Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HD6961 .S93 1969 | Transnational industrial relations: the impact of multi-national corporations and economic regionalism on industrial relations; a symposium held at Geneva by the International Institute for Labour Studies. | 1 |
HD6961 .T38 1952 | Are workers human? | 1 |
HD6961 .U58 1950 | Federal fact-finding boards and boards of inquiry. | 1 |
HD6961 .V54 | Viewpoint : an IUD quarterly. | 1 |
HD6961 .V57 | Employee rights and the employment relationship / | 2 |
HD6961 .W37 | Wertheim lectures on industrial relations, 1928 / | 1 |
HD6961 .W44 | The other worker : a comparative study of industrial relations in the United States and Japan / | 1 |
HD6961 .W46 | Man and organization ; three problems in human relations in industry. | 1 |
HD6962 .W67 2021 | Work and labour relations in global platform capitalism / | 1 |
HD6965 .C47 | Management rights and union interests / | 1 |
HD6971 |
COMPARATIVE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Man and organization : the search for explanation and social relevance / Partnership at work : the quest for radical organizational change / Colonialism, Institutional Change, and Shifts in Global Labour Relations Transnational corporations from the standpoint of workers / The organization from within : a comparative study of social institutions based on a sociotherapeutic approach / Worker voice : employee representation in the workplace in Australia, Canada, Germany, the UK and the US 1914-1939 / Employment relations in financial services : an exploration of the employee experience after the financial crash / The Routledge companion to employment relations / Industrial Relations. Comparative industrial relations : an introduction to cross-national perspectives / International and Comparative Industrial Relations : A Study of Developed Market Economies / Agenda for change : an international analysis of industrial relations in transition / Industrial relations: contemporary problems and perspectives / Democratize work : the case for reorganizing the economy / The employee strike at University of Health Sciences, Lahore-Punjab / OreCo North West : the strike that wasn't / An introduction to industrial relations / I-deals : idiosyncratic deals employees bargain for themselves / INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN EMERGING ECONOMIES : the quest for inclusive development / Finding a voice at work? : new perspectives on employment relations / Labor and employment relations in a globalized world : new perspectives on work, social policy and labor market implications / Hegemony and the Politics of Labour : Towards a Discourse Theory of Value in Contemporary Capitalism. L'associazionismo imprenditoriale nel moderno sistema di relazioni industriali / The Oxford handbook of employment relations : comparative employment systems / Employee voice in the Global North : insights from Europe, North America and Australia / Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations : Actors and Institutions. Employment relations as networks methods and theory / Colonialism, Institutional Change, and Shifts in Global Labour Relations. Work different 10 truths for winning in the people age / The state and globalization : comparative studies of labour and capital in national economies / |
37 |
HD6971.A1 C6 no.26 1984 | Health and job retention : the arbitrator's perspective / | 1 |
HD6971 .A34 1991 | Agenda for change : an international analysis of industrial relations in transition / | 1 |
HD6971 .A38 2011eb | Advances in industrial and labor relations / | 1 |
HD6971 .A383 2015eb | Advances in industrial and labor relations / | 1 |
HD6971 .A383 2020 | Advances in industrial and labor relations. | 1 |
HD6971 .A44 1943i | The American story of industrial and labor relations | 1 |
HD6971 .A58 | Industrial relations here and now : trends, issues, and company practices. | 1 |
HD6971 .A657 2008eb | Moral gray zones : side productions, identity, and regulation in an aeronautic plant / | 2 |
HD6971 .A75 | The applicability of organizational sociology. | 1 |