Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD7289.U6 A35 Rural rental housing : incentives maintain low-income housing but clearer guidance needed : report to the Chairman, Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1
HD7289.U6 A54 Housing handbook : a guide to improved farm worker housing. 1
HD7289.U6 B37 1977i The barriers to equal opportunity in rural housing markets case studies and analysis of twelve selected markets : final report. 1
HD7289.U6 B4 Farm housing / 1
HD7289.U6 C6 1971 Short term/disposable architecture : an approach to housing for migrant agricultural workers ... / 1
HD7289.U6 H683 1999 Housing in rural America : building affordable and inclusive communities / 2
HD7289.U6 P7 HD7286.P8 1931b vol.7 Farm and village housing / 1
HD7289.U6 R43 Pieces and scraps : farm labor housing in the United States / 1
HD7289.U6 R87 2011 Rural housing, exurbanization, and amenity-driven development : contrasting the "haves" and the "have nots" / 1
HD7289.U6 .R87 2016 Rural housing, exurbanization, and amenity-driven development : contrasting the "haves" and the "have nots" / 1
HD7289.U6 U55 1972i The role of the Farmers Home Administration in the achievement of equal opportunity in housing a report / 1
HD7289.2 The Routledge handbook of second home tourism and mobilities / 1
HD7289.2 .M85 2006eb Multiple dwelling and tourism : negotiating place, home, and identity / 1
HD7289.2 .P37 2011 Affluence, mobility, and second home ownership / 1
HD7289.2 .P37 2011eb Affluence, mobility, and second home ownership 1
HD7289.2 .S43 2024 Second homes and climate change / 1
HD7289.2 .S93 1999 Developing timeshare and vacation-ownership properties / 1
HD7289.2 .T68 2004eb Tourism, mobility, and second homes : between elite landscape and common ground / 1
HD7289.3.E85 Rural second homes in Europe : examining housing supply and planning control /
Second homes : European perspectives and UK policies /
HD7289.42.U62 N44 1996 Homesteading in New York City, 1978-1993 : the divided heart of Loisaida / 1