving outstanding speed and results with predictability / 1
HD69.P75 K458 2003eb Advanced project portfolio management and the PMO : multiplying ROI at warp speed / 1
HD69.P75 K462 2004 The project management tool kit : 100 tips and techniques for getting the job done right / 3