HD74 .O355 v.6, no.43
Microeconometric analysis of the retirement decision : the Netherlands / |
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HD74 .O355 v.6 no.50
Key employment policy challenges faced by OECD countries : OECD submission to the G8 Growth, Employability and Inclusion Conference London, 21-22 February 1998. |
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HD74 .O355 v.6 no.52
Survey of DAC members' co-operation for capacity development in trade. |
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HD74 .O355 v.6 no.53
Social and health policies in OECD countries : a survey of current programmes and recent developments / |
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HD74 .O355 v.7 no. 21
Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions : and related documents / |
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HD74 .O355 v.7 no.61
Net social expenditure / |
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HD74 .O355 v.7 no.98
Permit allocation methods, greenhouse gases, and competitiveness. |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.23
Pharmaceutical policies in OECD countries : reconciling social and industrial goals / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.32
Economic growth in the OECD area : recent trends at the aggregate and sectoral level / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.36
E-commerce : impacts and policy challenges / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.40
Care allowances for the frail elderly and their impact on women care-givers / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.72
High-growth firms and employment / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.80
Knowledge, technology and economic growth : recent evidence from OECD countries / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.81
Growth effects of education and social capital in the OECD countries / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.82
The changing health system in France / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.85
Average effective tax rates on capital, labour and consumption / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.87
Raising the speed limit : US economic growth in the information age / |
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HD74 .O355 v.8, no.88
An inventory of health and disability-related surveys in OECD countries / |
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HD74 .O635 1996
Openness and development : yearbook of economic and social relations 1996 / |
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HD74 .P56 1984
Pioneers in development / |
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