Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6973 .C6 1947 The drive against labor : an analysis of recent legislative proposals to restrict union activity. 1
HD6973.5 .M38 1965 Whose featherbed? / 1
HD6974 .G33 1958 Der Mensch im modernen Industriebetrieb. 1
HD6974 .R5 Talk, work, and action. 1
HD6974 .S4 Group cohesiveness in the industrial work group. 1
HD6974 .Z3 Worker satisfaction and development : a case study of work and social behavior in a factory group. 1
HD6975 .D6 Labor relations primer : the story of a union-management agreement. 1
HD6975 .R6 1953 How to make a procedure manual. 1
HD6975 .S6 A survey of bank and department store employee handbooks / 1
HD6976.A76 N33 Proceedings. 1
HD6976.A8 K9 International labor relations management in the automotive industry : a comparative study of Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors. 1
HD6976.A82 U528 1985 Shifting gears : changing labor relations in the U.S. automobile industry / 3
HD6976.A82 U55 The bargain : The story behind the 30-year honeymoon of GM and the UAW / 1
HD6976.A82 U556 1996 Forming the future : lessons from the Saturn Corporation / 2
HD6976.A82 U56 The company and the union : the "civilized relationship" of the General Motors Corporation and the United Automobile Workers. 1
HD6976.B72 U55 Partners in production : a new role for management and labor. 1
HD6976.C62 U64 2005 The Triangle fire, the protocols of peace, and industrial democracy in progressive era New York / 1
HD6976.D372 U53 In the name of efficiency : management theory and shopfloor practice in data-processing work / 2
HD6976.E3 M3 Automation and the worker ; a study of social change in power plants / 1
HD6976.G82 N6 Restrictive labor practices in the supermarket industry / 1