Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HD6971.5 .W35 1991 | A behavioral theory of labor negotiations : an analysis of a social interaction system / | 2 |
HD6971.5 .W45 1996 | Beyond the walls of conflict : mutual gains negotiating for unions and management / | 2 |
HD6971.5 .W93 | What's new in collective bargaining negotiations & contracts. | 1 |
HD6971.8 |
Rapporto di lavoro e gruppi imprenditoriali : La figura del datore di lavoro e le tecniche di tutela. De derde in het sociaal recht. The refusal of work : the theory and practice of resistance to work / Happy RH : Le bonheur au travail, rentable et durable. Protecting the workforce : a defense of workers' rights in global supply chains / Arbeitsrecht Handbuch. |
7 |
HD6971.8 .A24 2016 | Achieving workers' rights in the global economy / | 1 |
HD6971.8 .A24 2016eb | Achieving workers' rights in the global economy / | 1 |
HD6971.8 A734 2017 | Arbeitsrecht Handbuch / | 1 |
HD6971.8 .B643 2005eb |
Labour rights in crisis measuring the achievement of human rights in the world of work / Labour rights in crisis : measuring the achievement of human rights in the world of work / |
2 |
HD6971.8 .C66 2012eb |
Etude d'ensemble sur les conventions fondamentales concernant les droits au travail à la lumière de la Déclaration de l'OIT sur la justice sociale pour une mondialisation équitable, 2008 : troisiéme question á l'ordre du jour : informations et rapports sur l'application des conventions et recommandations : rapport de la Commission d'experts pour l'application des conventions et reccommandations (articles 19, 22 et 35 de la Constitution) / Estudio General sobre los convenios fundamentales relativos a los derechos en el trabajo a la luz de la Declaración de la OIT sobre la justicia social para una globalización equitativa, 2008 : Tercer punto del orden del dia : Información y memorias sobre la aplicación de convenios y recomendaciones : Informe de la Comisión de Expertos en Aplicación de Convenios y Recomendaciones (artículos 19, 22 y 35 de la Constitución) / |
2 |
HD6971.8 .C66 2013eb | Vers le centenaire de l'OIT : Réalités, renouveau et engagement tripartite. | 1 |
HD6971.8 .E38 1993 | Rights at work : employment relations in the post-union era / | 3 |
HD6971.8 .E95 1983 | "Do it my way or you're fired!" : employee rights and the changing role of management prerogatives / | 1 |
HD6971.8 .F78 1998 | Trade conditions and labor rights : U.S. initiatives, Dominican and Central American responses / | 1 |
HD6971.8 .F86 2016 | Fundamental labour rights in China : legal implementation and cultural logic / | 1 |
HD6971.8 .G65 2007eb |
Employee representation in non-union firms Employee representation in non-union firms / |
2 |
HD6971.8 .G74 1996 | The quest for justice on the job : essays and experiments / | 2 |
HD6971.8 .H49 2010 | Raising the global floor : dismantling the myth that we can't afford good working conditions for everyone / | 1 |
HD6971.8 I58 2015eb | Labour protection in a transforming world of work. ilc 104/2015, report vi. | 1 |
HD6971.8 .I6 2012 | Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work : From commitment to action. | 1 |
HD6971.8 .M36 1989 |