Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD7287.5 .M88 1989 The economics of housing markets / 1
HD7287.5 .N87 1982 Manufactured homes : making sense of a housing opportunity / 1
HD7287.5 .R45 1978 Inhabiting the earth as a finite world : an examination of the prospects of providing housing in a finite world in which prosperity is fairly shared, natural resources are not depleted, and the environment is protected / 1
HD7287.5 .R47 FHA, restoring the American dream of homeownership. 1
HD7287.5 .R6 1980 Why families move / 1
HD7287.5 .R65 1989 Choice and allocation models for the housing market / 1
HD7287.5 .T73 Empirical research on housing preferences : an annotated bibliography / 1
HD7287.5 .T85 Freedom to build : dweller control of the housing process / 1
HD7287.5 .T86 1977 Housing by people : towards autonomy in building environments / 1
HD7287.5 .U42 1995 Report of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) 1
HD7287.5 .V47 Verdict on rent control: essays on the economic consequences of political action to restrict rents in five countries / 1
HD7287.5 .W65 1988 Women, housing and community / 1
HD7287.55 .A253 2016 The financialization of housing : a political economy approach / 1
HD7287.55 .A45 2012 Fixing the housing market : financial innovations for the future / 1
HD7287.55 .B39 2020eb A new model for housing finance : public and private sectors working together to build affordability / 1
HD7287.55 .B45 2009eb The housing cycle in emerging Middle Eastern economies and its macroeconomic policy implications / 1
HD7287.55 .B65 1985 National housing finance systems : a comparative study / 1
HD7287.55 .B75 2006 Bridging the finance gap in housing and infrastructure / 1
HD7287.55 .C37 1995 Housing price dynamics within a metropolitan area / 1
HD7287.55 .F85 2019eb The political economy of housing financialization / 2