Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD75 .D499 1999 The developmental state / 1
HD75 .D573 1997 Discourses of development : anthropological perspectives / 1
HD75 .D576 2000 Distributive justice and economic development : the case of Chile and developing countries / 1
HD75 .D63 2015ab No ordinary disruption : the four global forces breaking all the trends / 1
HD75 .D633 2023 Economic growth and inequality : the economist's dilemma / 1
HD75 .D66 1990 Dominating knowledge : development, culture, and resistance / 1
HD75 .D66 2015eb Social research and policy in the development arena : critical encounters / 1
HD75 .D83 1998 Structural economics : measuring change in technology, lifestyles, and the environment / 1
HD75 .D88 1990 Growth, distribution, and uneven development / 1
HD75 .D885 2007 Managing development in a global context / 1
HD75 .D885 2007eb Managing development in a global context 1
HD75 .E168 1996 Growth triumphant : the twenty-first century in historical perspective / 1
HD75 .E169 2010 Happiness, growth, and the life cycle / 1
HD75 .E26 1989 The economic borders of the state
The Economic borders of the state /
HD75 .E26 2019 Economic and political institutions and development / 1
HD75 .E26 2020 Economic growth and macroeconomic stabilization policies in post-Keynesian economics / 1
HD75 .E2614 2006 Economic development and social change : historical roots and modern perspectives / 1
HD75 .E2614 2006eb Economic development and social change : historical roots and modern perspectives / 1
HD75 .E26148 2007 Economic growth : new directions in theory and policy / 1
HD75 .E2615 2004 Economic growth and macroeconomic dynamics : recent developments in economic theory / 1