Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD7289.62.U6 H37 2002eb The unknown world of the mobile home / 3
HD7289.62.U6 R87 2007 This is my home : the challenges and opportunities of manufactured housing / 1
HD7289.62.U6 S36 2017 Singlewide : chasing the American dream in a rural trailer park / 2
HD7289.62.U6 S85 2018 Manufactured insecurity : mobile home parks and Americans' tenuous right to place / 2
HD7290 .H3 Housing the poor in suburbia : public policy at the grass roots / 1
HD7290 .S74 Housing, 1971-1972 : an AMS anthology / 1
HD7290 .W44 Sections 235 and 236 : an economic evaluation of HUD's principal housing subsidy programs / 1
HD7291.A3 I53 La situación de la vivienda en América : análisis estadístico-censal de los resultados obtenidos bajo el programa del Censo del las Américas de 1950 (COTA-1950) 1
HD7292.A3 D69 1991 Housing the North American city / 1
HD7293 The sociology of housing : how homes shape our social lives /
Generation Priced Out : Who Gets to Live in the New Urban America, with a New Preface.
Housing in the United States : the basics /
Generation priced out : who gets to live in the new urban America /
Shut out : how a housing shortage caused the Great Recession and crippled our economy /
The federal government & urban housing /
American Dreams, American Nightmares : Culture and Crisis in Residential Real Estate from the Great Recession to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The affordable city : strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) /
U.S. housing policy, politics, and economics : bias and outcomes /
Housing in America : an introduction /
Substantial rehabilitation & new construction : for project managers working with Architects -- Production step-by-step -- Model policies & procedures -- Forms and documents /
Affordable Housing Development : Financial Feasibility, Tax Increment Financing and Tax Credits /
Seeking Shelter on the Pacific Rim: Financial Globalization, Social Change, and the Housing Market: Financial Globalization, Social Change, and the Housing Market.
HD7293.A1 A53 Current housing reports. 1
HD7293.A1 C863 Current housing reports. 1
HD7293.A1 E95 Evidence matters. 1
HD7293.A1 F36 Fannie Mae national housing survey 1
HD7293.A1 H613 Housing. 2
HD7293.A1 H615 Housing finance review. 1
HD7293.A1 H622 1978 CI 75 Citizen participation 1
HD7293.A1 H67i Housing finance review 1
HD7293.A1 I5 1940 Indiana Mortgage Study Conference on Low Cost Housing Finance held at Indiana University, School of Business, Bloomington, March 5, 1940 / 1
HD7293.A1 N23 Housing directory ... / 1