Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6971.8 .N66 2000 Nonunion employee representation : history, contemporary practice, and policy / 1
HD6971.8 .N66 2015 Nonunion employee representation : history, contemporary practice, and policy / 1
HD6971.8 .R48 1990 Retreat from reform : labor rights and freedom of expression in South Korea. 1
HD6971.8 .T73 1996 Trade, employment, and labour standards : a study of core workers' rights and international trade / 1
HD6971.8 .T77 1996 Trade, employment and labour standards : a study of core workers' rights and international trade / 1
HD6971.8 .V535 2017 Employing the Enemy : the Story of Palestinian Labourers on Israeli Settlements / 1
HD6971.8 .W468 2004eb Employment and employee rights 1
HD6971.8 .W47 1985 Persons, rights, and corporations / 2
HD6971.8 .Y68 2021 Your rights at work : a complete guide to employee rights and employer responsibilities. 1
HD6972.5 .B33 1982 Winning in labor arbitration / 1
HD6972.5 .C68 1973 Labor arbitration : what you need to know / 1
HD6972.5 .C68 1988 Labor arbitration : what you need to know / 1
HD6972.5 .F57 1959 The steward's bible : a scientific approach to modern union leadership / 1
HD6972.5 .G74 Grievance guide. 1
HD6972.5 .G74 1992 Grievance guide / 2
HD6972.5 .G74 1995 Grievance guide / 1
HD6972.5 P75 1941 Grievance procedures. 1
HD6972.5 U65 1960 The union is you! : a guide for USA-CIO grievance committeemen. 1
HD6972.5 W56 1949 Winning grievances / 1
HD6973 .C6 1947 The drive against labor : an analysis of recent legislative proposals to restrict union activity. 1