HD7269.F76 U6 1950
Health of ferrous foundrymen in Illinois / |
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HD7269.I52 U54 1981
Steelmasters and labor reform, 1886-1923 / |
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HD7269.L92 U564 1985
More deadly than war! : Pacific Coast logging, 1827-1981 / |
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HD7269.M282 G67 2017
Phossy jaw and the French match workers : occupational health and women in the third republic / |
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HD7269.M6 R6
The history of miners' diseases, a medical and social interpretation / |
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HD7269 .M61 2012eb
The fluorspar mines of Newfoundland : their history and the epidemic of radiation lung cancer / |
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HD7269.M61 F58 2012
The fluorspar mines of Newfoundland : their history and the epidemic of radiation lung cancer / |
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HD7269.M61 U55 1940
Conference on Health and Working Conditions in the Tri-State District : Joplin, Missouri, April 23, 1940. |
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HD7269.M61 U6 1940 b
Inspections and investigations in coal mines. : Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Mines and Mining, House of Representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, on S. 2420, a bill relating to certain inspections and investigations in coal mines for the purpose of obtaining information relating to health and safety conditions, accidents, and occupational diseases therein, and for other purposes. May 16,17,21,23,24,28,31, and June 4,6,7,11,13,14, 1940. |
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HD7269.M61 U6 1940c
The working environment and the health of workers in bituminous coal mines, nonferrous metal mines, and nonferrous metal smelters in Utah / |
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HD7269.M61 U614 1965
Disabling work injuries at underground mines in California. |
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HD7269.M61 U62
Haulage fatalities at surface mines / |
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HD7269.M61 U644 1985
Causes of disability in employees of the mining industry : analysis of social security disability benefit awards and allowances to workers, 1969-1973, 1975-1976 / |
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HD7269.M615 I5 1950
Model code of safety regulations for underground work in coal mines for the guidance of governments and of the coal-mining industry. |
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HD7269.M616 U325
HD7269.M616 U37 1973
The health-impaired miner under black lung legislation / |
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HD7269.M616 U43
Federal mine safety code : anthracite mines of the United States, as approved October 14, 1953. |
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HD7269.M62 U692 2012
Regulatory governance and risk management : occupational health and safety in the coal mining industry / |
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HD7269.M63 U6 1947
A medical survey of the bituminous-coal industry : Report of the Coal mines administration. |
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HD7269.M7 U67 1939
A preliminary report on living, working and health conditions in the tri-state mining area : (Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas / |
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