Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD70.U5 F4 Managing America's economic explosion. 1
HD70.U5 F76 1995 Changing forever : the well-kept secret of America's leading companies / 1
HD70.U5 F86 1987 The pursuit of growth : the challenges, opportunities, and dangers of managing and investing in today's economy / 1
HD70.U5 G33 2000 The capitalist philosophers : the geniuses of modern business--their lives, times, and ideas / 2
HD70.U5 G58 1996 Fat and mean : the corporate squeeze of working Americans and the myth of managerial "downsizing" / 1
HD70.U5 G6 The technical elite / 1
HD70.U5 G69 1988 American business, a two-minute warning : ten changes managers must make to survive into the 21st century / 1
HD70.U5 G7 Issues in business and society : readings and cases. 1
HD70.U5 G7 1971 Issues in business and society : readings and cases /
Issues in business and society; readings and cases
HD70.U5 G75 Business policy : selected readings and editorial commentaries / 1
HD70.U5 G78 Management: European and American styles. 1
HD70.U5 H345 1996 The stuff Americans are made of : the seven cultural forces that define Americans--a new framework for quality, productivity, and profitability / 1
HD70.U5 H36 1985 The vital difference : unleashing the powers of sustained corporate success / 2
HD70.U5 H37 1983 Organization, the effect on large corporations / 1
HD70.U5 H4 Executive coordination and control : an analysis of the span of control and selected coordinating and control media employed by chief executives of Ohio manufacturing companies. 1
HD70.U5 H45 Long-range planning practices in 45 industrial companies / 1
HD70.U5 H56 1980 Modern organization : an exposition of the unit system / 1
HD70.U5 H8 Corporate response to declining rates of growth / 2
HD70.U5 I528 1986 Inside management : a selection of readings from Business week / 1
HD70.U5 I528 1988 Inside management : a selection of readings from Business week / 1